
Danfengyan 034: Why did Zhu Yeqing stir half an ear, and why did the corpses of 16 people in Qinglong Village hang on the tree?

author:Writer Wang Tianxiang
Danfengyan 034: Why did Zhu Yeqing stir half an ear, and why did the corpses of 16 people in Qinglong Village hang on the tree?

★ The mountain road leading to Qinglong Mountain.

Reconnaissance platoon commander Zhang Hu had already discovered that there was an anomaly on the road ahead of the crowd to dodge in a panic. The guide, Lao Zhou, followed Zhang Hu's side, looking forward as he walked quickly.

In the distance, a gong sound of "dang" came. Lao Zhou was so shocked that he trembled. The two of them looked up as they walked briskly. Passers-by were pointing and dodging to the side of the road.

Guide Lao Zhou's face was suddenly filled with a look of fear. He opened his arms in panic, like an adult blocking a child from stepping into a dangerous situation, and suddenly and recklessly blocked the troops who were marching in a hurry, shouting: Platoon commander, stop, stop!

Danfengyan 034: Why did Zhu Yeqing stir half an ear, and why did the corpses of 16 people in Qinglong Village hang on the tree?

His face was full of terror, his arms outstretched, and he retreated, his face full of loyal black walnut face, pale with fear, and his eyes stared in horror in the direction where the Corpse Catchers had appeared.

Zhao Yue saw that the guide Lao Zhou was like this, and hurriedly said: Platoon commander, there is a situation!

Zhang Hu ordered: Prepare for battle!

The well-trained fighters of the reconnaissance platoon immediately dispersed and quickly fell behind the rocks and trees on both sides of the road, concealed their figures, pulled the bolt of their guns, and pointed their guns in front.

All the retreating passers-by on the main road watched nervously as the reconnaissance platoon approached the enemy's formation. The already terrifying atmosphere suddenly became even more tense and terrifying.

Danfengyan 034: Why did Zhu Yeqing stir half an ear, and why did the corpses of 16 people in Qinglong Village hang on the tree?

However, the mountain road is winding and winding, and the trees are blocked, and nothing appears when I only listen to the gongs.

The guide, Lao Zhou, hurriedly ran over, dragged up Zhang Hu, who was leaning over and hiding, and explained embarrassedly: Platoon commander, what I said was not the enemy to avoid, it was the corpse gang!

Zhang Hu's blood welled up in his head, he got up, and asked with a blue face: What are you hiding from the corpse gang?

The warriors also talked dissatisfied, and returned to the main road.

Zhang Hu raised his wrist and looked at his watch, and at 10:10 a.m., he hurriedly said: Comrades, it is less than six hours before the time limit for the chief to arrive at Qinglongzhai! The specific distance is still nearly 100 miles at the least. Every second counts. Keep moving!

★ In the courtyard of the dumb girl in Qinglongzhai.

Danfengyan 034: Why did Zhu Yeqing stir half an ear, and why did the corpses of 16 people in Qinglong Village hang on the tree?

At this moment, the mute girl dragged the six gods and ownerless Zhu Yeqing to the yard and drove a few chickens into the cage.

Zhu Yeqing was happy to be dragged by the slender hand of the dumb girl, and her heart was full of emotion. However, he looked at her puzzled.

The mute girl let go of her hand, pointed to the chicken coop, and then easily caught a chicken from the chicken coop and showed it to Zhu Yeqing.

Zhu Yeqing sniffed the hand that had been pinched by the mute girl, and touched the half of the ear nervously.

The mute woman couldn't help but look at his half ear, and hurriedly looked away. His eyes were full of guilt.

Zhu Yeqing suddenly begged in a low voice: Mingzhu! I want you to come up with a good idea, what are you leading me to catch chickens?

The mute girl smiled and put the caught chicken into the coop again, reopened the coop door, and blasted all the chickens out.

Zhu Yeqing was laughed at by the dumb girl, but she was still a little dazed by the residual ear, looking at the dumb woman like a child watching a trick.

Danfengyan 034: Why did Zhu Yeqing stir half an ear, and why did the corpses of 16 people in Qinglong Village hang on the tree?

The mute girl unconsciously glanced at Zhu Yeqing's residual ear, smiled bitterly guiltily, relented, and pointed to a few chickens that escaped from the cage and ran into the yard, and pulled Zhu Yeqing without saying a word, and chased after the chickens.

Zhu Yeqing immediately understood that he was asking him to catch chickens with her: Do you want to stew chickens to treat me? So they tried their best to grab the chickens, but the two of them worked hard and didn't catch one.

Some of the chickens flew up to the rooftops, some flew over the courtyard walls, and some used obstacles in the yard to play hide and seek with them.

The mute girl pointed to the escaped chicken and smiled happily at Zhu Yeqing. The pair of Danfeng eyes are particularly charming.

★ The guide intercepts the reconnaissance platoon of the rapid march.

Danfengyan 034: Why did Zhu Yeqing stir half an ear, and why did the corpses of 16 people in Qinglong Village hang on the tree?

The reconnaissance platoon had just restarted its march in a hurry.

In the distance, there was a loud and strange sound of three gongs. It seems that the corpse chasers stayed where they were, waiting for the PLA to retreat and give way.

Lao Zhou glanced ahead, suddenly grabbed Zhang Hu's arm and said: Platoon leader, sure enough, the corpse gang is coming, and I really can't go!

Zhang Hujian frowned, looked at the guide Lao Zhou with bright eyes, and asked: Brother Zhou, who is the corpse gang, and it is worth the troops on urgent missions to dodge?

Lao Zhou hurriedly let go of his hand.

Deputy platoon commander Zhao Yue slapped the dust and grass clippings on his body, and burst out a string of exclamation marks and question marks: Brother Zhou, you are pulling bird eggs! Don't you see when this is? It's just nonsense!

Danfengyan 034: Why did Zhu Yeqing stir half an ear, and why did the corpses of 16 people in Qinglong Village hang on the tree?

In front of the road, there were three more gongs, sudden and loud, like an order and a warning.

Lao Zhou said in fear: "Two platoon commanders! I'm not messing around." In Xiangxi, no matter who encounters the corpse chaser gang, they must retreat.

Zhao Yue asked anxiously: What kind of bird chases the corpse gang? Do you even have to retreat from the troops chasing and suppressing the bandits?

The third squad leader whispered: Old Yak, as soon as our deputy platoon commander gets angry, the 'old bird' will be released, everyone be careful!

The old yak hurriedly whispered: If you can't pull it down, you better be careful! If you can't get it right, you will be trained first!

Zhao Yue turned his head and glared: You can't pull it down, what are you muttering nonsense?

A group of elders hurriedly covered their mouths and smiled. The third squad leader hurriedly forbade his mouth.

Danfengyan 034: Why did Zhu Yeqing stir half an ear, and why did the corpses of 16 people in Qinglong Village hang on the tree?

Zhao Yue yelled: Keep quiet!

The two squad leaders hurriedly said in unison: Yes!

Zhao Yue turned around and asked, "Brother Zhou!" The platoon commander made a military order with the 140 leader. If Zhu Yeqing cannot be captured in time, the sign of our heroic reconnaissance platoon will have to be smashed, and the platoon commander will be punished! Dismissal! Do you understand?!

Zhang Hu asked: Brother Zhou, can avoiding the corpse gang be more important than military intelligence?

The gong of the corpse chasers became more and more urgent, but no one could be seen at all.

Lao Zhou looked frightened and helpless and said: Platoon commander, it's really not okay not to avoid it!

Zhang Hu was suspicious and asked: Why?

Danfengyan 034: Why did Zhu Yeqing stir half an ear, and why did the corpses of 16 people in Qinglong Village hang on the tree?

Lao Zhou hurriedly explained: In Xiangxi, no matter who encounters the corpse gang, no matter how urgent it is, it must wait for the corpse gang to pass before leaving. This time, Lao Zhou begs you, okay?" he said, and raised his fists at the two platoon commanders.

Zhang Hu said: Brother, you should understand, the reconnaissance platoon is a minute late, and Zhu Yeqing may escape in this minute!

Lao Zhou pleaded and said: Platoon commander, I understand all this. But......

Zhao Yue said in a rough voice: But what? I see that you are a ghost in broad daylight--it's strange!

The sound of the three gongs is getting closer and closer. The warriors immediately looked ahead of the gong sounded.

Lao Zhou hurriedly said: Deputy platoon commander, you are right! We just ran into a ghost.

Zhang Hu suddenly felt that something was wrong, but he didn't know what the problem was.

Danfengyan 034: Why did Zhu Yeqing stir half an ear, and why did the corpses of 16 people in Qinglong Village hang on the tree?

Zhang Hu suddenly said sternly: "Brother Zhou, do you know the consequences of blocking the retreat of the troops?" Although his voice was not high, his tone was full of majesty and aggressiveness.

The guide, Lao Zhou, dodged the pressure of Zhang Hu's gaze, looked at the other side of the road in horror and said: Platoon commander, this is really the rule of Xiangxi! When the corpse gang is over, I will tell you well......

Zhao Yue scolded: 100,000 hurried marches, but what kind of bird corpse gang has to make way, what kind of bird rule is this?

Zhang Hu was worried about undermining the national policy, so he patiently asked: Brother, the military situation is important, and I will give a reasonable explanation quickly.

Dangdang Dang! Three more gongs sounded in succession, and the sound was rapid and loud, as if I had lost patience.

Lao Zhou looked at the front shaded by trees and said: Two platoon commanders, I am the guide of the army, can I not face the army?

Danfengyan 034: Why did Zhu Yeqing stir half an ear, and why did the corpses of 16 people in Qinglong Village hang on the tree?

My responsibility is to lead the way safely and smoothly for the army! His face was full of aggrieved, helpless, and pitiful expressions.

Zhao Yue was stunned.

Zhang Hu looked at him with blazing eyes, and then at the pedestrians hiding on the side of the road. The brow became tighter and tighter.

★ In the courtyard of the dumb girl in Qinglongzhai.

Zhu Yeqing looked at the dumb girl, and then at the chicken that escaped, and suddenly let go of the half of the ear with his left hand, and said: Mingzhu, I understand what you mean. Are you saying that Master Long, when I go back to Qinglongzhai this time, it's like a grass chicken getting into a chicken coop?

The mute girl smiled and nodded.

Zhu Yeqing continued: You mean that chickens in cages are easy to be 'plugged in cages to catch chickens', right?

Danfengyan 034: Why did Zhu Yeqing stir half an ear, and why did the corpses of 16 people in Qinglong Village hang on the tree?

The mute girl stood delicately, smiling and nodding at him, her danfeng eyes shining.

Zhu Yeqing continued: You mean, as long as you leave the cage, the chicken can scatter and escape, and it is difficult to catch, right?

The mute girl still smiled and nodded gracefully, smiling brightly, like a blooming magnolia.

Zhu Yeqing looked at the mute girl's smile and almost turned her body full. But he suddenly touched the half of his ear again, and his emotions became angry.

The dumb girl's Danfeng eyes hurriedly dodged half of Zhu Yeqing's ears.

Dumb girls are strong, why don't they dare to look at or don't want to look at Zhu Yeqing's residual ear?

★ Bad news five years ago

Five years ago, Qinglong Cliff led to the pass of Qinglong Village.

Danfengyan 034: Why did Zhu Yeqing stir half an ear, and why did the corpses of 16 people in Qinglong Village hang on the tree?

An old man from the Tujia family, Father Sun, was on duty at the pass. At the foot of the mountain, a little fire flickered towards the mountain. The fire is getting closer. It turned out to be a torch.

Father Sun, who was hidden in the dark, shouted: "What kind of person? Take one more step, and I will release the arrow!"

Someone shouted: Don't let go of the arrows! I'm reporting the news.

Daddy Sun ordered: Take 20 steps back, tell me who you are and what kind of letter you report?

The person who came shook the torch, obediently took 20 steps back, stood still and said: I am from Leopard Ling Yao Village, and I have something important to report to the young master of Qinglong Village.

Father Sun said, "Wait!" Hurriedly took out the carrier pigeon in the cage and tied a small letter sign to the pigeon's leg: Someone has broken through! As soon as Father Sun let go, the pigeon fluttered and flew into the night sky.

Danfengyan 034: Why did Zhu Yeqing stir half an ear, and why did the corpses of 16 people in Qinglong Village hang on the tree?

★ In the courtyard of the Tujia house in Qinglongzhai.

The dumb girl Mingzhu is practicing Xiaoxiang swordsmanship in the courtyard. The light of the hall reflected the sword light, dazzling as the mute girl flickered and moved.

Suddenly, there was a pigeon's whistle in the night sky. The mute girl put away her sword and looked up at the night sky. A carrier pigeon lands on the shoulder of the mute girl.

The mute girl entered the house, hung her sword on the wall, sat down, untied the letter on the pigeon's leg and looked at it, frowning slightly. After a while, she immediately tied a "stayer" sign to the pigeon's leg, and then let go. The carrier pigeon flies out the door and into the night sky.

★ On the pass of Qinglongzhai.

The dumb girl Mingzhu stood beside the old man on duty, Father Sun, and gestured.

Danfengyan 034: Why did Zhu Yeqing stir half an ear, and why did the corpses of 16 people in Qinglong Village hang on the tree?

Father Sun shouted outside the pass: Our young master asks you, who are you, what is the matter with the mountain at night?

Someone reported: I am from Leopard Ling Yao Village, and I have a report to the young master of Qinglong Village.

Father Sun asked urgently: What kind of murderous letter, say it quickly!

Someone came to say: The horse gang of Ahshan Dama Guotou in Qinglong Village was bloodied by bandits.

The mute girl was shocked when she heard this, and she gestured rapidly.

Father Sun hurriedly asked: What evidence is there?

The person who came said: Believe it or not, I just came to report a message. After saying that, he shook the torch and turned his head and left.

The mute girl hurriedly gestured: Stop the messenger.

Danfengyan 034: Why did Zhu Yeqing stir half an ear, and why did the corpses of 16 people in Qinglong Village hang on the tree?

Father Sun hurriedly shouted: Please stay! We are less in charge of the house, and say: If we have no certificate, how can we believe you?

The person who came said: I really have no evidence in my hands, I just kindly report the news. You might as well take the people from Qinglong Village to see the corpse of the big leader of your family, whether it is or not. Anyway, the funeral ground is not too far away.

Mute women gesticulating. Father Sun continued to ask: "We are young and the master said, thank you for reporting the news!" Please later, she will send someone to see you immediately.

The pigeon cage was opened, and the mute woman released a carrier pigeon with her own hands

Soon, the people sent by the mute girl followed the messenger of Leopard Ridge Yaozhai to the edge of the dense forest at the foot of Qinglong Mountain, and were immediately frightened half to death - 16 corpses hung from tall branches at the edge of the dense woods...... (To be continued)

Danfengyan 034: Why did Zhu Yeqing stir half an ear, and why did the corpses of 16 people in Qinglong Village hang on the tree?

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