
Bloggers with millions of fans complained about Xiaomi mobile phones: the surging system folder is stuck, and the official phone case is difficult to use

author:Value to Talk

Recently, a million-fan blogger on station B posted a video titled [Tucao] Xiaomi mobile phone, which attracted a lot of attention.

According to the blogger's description, after his phone was updated to the latest system, the phone was stuck, and the specific situation was that after clicking on the folder, it would take a moment for the icon to appear.

Bloggers with millions of fans complained about Xiaomi mobile phones: the surging system folder is stuck, and the official phone case is difficult to use
Bloggers with millions of fans complained about Xiaomi mobile phones: the surging system folder is stuck, and the official phone case is difficult to use

At the same time, this blogger also pointed out that the Xiaomi mobile phone he used sometimes stuck, and the frequency was once a day or two. At the same time, he pointed out that this problem can be solved, and it can be solved by simply locking the screen and unlocking it.

Regarding the situation of folder stuck, this blogger said that he did not understand, and questioned whether Xiaomi would not test it when it launched a new system?

Bloggers with millions of fans complained about Xiaomi mobile phones: the surging system folder is stuck, and the official phone case is difficult to use

In response to this stuck problem, Xiaomi customer service also sent a private message to this blogger, Xiaomi said that the blogger can re-overwrite the installation by downloading the latest full package, but it is recommended to back up important data.

Bloggers with millions of fans complained about Xiaomi mobile phones: the surging system folder is stuck, and the official phone case is difficult to use

Regarding the folder stuttering problem, this blogger pointed out that this problem has existed for a long time, but the official has not solved it.

In addition to complaining about the surging system, this blogger also complained about Xiaomi's official phone case.

For the case of Xiaomi's folding phone, the blogger said that one side is high and the other is low, which makes it difficult for the left side of the phone to slide sideways.

Bloggers with millions of fans complained about Xiaomi mobile phones: the surging system folder is stuck, and the official phone case is difficult to use

For the Xiaomi 13U mobile phone case, the blogger said that the mobile phone case he used had the phenomenon of plain skin falling off and broken corners, of course, he also pointed out that the mobile phone case is also very easy to use.

Bloggers with millions of fans complained about Xiaomi mobile phones: the surging system folder is stuck, and the official phone case is difficult to use
Bloggers with millions of fans complained about Xiaomi mobile phones: the surging system folder is stuck, and the official phone case is difficult to use

It can be seen that in the comment area of this blogger's video, many Xiaomi mobile phone users have also expressed their opinions.

Some users said, "Xiaomi mobile phones, the hardware stacking has not been lost, and the software experience has not been won." From the 11Ultra top configuration first big injustice message, I have bought the only Xiaomi mobile phone, and I vow never to buy a Xiaomi mobile phone again.

Bloggers with millions of fans complained about Xiaomi mobile phones: the surging system folder is stuck, and the official phone case is difficult to use

Some users say that the Xiaomi Mi 14's 8+256GB version of the camera is poorly optimized, and sometimes it gets stuck when you use it.

Bloggers with millions of fans complained about Xiaomi mobile phones: the surging system folder is stuck, and the official phone case is difficult to use

In response to this question from the blogger, the latest news is that Xiaomi's engineers have contacted the blogger.

Xiaomi said that it has located the problem, which is a bug caused by turning off system animations, and the temporary solution is to temporarily not use the "Remove animation" function. Later engineers will optimize the solution, and it is expected to be upgraded through the desktop app this month.

Bloggers with millions of fans complained about Xiaomi mobile phones: the surging system folder is stuck, and the official phone case is difficult to use

At present, Xiaomi's surging system has been running on many mobile phones, but there are still some old models waiting to be adapted, which is a very large workload.

Xiaomi officials must ensure the user's experience, and pay attention to the problems of ordinary users, especially the latest flagship mobile phones, so that regular maintenance and updates can be carried out to ensure a good user experience.

At present, Xiaomi focuses on the ecology of people, cars, and homes, and it is reported that this ecology is currently divided into two teams, namely car machines and mobile phones.

The car machine is mainly led by Hong Feng, the co-founder of Xiaomi, and the mobile phone is led by Jin Fan, which creates a problem of resource allocation, how to adjust the priority to the best state, which is a problem that Lei Jun needs to focus on.

According to the first quarter of China's mobile phone activation data, Xiaomi only ranked sixth, this position is still more dangerous, and now the systems of brands such as OV are getting better and better, which is not good news for Xiaomi, especially now in addition to Huawei, all of them have begun to play price stations.

Are you a Xiaomi mobile phone user?Do you usually encounter system problems when using Xiaomi mobile phones?Welcome to leave a message in the comment area and share your feelings.

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