
After Zhu Yeqing frantically slaughtered 34 people, he was surrounded again, can he escape this time?|Danfeng Eye 028

author:Writer Wang Tianxiang
After Zhu Yeqing frantically slaughtered 34 people, he was surrounded again, can he escape this time?|Danfeng Eye 028

The sixth day of June of the lunar calendar in 1950 is an important festival for the Tujia people in Xiangxi after the New Year.

On this day, the gongs and drums outside Luxi County were noisy and the singing was melodious. The liberated Tujia people in the villages and villages gathered together and danced the "big hand dance".

After the group dance, the young men and women of the Tujia family began to sing to each other. The festive atmosphere was extremely enthusiastic.

Suddenly, the demon Zhu Yeqing led the territory bandits to kill. The crowd caught off guard was surrounded by the bandits of Zhu Yeqing.

★ More than a dozen Tujia party members and cadres were slaughtered

Zhu Yeqing smiled and insulted the Tujia family: You stinky Tujia, today is a very lively June 6!

After Zhu Yeqing frantically slaughtered 34 people, he was surrounded again, can he escape this time?|Danfeng Eye 028

The Tujia people saw that the bandits were raising swords and guns at the same time, and no one dared to speak.

Zhu Yeqing continued to smile and said, "Okay, good, my Long Ye is here to make fun of your Tujia family and open your eyes." After saying that, hungry wolf-like eyes patrolled the crowd. Suddenly, he stepped forward and snatched the child from a woman's back.

The child's mother was shocked, rushed over and fought with Zhu Yeqing for the child, crying: Give me back the child!

Zhu Yeqing was furious and kicked the child's mother to the ground. The child's mother cried and cried and got up, but was dragged by Niu Wu and He Sanmao. The child's mother scolded angrily: Zhu Yeqing, you brute! Why did you rob my child!

The crowd tried to rush forward to save the children, but they were forced back by the bandits with bayonets and guns.

After Zhu Yeqing frantically slaughtered 34 people, he was surrounded again, can he escape this time?|Danfeng Eye 028

With a click, Zhu Yeqing nailed the child alive to the big tree with a bayonet, laughed and said: You Tujia people are really good at singing and dancing! Look at this child, who is nailed to the tree with a bayonet, he can still dance with his hands and kicks!

When he finished speaking, he laughed wildly, admiring the sound of bloodied children crying heart-rending under bayonets, and admiring the tragic sight of children shaking their limbs and dancing around the trees.

Zhu Yeqing continued: Look at it, the child is like a toad kicking his legs, it's really fun!

The child's mother saw the miserable appearance of the child crying and struggling on the tree, and cried desperately: My child...... Before the sound was finished, he was so distressed that he fainted on the spot.

After Zhu Yeqing frantically slaughtered 34 people, he was surrounded again, can he escape this time?|Danfeng Eye 028

The Tujia masses were stunned. The cadres of the first village shouted: Fellow villagers, fight with these bandits!

Enraged, the Tujia masses rebelled, and as a result, the unarmed masses were bloodily slaughtered by the bandits.

Zhu Yeqing snatched a knife, looked at the village cadre and scolded: I called you a Tujia cub arrogant! I cut off the head of this rural cadre with a knife, and then shouted: Come on, bring me a rope!

Niu Wu immediately handed over a rope. Zhu Yeqing personally hung the corpse of this rural cadre upside down on the flagpole, and pointed to the head of the person and threatened in public: Stinky Tujia, you listen to me: Lao Tzu will kill nine more communists, and only wash his hands when he reaches 100!

Niu Wuhu shouted pretending to be a tiger: Stinky Tujia, did you hear it?

After Zhu Yeqing frantically slaughtered 34 people, he was surrounded again, can he escape this time?|Danfeng Eye 028

Zhu Yeqing said viciously: You have remembered for me: If anyone dares to give to the Communist army and Communist Party officials in the future, these slaughtered people will be role models! After speaking, he commanded his minions: Hang the corpses of more than a dozen disobedient Communist Party cadres on tree branches. No corpses are allowed to be collected, no burials are allowed! Niu Wu, put a notice on the big tree for me!

Niu Wu immediately put a notice on the tree.

★ The complaint of the Tujia masses

An hour later. Zhang Hu's reconnaissance platoon arrived in a hurry. However, Zhu Yeqing has already fled into the mountains and forests with territorial bandits, and he does not know where to go.

On the big tree at the entrance of the town, the bodies of more than a dozen party members and cadres were hung. The ground was stained with blood. Many Tujia women and elders stood under the big trees and looked at the corpses and wept.

After Zhu Yeqing frantically slaughtered 34 people, he was surrounded again, can he escape this time?|Danfeng Eye 028

When many Tujia people saw the PLA, they immediately fled in fright.

The soldiers looked at them in bewilderment, and persuaded and comforted them one after another: Fellow villagers, we are the People's Liberation Army! We are a large army specializing in fighting bandits!

Zhang Hu hurriedly greeted the guide: Lao Zhou, quickly introduce the situation of our bandit suppression force to the Tujia villagers!

The guide, Lao Zhou, immediately shouted kindly: Hey, Tujia brothers and sisters, we are the People's Liberation Army. The People's Liberation Army (PLA) specializes in fighting bandits, so why should you hide from the PLA?

An old man shouted: "Please, army, go quickly! You can't catch Zhu Yeqing, but Zhu Yeqing wants to kill all the Tujia people who are close to the army!"

After Zhu Yeqing frantically slaughtered 34 people, he was surrounded again, can he escape this time?|Danfeng Eye 028

Another old man said in fear: "Please let the army catch Zhu Yeqing quickly! You don't have to worry about the affairs of our Tujia family anymore."

The fighters looked at the grief-stricken Tujia brothers and sisters in embarrassment, no matter how much they persuaded and propagandized, they just didn't listen.

At this time, several Tujia youths timidly looked at the surrounding mountains and forests, and walked over hesitantly.

A young man said, "O army, why are you here?"

Another Tujia elder brother said sadly: "Dajun, look at it, Zhu Yeqing, the demon king who kills people without blinking, has killed how many people in our village!"

Zhang Hu hurriedly apologized to everyone: I'm sorry, we received the report too late!

After Zhu Yeqing frantically slaughtered 34 people, he was surrounded again, can he escape this time?|Danfeng Eye 028

A Tujia mother-in-law cried and said: "People's Liberation Army, why are you too late? The bandits have killed our Tujia miserably! Zhu Yeqing has no choice but to die!"

Zhang Hu came to the trunk of the tree and saw a bloodstained notice pasted on the trunk. The signature on the back of the notice reads: Lieutenant Colonel Commander of the Xiangxi Anti-Communist National Salvation Army.

Deputy platoon commander Zhao Yue said: Platoon commander, you see, behind the signature of the proclamation is a poisonous snake entrenched in its body, spitting out its whiskers.

Zhang Hu stared at the poisonous snake on the report and said: The poisonous snake on this painting is Zhu Yeqing's seal.

A middle-aged Tujia man choked up and said: Comrade of the People's Liberation Army...... Party members and cadres in the stockade...... All were killed......

Another woman cried: Comrade Dajun, Zhu Yeqing is too cruel...... Even the children are not spared......

After Zhu Yeqing frantically slaughtered 34 people, he was surrounded again, can he escape this time?|Danfeng Eye 028

A young Tujia man looked at Zhang Hu pleadingly: "Dajun, please avenge our Tujia family!"

Zhang Hu tightly held the young man's hand and said: "Fellow villagers of the Tujia family, our People's Liberation Army will definitely capture Zhu Yeqing as soon as possible and avenge the dead fathers and fellow villagers! After speaking, he immediately issued an order: The first squad is responsible for guarding. The second and third shifts, hurry up and put down the bodies of the killed party members and cadres and help the villagers bury them as soon as possible!

★ Bandit dispatch meeting

In the Xiangxi Bandit Suppression Headquarters. Zhang Hu was reporting the enemy situation: Chiefs, that day, after the reconnaissance platoon received the information, it immediately rushed to the outside of Luxi City, but it was still a step too late.

After Zhu Yeqing frantically slaughtered 34 people, he was surrounded again, can he escape this time?|Danfeng Eye 028

A total of 34 people, 14 of whom were party members and cadres, were killed and their bodies were hung from trees. One child was nailed to death by Zhu Yeqing with a bayonet.

140 asked with a gloomy face: What else?

Zhang Hu continued to report: The massacre of Zhuyeqing has caused the Tujia people to be suspicious and afraid of the PLA. When they saw us, they hid and were afraid of the bandits' retaliation. Because Zhu Yeqing said that whoever is close to the People's Liberation Army will be killed.

140 said: Xiangxi has always been like bandits, and the people are miserable. finally looked forward to liberation, and Zhu Yeqing carried out a counteroffensive, calculations, and massacres so rampantly, how could the people not be afraid!

After Zhu Yeqing frantically slaughtered 34 people, he was surrounded again, can he escape this time?|Danfeng Eye 028

Zhang Hu said: It's a pity that we don't know where Zhu Yeqing fled to.

140 asked Zhang Hudao: What countermeasures do you have?

Zhang Hu said: Zhu Yeqing has more geographical and social advantages than us. They come from Xiangxi villages, and they are accustomed to committing crimes on the go, and we will inevitably be one step late before we take action after we get their information. So I suggest that the chiefs take more favorable measures.

140 urged with a smile: Don't sell it, tell me your specific suggestions!

Zhang Hu said: Chief. I want to change our coping strategy - first, no matter where the troops are stationed, once they find bandits such as Zhu Yeqing, they must resolutely bite and bite like a locust, so that they can't shake them off.

After Zhu Yeqing frantically slaughtered 34 people, he was surrounded again, can he escape this time?|Danfeng Eye 028

At the same time, they immediately reported to their superiors, mobilized troops, and carried out encirclement and suppression.

Second, the troops were encircled and suppressed in shards, so that bandits from all over Xiangxi were trapped in a desperate situation, embattled, and they couldn't escape if they wanted to!

Third, do a good job in the work of bandits. Having family members fight against bandits is the most effective means.

The head of 140 said: Well, it is worthy of Xiao Zhuge . These three suggestions are good! The task of your reconnaissance platoon is to find Zhu Yeqing as soon as possible, bite him, fight if you can, and keep an eye on him according to your method if you can't, and at the same time report to me immediately, mobilize troops, and gather to annihilate him!

After accepting the order, Zhang Hu thought to himself: It would be nice if he could find the pearl of "Wild Bird Hero". With him, it will definitely be easy to find the traces of Zhu Yeqing! So, Mingzhu's talking Danfeng eyes moved in his mind again.

After Zhu Yeqing frantically slaughtered 34 people, he was surrounded again, can he escape this time?|Danfeng Eye 028

★ Discover bamboo leaf green

Outside a village in the mountains and forests of Dapingwan in Chenxi County, Xiangxi. Zhang Hu's reconnaissance platoon was resting.

A squad of elders, Yak Niu, led two soldiers to hurriedly run to report: Platoon commander! Zhu Yeqing was bitten by us again.

Zhang Hu happily stood up and asked: Where are they and how many people are there?

The old yak said: Zhu Yeqing is resting in the depression of Daping Bay, and there are about fifty or sixty people. A squad of scouts was keeping a firm eye on them. Once they escape, they will continue to follow and leave us marks along the way.

Zhang Hu said happily: Okay! The first squad will continue to track and reconnoitre, if you can't keep an eye on it, I'll try to ask you about your old yak!

After Zhu Yeqing frantically slaughtered 34 people, he was surrounded again, can he escape this time?|Danfeng Eye 028

After receiving the task, the elder of the first squad, Yak Niu, immediately led the two scouts to run.

Zhang Hu hurriedly shouted: "Monkey! You quickly send three scouts to the nearby bandit suppression troops to ask for help and encircle and suppress Daping Bay!"

The second squad leader hurriedly said: "The monkey has an order!" Immediately arrange for the three soldiers to run out of the mountain separately.

Deputy platoon commander Zhao Yue hurriedly asked: Platoon commander, how do we act?

Zhang Hu said: Pick up a class, immediately ding, and leave a mark for reinforcements along the way!

Zhao Yue immediately shouted: Assemble, go!

The reconnaissance platoon swooped forward quickly following the marks left by the first squad.

After Zhu Yeqing frantically slaughtered 34 people, he was surrounded again, can he escape this time?|Danfeng Eye 028

On the road, there are arrows made of broken branches to indicate the direction, arrows made of stones to point ahead, and arrows carved into the bark of trees on the trunks......

Zhao Yue said as he walked: Platoon commander, this bamboo leaf green pole has been tracked and encircled by us four times in a row, and hundreds of his minions have been eliminated successively, I estimate that his vitality has been greatly damaged.

Zhang Hu said: You are right, but the trapped beast is still fighting! The dying beast is the craziest of all. We need to be careful of this poisonous snake making its final struggle.

Zhao Yue is very much in favor: Yes!

★ Bamboo leaf green in Daping Bay

After Zhu Yeqing frantically slaughtered 34 people, he was surrounded again, can he escape this time?|Danfeng Eye 028

Triangle Pingshan Bay. Zhu Yeqing led the remnants to rest. He looked around at the strangeness, and hurriedly asked Niu Wu: Silly son, what kind of place is this?

Niu Wu said: Daping Bay.

Zhu Yeqing hurriedly said: This name is good. Daping Bay - the mountain bay of Daping Da'an. Tell the brothers to rest here for half a day, to refresh their spirits, and to find a good woman to eat and drink!

Niu Wu immediately conveyed: Brothers, Master Long has an order, seize the time to rest. After resting, go to find food, drink and find a woman!

The bandits were making a noise with joy, and immediately each of them looked for a place, and fell to the ground in a mess to rest.

After Zhu Yeqing frantically slaughtered 34 people, he was surrounded again, can he escape this time?|Danfeng Eye 028

He Sanmao sat on the stone and said: These days, I have been chased by the communist army like a sambar deer. I never slept a single sleep.

Zhu Yeqing said: This place is very hidden, and the brothers are asked to put a few secret posts far away. Don't put a whistle, the whistle is too ostentatious.

Niu Wu hurriedly arranged for the sentry to be on guard. He saw that the bandits had fallen to sleep in a huff. Then he sighed: These days, the brothers are too tired! If they encounter the communist army at this time, they will surely be wiped out.

★ Pursue Zhu Yeqing

The reconnaissance platoon followed the marks left by the old yak's squad and came to the foot of several tall dove trees.

After Zhu Yeqing frantically slaughtered 34 people, he was surrounded again, can he escape this time?|Danfeng Eye 028

A group of elders came out of their hiding place to greet them.

Zhang Hu asked anxiously: Old Yakniu, has the situation changed?

The old yak shook his head: No, the pole of Zhu Yeqing is still resting. Just now, we took a closer look again. The total number of people will not exceed 50.

Zhang Hu said: We must be especially careful of Zhu Yeqing's tricks! When reinforcements arrive, we will immediately launch a siege. Strive to completely eliminate this stubborn bandit this time!

Zhao Yue asked: Platoon commander, do you say that Zhu Yeqing will have other troops?

Zhang Hu thought about it and said: I don't think there will be. First, his total number was more than a thousand. After three major encirclement and suppression, eight or nine hundred people were lost, and more than 200 people remained.

After Zhu Yeqing frantically slaughtered 34 people, he was surrounded again, can he escape this time?|Danfeng Eye 028

Zhang Hu continued to analyze: In the battle of Sunzigou in Fenghuang County, he lost another fifty or sixty people, and there were still one hundred and fifty or sixty people left. The first two times he was followed and chased, and more than 100 people were eliminated, and now, he has more than 50 people at most!

Zhao Yue said: Will he break the whole into pieces and fight guerrilla warfare with us?

Zhang Hu said: Now he doesn't dare.

Zhao Yue asked: Why?

Zhang Hu analyzed: He is afraid that once the troops are dispersed, they will be broken by each of us and eaten one by one.

As he spoke, the battalion commander of a bandit suppression unit stationed nearby arrived with two companies.

Zhang Hu hurriedly reported: Comrade battalion commander. There are more than 50 remnants of Zhuyeqing, who have been tracked here by us, and they are now resting in the triangle.

After Zhu Yeqing frantically slaughtered 34 people, he was surrounded again, can he escape this time?|Danfeng Eye 028

After the battalion commander asked Zhang Hu to introduce Zhu Yeqing and the local geography to the troops, he immediately issued an order: the first company was responsible for the left, and the second company was responsible for the right. On the frontal side, the reconnaissance platoon is responsible. The junction of the three parties must not leave a gap to prevent the bamboo leaves from escaping. After 20 minutes, the total attack begins!

After the battalion commander and Zhang Hu and the two company commanders got together to check the table, they each led their own troops and quietly outflanked them along the hill!

After Zhu Yeqing frantically slaughtered 34 people, he was surrounded again, can he escape this time?|Danfeng Eye 028

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