
The owner organized a group to make trouble with the property, and when he saw the manager's obedient face, he was rebelled on the spot: I'm sorry I'm too fierce

author:Pirate King

Text/Pirate Jun (no plagiarism, the misappropriation of the pictures must be investigated)

Title: The owner organized a group to make trouble with the property, and when he saw the manager's obedient face, he was rebelled on the spot: I'm sorry I was too fierce

Appearance is justice.

If it is not righteous enough, it is not good enough, as long as the appearance is high enough, the wrong can also be right.

Let's ask, which man is not a "Yan dog", and which man does not pity the fragrance and cherishes the jade.

Just ask, when you see a beautiful woman looking pitiful, won't your heart be soft no matter how hard you are, and you can't help but give the other party a chance?

What is a double standard, this is a double standard, but who can say that there is anything wrong with this?

The owner organized a group to make trouble with the property, and when he saw the manager's obedient face, he was rebelled on the spot: I'm sorry I'm too fierce

In Chengdu, Sichuan, a number of owners teamed up to make trouble with the property, but when they saw that the little sister of the property manager was well-behaved, they were all turned against each other.

The relationship between the owner and the property is that of the service and the served, but in daily life, the two seem to be in natural opposites, and the contradictions between the owner and the property are endless.

Among these contradictions, there are property problems and property owners' problems.

The owner organized a group to make trouble with the property, and when he saw the manager's obedient face, he was rebelled on the spot: I'm sorry I'm too fierce

When there is no problem, the owner thinks that the property is in charge of everything, and after the problem, the owner will think that the property does not care, the service is not good enough, and he will not do anything except collect money.

The property owner believes that the owner does not cooperate with his management and is not active in paying the property fee, which is a thorn in the side of disobedience.

However, hostility is not the solution, problems always have to be solved, and how to choose the right way to deal with them is very important.

The owner organized a group to make trouble with the property, and when he saw the manager's obedient face, he was rebelled on the spot: I'm sorry I'm too fierce

The owners of Tianfu XX Future City staged a transformation of "effective communication", softening the intensified contradictions, and everyone calmly discussed the problem itself, instead of being dominated by the emotions of the superiors, turning simple contradictions into violent conflicts.

This doesn't help at all to solve the problem.

And the reason for this "transformation" is very dramatic, simply because a group of angry owners saw the pitiful face of the property manager (a bit like Mu Tingting).

"What should I do, this sister looks so well-behaved, I can't get angry in my heart, and I can't bear to send it to her, I'm still human to be angry with such a well-behaved sister."

Although this is not the original words of the owners, the inner activity is almost like this, so the fire is extinguished.

The owner organized a group to make trouble with the property, and when he saw the manager's obedient face, he was rebelled on the spot: I'm sorry I'm too fierce

Oh, man!

It's completely correct to say no, after all, when you see a well-behaved sister, not only men will pity the jade, but women will also love it.

As a result, the style of painting has changed abruptly, and those who can speak well will never be noisy, and everyone will calmly talk about their demands and seek solutions.

The property group has become a large-scale apology scene, and they are all apologizing to the property for the previous "ferocity".

The property that went to the scene to make trouble feasted its eyes on the spot, and those who did not go to the scene regretted it, and said that next time, they must go to see the face of the good sister, no, they want to express the reasonable demands of the owner to this property manager.

There are even owners who say: Are you married?

There are even female landlords who said: Who will help my husband to take a look.

After all, hearing is false, seeing is believing, and only what you see with your own eyes is true.

The owner organized a group to make trouble with the property, and when he saw the manager's obedient face, he was rebelled on the spot: I'm sorry I'm too fierce

Of course, these are all jokes, and "solving problems" is the main theme.

If it is really a principled irreconcilable contradiction, no matter how good-looking it is, it is useless, which shows that the original problem is not big.

But the question is, no matter how small the problem is, will others give you this opportunity to explain yourself and communicate reasonably?

This property manager uses his looks to win himself an opportunity to "communicate effectively", which is a woman's advantage, and an advantage that others cannot envy.

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