
once fell in love with Deng Chao, broke up with Wang Han, and Che Xiao, who was a matchmaker and a rich man in a flash marriage, what is the charm

author:Erudite Listening Library
once fell in love with Deng Chao, broke up with Wang Han, and Che Xiao, who was a matchmaker and a rich man in a flash marriage, what is the charm
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once fell in love with Deng Chao, broke up with Wang Han, and Che Xiao, who was a matchmaker and a rich man in a flash marriage, what is the charm

In 2010, a sensational wedding was held in Shanxi, which shocked the entire entertainment industry. The bride, Che Xiao, a talented and good-looking actor, tied the knot with coal magnate Li Zhaohui.

The extravagance of the wedding was staggering: at a cost of up to 50 million yuan, 500 luxury cars parked like a long queue on the streets, like a realistic version of a fairy tale feast.

However, the aura of fairy tales only lasted for more than a year before quietly fading. This seemingly perfect marriage came to an abrupt end, leaving behind a series of puzzling questions.

Where is Che Xiao sacred? How did she get married to Li Zhaohui after passing by Deng Chao and breaking up with Wang Han? What's even more curious is, what role did kung fu superstar Jackie Chan play in this marriage? Let's unravel the mystery of this mysterious woman's charm and discover her legendary emotional journey.

once fell in love with Deng Chao, broke up with Wang Han, and Che Xiao, who was a matchmaker and a rich man in a flash marriage, what is the charm

Che Xiao's story begins with a family full of drama. Her mother, Wang Liyun, is a national first-class actor who is known for portraying an impressive image of a wicked mother-in-law; 's father, Che Xiaotong, is a veteran actor, and his performance as the Golden Horn King in the classic version of "Journey to the West" is still fresh in the audience's memory.

However, this seemingly glamorous family lost its integrity due to the divorce of its parents.

Che Xiao, who has lived with his mother since he was a child, has experienced a special period of growth. Wang Liyun has a resolute personality and is strict with her daughter. Despite the care, due to her busy work, it is difficult to be by her side at all times, resulting in a slightly alienated relationship between mother and daughter.

In contrast, Che Xiao's relationship with his father is more intimate. In such a contradictory family atmosphere, Che Xiao gradually developed a strong interest in acting.

once fell in love with Deng Chao, broke up with Wang Han, and Che Xiao, who was a matchmaker and a rich man in a flash marriage, what is the charm

When Che Xiao was 18 years old, she made a decision that changed the trajectory of her life - to apply for the Beijing Film Academy. This decision was opposed by his mother. Wang Liyun knows the cruelty of the entertainment industry and is worried that her daughter, who has a similar personality to her father, will suffer in this highly competitive industry.

She prefers that Che Xiao can choose a relatively stable career such as finance or law.

In the face of her mother's opposition, Che Xiao bravely expressed her thoughts for the first time. She persisted in pursuing her dreams and showed a determined attitude that was different from what she had in the past.

This determination eventually impressed Wang Liyun and forced her to compromise.

once fell in love with Deng Chao, broke up with Wang Han, and Che Xiao, who was a matchmaker and a rich man in a flash marriage, what is the charm

In 2000, Che Xiao was admitted to the Performance Department of Beijing Film Academy as he wished. After graduation, with excellent results, she participated in her first TV series "Sailor Club" in 2004 and officially stepped into the showbiz.

Since then, this girl with dreams has begun her wonderful acting career.

Che Xiao's upbringing shows her tenacious character and persistent pursuit of her dreams. Coming out of the aura of an acting family, she did not rely on her family background, but relied on her own efforts to break out of the world in the entertainment industry.

This experience not only shaped her unique personal charm, but also laid the groundwork for her future career and relationship choices.

once fell in love with Deng Chao, broke up with Wang Han, and Che Xiao, who was a matchmaker and a rich man in a flash marriage, what is the charm

After entering the entertainment industry, although Che Xiao's career development cannot be said to be smooth sailing, she has gradually gained a firm foothold in this highly competitive industry with her talent and unremitting efforts.

In 2009, she ushered in an important turning point in her career. In the Chinese New Year blockbuster "If You Are Honest, Do Not Disturb" directed by Feng Xiaogang, Che Xiao conquered the audience and the judges with only four minutes of footage, and won the double honor of "Hundred Flowers Award" and "Golden Rooster Award" Best Supporting Actress in one fell swoop.

This is undoubtedly a great affirmation of her acting skills, and it also makes her status in the entertainment industry to a higher level.

However, just when his career was booming, Che Xiao's love life was like a roller coaster. In 2005, a chance set the stage for her love life.

once fell in love with Deng Chao, broke up with Wang Han, and Che Xiao, who was a matchmaker and a rich man in a flash marriage, what is the charm

In the filming of the hit drama "Happiness Like Flowers", Che Xiao's mother Wang Liyun cooperated with the new film and television star Deng Chao to play the role of his mother. Wang Liyun was impressed by Deng Chao's acting skills and professionalism, and she loved talents and came up with the idea of connecting her daughter.

In 2008, fate seemed to favor this handsome man and woman. Che Xiao and Deng Chao collaborated again in the TV series "Diamond King Lao Wu", and the tacit understanding between the two amazed the audience, and they praised them as a match made in heaven.

For a while, speculation about the relationship between the two was rampant, and it seemed that everyone was looking forward to the birth of this good story. However, reality is often more dramatic than drama.

This possible emotion failed to blossom for various reasons, and became an embarrassing "one step short" story.

once fell in love with Deng Chao, broke up with Wang Han, and Che Xiao, who was a matchmaker and a rich man in a flash marriage, what is the charm

Not long after rubbing shoulders with Deng Chao, Che Xiao's love life ushered in a new chapter. She met Wang Han, the host of Hunan Satellite TV, who was popular at the time. The two soon fell in love, and this relationship once became the focus of the entertainment industry, receiving the blessings and attention of many fans.

However, just when everyone thought they were about to achieve a positive result, the two suddenly announced their breakup, which once again surprised and regretted the public.

These ups and downs of emotional experience have made Che Xiao successful in his career, but also experienced twists and turns in his relationship. Her charm is not only reflected in the radiance on the screen, but also in the strength and indifference she shows in the face of emotional ups and downs.

Every emotional frustration seems to make her more mature and rational.

once fell in love with Deng Chao, broke up with Wang Han, and Che Xiao, who was a matchmaker and a rich man in a flash marriage, what is the charm

Che Xiao's experience seems to be a realistic version of an idol drama. Her career achievements are in stark contrast to the twists and turns of her love life, showing a real and three-dimensional image of a public figure.

These experiences may also have laid the groundwork for her later flash marriage, which makes people wonder, what kind of fate can make this actress, who has experienced emotional grinding, finally decide to enter the palace of marriage in a flash? Che Xiao's story undoubtedly gives us more space to think about the balance between love and career.

In Che Xiao's ups and downs of her relationship, the most eye-catching thing is her flash marriage with Shanxi coal magnate Li Zhaohui. The beginning of this marriage can be called a realistic version of an idol drama, which also has the mysterious participation of international movie star Jackie Chan, which adds a bit of legend to this marriage.

The story starts with Li Zhaohui falling in love with Che Xiao at first sight. As early as when Che Xiao starred in "If You Are Honest, Do Not Disturb", Li Zhaohui was deeply attracted by her wonderful performance in just four minutes.

once fell in love with Deng Chao, broke up with Wang Han, and Che Xiao, who was a matchmaker and a rich man in a flash marriage, what is the charm

In order to see the true face of his favorite goddess, the rich man asked around and finally confirmed Che Xiao's identity. However, fate always seems to like to play tricks on people, and Li Zhaohui has tried many times to get close to Che Xiao, but has never been able to do so.

Interestingly, Lee's approach to pursuit is quite dramatic. It is rumored that he once spent a lot of money in the restaurant where Che Xiao dined, paying a sky-high price of 8.88 million yuan, just to win a smile from the beauty.

However, this bold move not only failed to win the heart of Che Xiao, but unexpectedly won a Ferrari sports car worth 4 million yuan. In the face of this unexpected joy, Li Zhaohui didn't seem to care, and admitted that he didn't care about this sports car, and his only wish was to see the goddess in his heart, Che Xiao.

Li Zhaohui, who has repeatedly hit a wall, did not give up, but found another way and decided to find someone to match. Among the many possible candidates, he thought of the famous Jackie Chan.

once fell in love with Deng Chao, broke up with Wang Han, and Che Xiao, who was a matchmaker and a rich man in a flash marriage, what is the charm

Li Zhao will invite Jackie Chan to dinner at a high price of 2 million yuan, taking the opportunity to pour out his love for Che Xiao. Jackie Chan was moved by Li Zhaohui's sincerity and decided to help him.

Subsequently, Jackie Chan carefully arranged a grand dinner and specially invited Che Xiao to participate. In this rare opportunity, Li Zhaohui showed an extraordinary gentlemanly demeanor and successfully obtained Che Xiao's contact information.

Since then, he has launched a passionate pursuit of Che Xiao. Jackie Chan continues to play the role of matchmaker, frequently inviting Che Xiao to participate in various activities, such as playing golf, etc., to create opportunities for the potential lovers to get along.

Under the active promotion of Jackie Chan, the relationship between Li Zhaohui and Che Xiao quickly warmed up. Li Zhaohui has set an ambitious goal for himself - to marry Che Xiao within three months.

once fell in love with Deng Chao, broke up with Wang Han, and Che Xiao, who was a matchmaker and a rich man in a flash marriage, what is the charm

To this end, he carefully planned a series of "romantic bombs" to surprise Che Xiao, giving away luxury cars, brand-name handbags and high-end cosmetics. This kind of lavish pursuit is reminiscent of the ancient wealthy merchants' "sending goose feathers for thousands of miles".

Under this magnificent pursuit offensive, Che Xiao was finally moved by Li Zhaohui's sincerity and accepted his marriage proposal. This dramatic marriage not only reflects Li Zhaohui's persistence and romance, but also shows Che Xiao's decisiveness and courage in his relationship.

However, no one could have imagined how this seemingly perfect fairy tale would end in the end. Will this marriage, which was brokered by Jackie Chan and concluded at lightning speed, stand the test of reality? After experiencing the previous emotional twists and turns, did Che Xiao really find his true love? Only time seems to know how to answer these questions.

This dramatic marriage has not only become a good story in the entertainment industry, but also allows people to see the complexity behind the marriage of a wealthy family. It both shows the role of money and status in marriage, and provokes people to think about the nature of true love.

once fell in love with Deng Chao, broke up with Wang Han, and Che Xiao, who was a matchmaker and a rich man in a flash marriage, what is the charm

In 2010, the wedding of Che Xiao and Li Zhaohui was held as scheduled, and its scale and pomp were luxurious, which undoubtedly became the focus of the entertainment industry that year. According to reports, this grand ceremony of the wedding of the century cost as much as 50 million yuan, and a convoy of more than 500 luxury cars blocked the entire street.

This wedding is not only a testimony of the love of two people, but also a perfect combination of a wealthy family and starlight, which has aroused widespread attention and discussion among the public.

However, reality is always full of drama. Just when people were still immersed in the afterglow of this fairytale wedding, an unexpected news came like a bolt from the blue: Che Xiao and Li Zhaohui's marriage ended after just over a year.

This sudden news was like a bombshell, causing an uproar inside and outside the entertainment industry.

once fell in love with Deng Chao, broke up with Wang Han, and Che Xiao, who was a matchmaker and a rich man in a flash marriage, what is the charm

What ensued was an overwhelming barrage of speculation and rumors. One of the most striking is the so-called "300 million breakup fee" rumors. For a while, doubts arose, and some people began to doubt Che Xiao's motive for marrying Li Zhaohui, thinking that this was just a carefully planned exchange of interests.

These malicious speculations undoubtedly brought great pressure and trouble to Che Xiao.

In the face of divergent public opinion, Che Xiao and her mother Wang Liyun chose to face it bravely and participated in a TV talk show to respond. In the show, Wang Liyun firmly defended her daughter, and her words were full of mother's love for calves: "Impossible! My daughter would never do such an ugly thing.

It is heart-wrenching that they have slandered my wonderful daughter in such a way. And Che Xiao's response to "I can't ask for other people's hard-earned money" touched many people.

once fell in love with Deng Chao, broke up with Wang Han, and Che Xiao, who was a matchmaker and a rich man in a flash marriage, what is the charm

This frank statement seems to have temporarily calmed down the storm of public opinion, and also let the public see Che Xiao's principles and character in life.

However, the real reason for the breakdown of this marriage remains a mystery. In a later interview, Che Xiao showed rare maturity and responsibility. She admits that she was too young and naïve at the time, and took the main responsibility for the failure of her marriage on herself.

This attitude of courage to take responsibility has won the appreciation of many people, and it has also allowed people to see her growth after experiencing setbacks.

However, it didn't end there. In September 2021, a news that shocked all walks of life once again pushed Li Zhaohui to the forefront. The Shanghai No. 1 Intermediate People's Court issued a reward announcement offering a reward of 21 million yuan to find Li Zhaohui's whereabouts.

once fell in love with Deng Chao, broke up with Wang Han, and Che Xiao, who was a matchmaker and a rich man in a flash marriage, what is the charm

, the former richest man in Shanxi, became a dishonest person subject to execution overnight. This incident undoubtedly raises new questions about the real reason for Che Xiao and Li Zhaohui's divorce.

The end of this marriage is not only an important turning point in Che Xiao's personal life, but also the focus of heated public discussion. It allows people to see the complexity behind wealthy marriages, and also triggers people's deep thinking about the nature of marriage.

However, as Che Xiao said, only the parties know best about emotional matters. No matter how the outside world speculates, the truth may always exist only in the hearts of the people involved.

Che Xiao's calmness and courage in this turmoil undoubtedly added to her charm as a public figure. Her experience teaches us that even in the most difficult of times, it is essential to remain sincere and dignified.

once fell in love with Deng Chao, broke up with Wang Han, and Che Xiao, who was a matchmaker and a rich man in a flash marriage, what is the charm

After experiencing the twists and turns of marriage, Che Xiao was not knocked down by the setbacks of life. Instead, she chose to face it positively and start her career again, showing the tenacity and courage of a mature woman.

In recent years, in line with the trend of the Internet era, Che Xiao has tried to enter the field of live streaming. However, the first attempt was not all smooth sailing. In a live broadcast, Che Xiao was criticized by some viewers because he was not proficient enough in product introduction, and was questioned about "fake eating".

Although the experience was a bit frustrating, it did not dampen her enthusiasm to continue trying.

Although the start in the field of live streaming was a little bumpy, Che Xiao still maintained his love for life and a positive attitude. She is active on social platforms and often shares her daily life, showing a true and three-dimensional self.

once fell in love with Deng Chao, broke up with Wang Han, and Che Xiao, who was a matchmaker and a rich man in a flash marriage, what is the charm

This kind of honesty and truthfulness has won the love and support of many fans.

Today's Che Xiao, although she no longer appears on the screen as frequently as in the past, she still maintains her enthusiasm for life and the pursuit of her career. Her experience has taught us to maintain faith and love for life, no matter what difficulties we encounter.

Che Xiao's story is, to some extent, a microcosm of many life experiences. Her charm lies not only in her beauty and talent, but also in the tenacity and courage she shows in the face of life's ups and downs.

We sincerely wish her that in the years to come, she can find her true happiness and continue to shine her own light.

once fell in love with Deng Chao, broke up with Wang Han, and Che Xiao, who was a matchmaker and a rich man in a flash marriage, what is the charm

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