
It is appetizing than braised pork ribs, simpler than sweet and sour pork ribs, fragrant to drooling when it comes out of the pot, and it is not enough to eat if you do less

author:Longbao gourmet kitchenette

With the arrival of early summer, the rhythm of going out to sauna has begun. The weather is hot and sweaty, and the daily diet should be supplemented with nutrients, and you can't eat too lightly. In summer, it is recommended to choose pork ribs for meat, which are delicious to use for soup or steaming. Compared with beef for forty or fifty yuan a pound, pork ribs for more than 20 yuan a pound are more cost-effective.

Pork ribs are not only delicious, but also rich in protein, fat, amino acids, vitamins, calcium, phosphorus and other nutrients.

It is appetizing than braised pork ribs, simpler than sweet and sour pork ribs, fragrant to drooling when it comes out of the pot, and it is not enough to eat if you do less

Although fat is often considered unhealthy, it is not all bad. Moderate fat intake helps maintain good skin condition and promotes the absorption of fat-soluble vitamins, while the unsaturated fatty acids in pork ribs can also help lower cholesterol and prevent cardiovascular disease.

Pork ribs are always used to make soup, and I will share a "fairy method" with you, which is appetizing than braised pork ribs and simpler than sweet and sour pork ribs. After the ribs are processed, add some "secret" good things to the pot, and after 20 minutes, the child can eat several pieces in one go, saying that they are better than what they used to do.

It is appetizing than braised pork ribs, simpler than sweet and sour pork ribs, fragrant to drooling when it comes out of the pot, and it is not enough to eat if you do less

A few days ago, I took a bottle of home-brewed plum sauce from a friend's house, and a bag of wine-soaked plums. Plum simmer stirred with ice water makes for a low-alcohol drink, while wine-soaked plums are used as snacks or as an adjunct to cooking. A friend told me that it is absolutely delicious to use it with boiled pork ribs. I tried to do it once, and it was really fragrant to drool, and I didn't have enough to eat!

The following is to share with you the recipe of green plum short ribs, the ingredients that need to be prepared are: 2 pork ribs, 6 wine-soaked green plums, 2 tablespoons of cooking wine, 2 tablespoons of braised soy sauce, appropriate amount of cooking oil, appropriate amount of white sesame seeds.

It is appetizing than braised pork ribs, simpler than sweet and sour pork ribs, fragrant to drooling when it comes out of the pot, and it is not enough to eat if you do less

Clean the ribs and chop them into small pieces of about 3 cm, and choose lean ribs for a better taste.

It is appetizing than braised pork ribs, simpler than sweet and sour pork ribs, fragrant to drooling when it comes out of the pot, and it is not enough to eat if you do less

Put the pork ribs into a pot with cold water, heat over medium heat, blanch and boil for 5 minutes, remove and clean, and drain.

It is appetizing than braised pork ribs, simpler than sweet and sour pork ribs, fragrant to drooling when it comes out of the pot, and it is not enough to eat if you do less

The wine-soaked plums are crossed on both sides, so that they can be cooked with the pork ribs to bring out the flavor. If you don't have sake-stained plums, you can switch to sour plum sauce.

It is appetizing than braised pork ribs, simpler than sweet and sour pork ribs, fragrant to drooling when it comes out of the pot, and it is not enough to eat if you do less

Heat the oil in a pan, fry the pork ribs until lightly browned, add a spoonful of teriyaki soy sauce, stir-fry to color.

It is appetizing than braised pork ribs, simpler than sweet and sour pork ribs, fragrant to drooling when it comes out of the pot, and it is not enough to eat if you do less

Put the pork ribs in an electric pressure cooker, add the sake-soaked plum teriyaki soy sauce, and add half a bowl of water. Choose the simmering program of the electric pressure cooker for about 20 minutes. Different brands of electric pressure cookers have different cooking times, so you can flexibly adjust the time according to your own commonly used pots.

It is appetizing than braised pork ribs, simpler than sweet and sour pork ribs, fragrant to drooling when it comes out of the pot, and it is not enough to eat if you do less

After 20 minutes, the ribs are cooked until they are a little boneless, slightly reduce the juice, do not dry them completely, and a delicious and appetizing green plum short rib is ready. Put the green plum short ribs on a plate, sprinkle with white sesame seeds, and serve them to the table!

It is appetizing than braised pork ribs, simpler than sweet and sour pork ribs, fragrant to drooling when it comes out of the pot, and it is not enough to eat if you do less

Pork ribs are always not to make soup, learn a fairy method, more appetizing than braised pork ribs, simpler than sweet and sour pork ribs, fragrant out of the pot to drool, do less than enough to eat. If you like what I shared today, please bookmark, light up "watching", and at the same time "forward" to share with other friends, "follow" Longbao food kitchen, you can see more food practices. Longbao gourmet small kitchen has original pictures and texts, and theft must be investigated!

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