
Heartbreak! Meida Expressway has increased to 36 deaths, suspected to include a lost family of five The family members of the victims collapsed!

author:Chase the people
Heartbreak! Meida Expressway has increased to 36 deaths, suspected to include a lost family of five The family members of the victims collapsed!

The number of victims has increased to 36 due to the collapse of the Meida Expressway in Guangdong

In the deepest darkness before dawn, a sudden disaster quietly befell the land of Guangdong, and a scene on the Meida Expressway made the whole country tremble. This is not only a report of an accident, but also a wake-up call to a profound dialogue between public safety and the forces of nature. On May 1, a day that should have ushered in a new beginning, a high-speed collapse accident brought an abrupt end to the hopes of 36 families, and at the same time, although 30 injured people survived the brink of life and death, the physical and mental trauma will undoubtedly take a long time to heal.

Heartbreak! Meida Expressway has increased to 36 deaths, suspected to include a lost family of five The family members of the victims collapsed!

It is suspected that it includes a family of five who lost contact, and the family spoke out again

This misfortune occurred at 2:10 a.m., and the location was accurate to the Meida Expressway (Meilong Expressway) K11+900m, a section only two kilometers away from the exit of Chayang. Twenty-three innocent vehicles are engulfed in an instant, revealing the delicate and fragile balance between nature and human construction.

Heartbreak! Meida Expressway has increased to 36 deaths, suspected to include a lost family of five The family members of the victims collapsed!

The accident caused the family to collapse

The governments of Guangdong Province and Meizhou responded quickly, using all available resources, from emergency medical assistance to accident handling, to care and psychological assistance for victims' families, every step of the way is a combination of speed and warmth. This series of actions is not only a respect for life, but also a test of the ability of public security management.

Heartbreak! Meida Expressway has increased to 36 deaths, suspected to include a lost family of five The family members of the victims collapsed!

The Mei-Da Expressway, as the lifeline connecting Meizhou to Tai Po, has been the artery of regional development since it was put into operation in 2014. However, this incident is like a sharp question mark, which cuts through our existing understanding of infrastructure security. The ravages of continuous rainstorms have turned slope instability into a fatal blow, forcing society to reflect on whether our protective nets are resilient enough in the face of increasingly frequent extreme weather challenges.

Heartbreak! Meida Expressway has increased to 36 deaths, suspected to include a lost family of five The family members of the victims collapsed!

Write at the end

Let this tragedy be an opportunity to promote social progress, and let us work together to build a safer and smarter transportation network, so that everyone on the road can move forward in the direction of home with peace of mind. On the road ahead, may we all carry lessons with us, move forward bravely, and resist the unpredictable wind and rain with a stronger line of defense.

Heartbreak! Meida Expressway has increased to 36 deaths, suspected to include a lost family of five The family members of the victims collapsed!