
Ye Tong looked at Ji Lingchen's eyes as if he was doubting his IQ, not his acting skills!

author:Never work overtime

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In the Chinese variety show "Infinite Transcendence Class", there is a scene that is impressive, that is, Ji Lingchen's funny performance in the casting process.

Everything happened in that seemingly ordinary but unexpected assessment link.

Ye Tong looked at Ji Lingchen's eyes as if he was doubting his IQ, not his acting skills!

At that time, Teacher Ye Tong stood there straight, his eyes scanning every actor sharply.

The scene seems to stand still in the picture, and everyone tries to make their steps appear calm and calm.

In the performance of everyone, there is a scenery that is particularly abrupt.

That was Ji Lingchen, his steps seemed to be frozen in a funny painting, stiff and unnatural.

Ye Tong looked at Ji Lingchen's eyes as if he was doubting his IQ, not his acting skills!

His eyes stared blankly ahead, as if he was experiencing endless melancholy and confusion.

This kind of performance is particularly funny and ridiculous on this serious assessment occasion, and it is simply unbearable.

When Teacher Ye Tong asked Ji Lingchen why she behaved like this, her answer was beyond everyone's expectations.

"Zombie walking can add a sense of mystery to the characters, as if they're hiding some kind of secret," she said. ”

Ye Tong looked at Ji Lingchen's eyes as if he was doubting his IQ, not his acting skills!

This grotesque explanation made everyone present couldn't help but laugh dumbly, and even couldn't help but sigh at Ji Lingchen's creativity.

Gao Haining joked: "No wonder the zombie theme has been so popular recently, it was originally to add mystery to the characters." ”

This scene made the atmosphere more relaxed and witty, and also sparked a discussion about Ji Lingchen's performance style and understanding of the role.

Ye Tong looked at Ji Lingchen's eyes as if he was doubting his IQ, not his acting skills!

Teacher Ye Tong had an expression of disbelief, perhaps this was the first time she had encountered an actor who was so bold and deviant in the basic practice of walking posture.

In her heart, it is inevitable that she has some doubts about Ji Lingchen's performance, maybe this maverick attitude will bring him more challenges, but it may also become his uniqueness.

In the eyes of netizens, there are also all kinds of speculations and ridicules about Ji Lingchen's funny performance.

Ye Tong looked at Ji Lingchen's eyes as if he was doubting his IQ, not his acting skills!

Some people think that he is hyping up his character characteristics and trying to attract more attention by walking differently, while others think that he is expressing his inner "mourning" madness, perhaps this is an interpretation of his character, or it may be an expression of his personal emotions.

Such controversies and discussions have also made Ji Lingchen's reputation in the entertainment industry to a higher level, after all, it is always better to be "concerned" than "ignored".

Ye Tong looked at Ji Lingchen's eyes as if he was doubting his IQ, not his acting skills!

Whether it is hype or the outpouring of real emotions, it has brought more topics and fun to the audience, and also made people full of expectations and curiosity about his future performance.

In the program "Infinite Transcendence Class", Ji Lingchen's funny performance is not only limited to his walking posture, but also has a ridiculous performance in other links.

During an acting mission, he played the role of a prisoner behind bars.

Ye Tong looked at Ji Lingchen's eyes as if he was doubting his IQ, not his acting skills!

This task requires the actors to show feelings of loss and despair, but unlike other actors, Ji Lingchen shows a relaxed attitude towards adversity in a diametrically opposed way.

While the other actors tried their best to interpret the despair and depression in prison, Ji Lingchen began to laugh at a loss, as if he was completely untroubled by the predicament.

His laughter reveals a sense of relief and freedom, in stark contrast to the oppressive atmosphere of his prison.

Ye Tong looked at Ji Lingchen's eyes as if he was doubting his IQ, not his acting skills!

What is even more surprising is that when asked why he laughed in such a heavy scene, his answer turned out to be: "Because I think this prison suit is a little itchy." ”

This unexpected answer is laughable and makes people wonder how the actor is trying to understand and express the complex emotions in the character's heart.

This performance also caused doubts and incomprehension among other actors and mentors.

Ye Tong looked at Ji Lingchen's eyes as if he was doubting his IQ, not his acting skills!

Some people think that he is deliberately creating jokes, while others think that he may be trying to interpret the inner struggles and contradictions of the characters in an unconventional way.

No matter which interpretation it is, Ji Lingchen's performance style is different, and it also brings more surprises and thoughts to the audience.

In addition to his performance in the show, the interaction between Ji Lingchen and other actors is also full of fun and highlights.

Ye Tong looked at Ji Lingchen's eyes as if he was doubting his IQ, not his acting skills!

During a teamwork mission, he engaged in a "war of words" with his teammates.

In the face of the doubts and challenges of his teammates, Ji Lingchen was always able to resolve the embarrassment and tension in a relaxed and humorous way.

Such a reaction not only surprised his teammates, but also made the audience love this unique actor even more.

Ye Tong looked at Ji Lingchen's eyes as if he was doubting his IQ, not his acting skills!

Ji Lingchen's performance style may have his own unique ideas and pursuits.

He may not be pursuing the traditional sense of perfection, but rather trying to present the diversity and complexity of the characters in a more free and flexible way.

This kind of performance style that dares to break through the routine may also be what "Infinite Transcendence Class" advocates and admires.

Ye Tong looked at Ji Lingchen's eyes as if he was doubting his IQ, not his acting skills!

It is precisely because of the obvious difference between his performance style and traditional concepts that it has also sparked controversy and discussion among the audience.

Some praised him for his boldness and innovation, believing that he was trying to break through the constraints of show business, while others criticized his performance for being too casual and irresponsible.

In the midst of such controversies and discussions, we may see the diversity and inclusiveness of artistic creation and performance.

Ye Tong looked at Ji Lingchen's eyes as if he was doubting his IQ, not his acting skills!

Each actor has their own unique performance style and philosophy, and it is this diversity that can bring a richer and deeper viewing experience to the audience.

It is precisely because of such different styles of performers that the world of art can be more colorful.

Ye Tong looked at Ji Lingchen's eyes as if he was doubting his IQ, not his acting skills!

Ji Lingchen's comical performance in "Infinite Transcendence Class" may not only be to amuse the audience, but also to present an unusual performance concept and style to the audience.

Perhaps behind his performance, there is a deeper connotation and thinking.

Let's wait and see what more exciting and shocking performances this young actor will bring us in the future.

Ye Tong looked at Ji Lingchen's eyes as if he was doubting his IQ, not his acting skills!
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