
Is the child's poop sticking to the toilet, is it damp and what should I do?

author:Pediatrician Bao Xiulan

After becoming parents, we will pay special attention to everything about our children, especially usually pinch our nose while carefully "studying" the baby's poop to judge the child's health.

For example, why some poop is hard and smelly, some poop is loose and sloppy, and some poop is wet and sticky, and it can't be flushed when it sticks to the toilet......

In the last case, the civil society is the most controversial. Some people say that this is a manifestation of the child's weak spleen and stomach, and some people say that it is because the dampness in the child's body is too heavy, so be careful!

What is the reason why the child's poop sticks to the toilet? Is it related to the physical condition? Today, this article will talk about it for you in detail.

Is the child's poop sticking to the toilet, is it damp and what should I do?

1. Why does poop stick to the toilet bowl and what are the reasons?

Poop is similar to mud, and whether it is easy to stick to objects such as toilets is mainly related to texture.

If it is a very dry "sheep egg", you can roll on the toilet wall, naturally it will not touch the toilet; if it is loose stool, even if it is a little stained on the toilet, the water will be gone as soon as it is flushed, so there is a saying that "mud can't support the wall".

If the poop sticks to the toilet, it means that the composition of the stool contains too much liquid, most commonly too much water and oil, for several reasons:

First, it has to do with the content of the food you eat

For example, if you eat too many high-fat foods, such as meat, fried foods, and nuts, these fats and proteins are not fully digested and mixed with the feces and excreted, which will make the poop very sticky.

In addition, it may be that you have eaten foods rich in sticky dietary fiber such as pectin, such as glutinous rice, yams, potatoes, oranges, apples, bananas, etc., pectin has a strong ability to absorb water, so it will increase the water content of poop, causing poop to stick to the toilet.

Is the child's poop sticking to the toilet, is it damp and what should I do?

Second, it is affected by certain diseases

When the intestinal mucosal epithelial cells are dysfunctional or damaged, for example, when the small intestinal mucosa cannot absorb fat, and the large intestine mucosa cannot absorb water, it will cause too much water and oil in the intestine, and the stool will become obvious loose stool. It is common in acute and chronic gastroenteritis and inflammatory bowel disease.

In such cases, it is best to consult a doctor immediately if your child's stools are significantly unformed, more frequent, and accompanied by abdominal discomfort.

Third, the secretion of some digestive juices is insufficient

This kind of situation is not caused by the intestine itself, but the insufficient secretion of pancreatic exocrine fluid and bile in the normal human body, which helps to digest and decompose large clumps of fat, can also lead to fat "huddles", which cannot be dispersed and broken and the absorption is blocked, making the stool greasy, but this situation is relatively rare.

Is the child's poop sticking to the toilet, is it damp and what should I do?

In short, there are many reasons for sticky stool, which are related to diet, intestinal mucosal function and digestive juice secretion function.

2. What is the "deep meaning" of different colors of poop?

In addition, the color of the poop will also vary under different diets and different health conditions.

1. Pale yellow or light brown poop

This is the most perfect and healthy poop that can be left to be eaten by your child.

2. Green poop

If you don't eat a lot of green vegetables, it may be indigestion, intestinal dysfunction and other diseases. If mucus is also present, it may be acute enteritis.

3. Off-white poop

First of all, it is necessary to eliminate eating a large number of white ingredients that are not easy to digest and metabolize, such as potatoes and white gelatinous foods.

Secondly, the grayish-white stool may also be related to diseases, such as obstructive jaundice or biliary stones, etc., bile can not be discharged into the intestines, and grayish-white stools will appear, once this situation is found, it is necessary to seek medical attention in time.

4. Black poop

Let's recall what the baby has eaten, such as animal offal, chicken, duck and pig blood, some iron supplements, traditional Chinese medicine and other drugs may cause black stool. If it is ruled out, it is necessary to beware of upper gastrointestinal bleeding, and the worst case may be esophageal cancer, stomach cancer, etc., and it is necessary to seek medical attention immediately to find out the cause and treat the symptoms.

Is the child's poop sticking to the toilet, is it damp and what should I do?

5. Bright red poop

If there is bright red blood on the surface of the poop, the first thing for girls is to rule out whether it is during menstruation. In addition, red poop may also cause hemorrhoidal bleeding, lower gastrointestinal bleeding, such as rectal polyps, rectal cancer, etc.

In general, it is not necessary to observe your child's poop until they have relevant uncomfortable symptoms, such as bloating, abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, etc., and then pay attention to observe them to facilitate medical consultation.

3. What things need special attention to when it comes to poop?

Although it is a little embarrassing to stick to the toilet bowl, it is still healthy, and it can be solved by putting a piece of paper in the toilet bowl before pulling it. If the baby tries all his strength to feed, but still doesn't pull it out, that's the most painful.

Scientific studies have shown that the correct posture is helpful when it comes to successfully pulling out poo, for example, squatting is smoother than sitting. What if there is only a toilet at home? A small bench under your feet makes it easy to enjoy the thrill of squatting!

Is the child's poop sticking to the toilet, is it damp and what should I do?

In addition to the posture, you can also try these methods for the baby to make the poop smooth:

(1) Drink plenty of water and eat more foods rich in dietary fiber;

(2) Exercise more to promote colonic peristalsis;

(3) Establish good bowel habits and try to defecate at a fixed time (e.g. after waking up in the morning/within 2 hours after eating);

(4) Concentrate during bowel movements, don't wait if you don't feel it within 5 minutes;

In addition, we should pay attention to wiping our butts from front to back, but don't underestimate this action, which can reduce the risk of infection for us.

For example, in women, the anus, vaginal opening, and urethral opening are close together, and the ability to resist germs is gradually weakened.

In other words, in terms of cleanliness, the urethra is the cleanest, and the anus is the most bacterial, and rubbing from front to back can protect the relatively fragile vaginal opening and urethral opening and prevent inflammation and infection. It is best to wipe from front to back in one direction, and this method also works for boys.

Finally, remind your child to wash their hands carefully after using the toilet.

Some children simply don't wash their hands to save trouble, and some children hastily wash down with water, but they don't know that the vast majority of bacteria can't be washed off with water alone, and they must be carefully scrubbed with hand sanitizer or soap to completely remove them.

Is the child's poop sticking to the toilet, is it damp and what should I do?

Well, the above is all the problems about the sticky baby poop, are you relieved after reading it?

Poop is indeed an important indicator of a child's physical condition, but sometimes there is no need to over-interpret it, as long as the child eats well, sleeps soundly, and plays well, there is generally no need to care.

If you have more questions about poop, please leave a message in the comment area, and we will answer them one by one.

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