
Danfeng Eye 038: Before Zhu Yeqing escaped from Qinglong Village, he actually instigated Bu to violate the dumb girl Mingzhu

author:Writer Wang Tianxiang
Danfeng Eye 038: Before Zhu Yeqing escaped from Qinglong Village, he actually instigated Bu to violate the dumb girl Mingzhu

On the bank of the Yuan River in Xiangxi, on the mountain and forest road to Qinglong Mountain, Zhang Hu, the commander of the reconnaissance platoon, was anxious, but the terrifying corpse gang was faintly gongs and did not go for a long time.

The warriors retreated into the woods beside the road, paying attention to the horrified and strange costumes of the corpse chasers, and at this moment finally jumped the ghost step and stepped past, and disappeared at the bend in the road.

Zhao Yue, the deputy platoon commander of the reconnaissance platoon, saw that the corpse chasing gang had gone away, and waved his hand to the soldiers with relief: On the road!

The guide, Lao Zhou, hurriedly stepped forward and said: Deputy platoon commander, don't worry! Stop for a little longer! When the Corpse Gang is a hundred paces away, we won't be too late to go.

Zhang Hu was a little annoyed by Lao Zhou's behavior, but looking at the passers-by, there was indeed no one on the road, so he had to helplessly and patiently shouted: Wait a minute.

Danfeng Eye 038: Before Zhu Yeqing escaped from Qinglong Village, he actually instigated Bu to violate the dumb girl Mingzhu

Deputy platoon commander Zhao Yue looked at the watch on his wrist and said: This strange corpse gang has delayed us for more than 20 minutes! He was anxious, but he was a little helpless, so he had to say: Then wait a while.

★ Why is there a corpse gang in Xiangxi?

The Corpse Chase has finally passed, but the strange scene of the Corpse Chase has aroused the great interest of the warriors. Everyone whispered again.

Some people questioned: Why is there a corpse gang in Xiangxi?

The guide Lao Zhou, as a local expert, analyzed: Xiangxi mountains are heavy and the transportation is inconvenient, so he hired a corpse chaser to transport the corpses of relatives who died in other towns back by the method of "driving corpses", so that he can return to his roots.

Zhang Hu listened and nodded silently: This corpse chasing business seems to be a special social demand in Xiangxi!

Danfeng Eye 038: Before Zhu Yeqing escaped from Qinglong Village, he actually instigated Bu to violate the dumb girl Mingzhu

Some of the warriors said, "Will they not carry the dead away?" Why weirdly let the zombies go on their own?

Some said, "Yes! Can I carry it on my back without carrying it? Why bother to get a 'zombie away', it's scary!

Some said: This profession is shocking. There's no such thing in my hometown!

Some said: This place is full of weirdness, even people are dead, and it is strange that they can walk by pretending to be a ghost!

The more people talked, the louder they became. The guide, Lao Zhou, glanced at the corpse gang with his eyes and walked farther and farther, and then said angrily: "You guys, do you always regard our southern ethnic minorities as crazy and stupid southern barbarians?

The second squad leader hurriedly said: Brother Zhou, don't button your hat indiscriminately? We don't mean to look down on minorities! Everyone just felt it.

Danfeng Eye 038: Before Zhu Yeqing escaped from Qinglong Village, he actually instigated Bu to violate the dumb girl Mingzhu

Lao Zhou asked angrily: Look at those walking zombies, are they carried or carried on their backs? Besides, the road is far away, and the mountains and rivers are hidden, who can carry a dead corpse?

The squad leader looked at the back of the corpse chaser, frowned and said to Zhang Hu suspiciously: Platoon leader, can the corpse chaser gang pretend to be dead corpses of the living and deceive the lost family?

Lao Zhou hurriedly stopped: Hey! Don't talk nonsense about the first squad leader. It's impossible to dress up as a zombie!

The third squad leader hurriedly asked: Why? Is there any basis for impossibility?

Lao Zhou explained: Because the bereaved family has to personally inspect whether the corpse that rushed back is a relative of his own family who died outside. This is called the verification of the body.

The third squad leader said: It seems that it is impossible to pretend.

Danfeng Eye 038: Before Zhu Yeqing escaped from Qinglong Village, he actually instigated Bu to violate the dumb girl Mingzhu

Lao Zhou continued: Think about it, if the dead body that was driven back was not a dead relative in his own family, who would be willing to pay the corpse master money? Besides, if it's not his own relatives, who can decorate and bury him in a coffin?

The squad leader patted his head, and could no longer come up with a reason to refute it. But he always wondered: how can a dead man walk?

Lao Zhou continued to explain: Some people say that the corpse gang is a lie, are the people of Xiangxi stupid enough to do this? Even if a family is willing to be deceived, can they still be willing to spend money to be deceived? Could it be that this generation has been deceived, and the people of Xiangxi have been willing to be deceived for generations? You say!

Lao Zhou's words were a bit aggressive, but they were irrefutable.

Lao Zhou's words made the soldiers talk passionately and suddenly fell silent. This is the old revolution with a new problem! The soldiers of the Heroic Reconnaissance Platoon have fought all over most of China, but no one has ever experienced such a strange thing as the Corpse Gang, and although they are full of questions, they can no longer argue when they hear the guide ask such a question.

Danfeng Eye 038: Before Zhu Yeqing escaped from Qinglong Village, he actually instigated Bu to violate the dumb girl Mingzhu

Dangdangdang...... The sound of the gong went farther and farther.

Zhao Yue immediately ordered: The corpse gang is a hundred steps away, set off immediately!

The reconnaissance platoon climbed the mountain road again and began a rapid march. Fortunately, it was a slip downhill, and it was much easier to walk.

★ Zhu Yeqing provoked his subordinates to violate the mute girl

Let's go back and talk about the bamboo leaves of Qinglongzhai.

At this moment, Zhu Yeqing, Niu Wu, and He Sanmao were busy in the big house of the dumb girl's house, preparing everything for the corpse gang. The message sent by the flying pigeon messenger made him very nervous: The PLA squad is not far from Qinglong Mountain! So he had to get out of here.

The dumb girl Mingzhu left the big house with a heavy heart and walked to her own stilted building, where no one was allowed to set foot in it.

Danfeng Eye 038: Before Zhu Yeqing escaped from Qinglong Village, he actually instigated Bu to violate the dumb girl Mingzhu

This stilted building is the boudoir of the mute girl, her secret room. Here are the whole secrets of the mute girl. How many times did Zhu Yeqing want to take a peek at the truth, but it ended in failure. It's not that he doesn't want to enter, but he doesn't dare to enter at all!

The dumb girl respects and hates Zhu Yeqing. Sometimes seeing him is like swallowing a fly in disgust. Sometimes, I feel that he is a benefactor who avenges his husband, so he deserves to be forgiven. But now, she can't wait to let Zhu Yeqing leave Qinglong Village immediately.

Because Zhu Yeqing didn't die of a thief, he wanted to violate her again! That's why she had no choice but to slap him in the face! As a result, both of them felt very embarrassed.

★ Zhu Yeqing instigated the cloth and violated the mute girl

At this time, Zhu Yeqing sat in the Tujia house of the dumb girl in Qinglongzhai, looked at the mysterious stilted building of the dumb girl through the window, and was worried about the dumb girl Mingzhu slapping him hard.

Danfeng Eye 038: Before Zhu Yeqing escaped from Qinglong Village, he actually instigated Bu to violate the dumb girl Mingzhu

Although he had to apologize to the mute girl in public, it was fake and against his will.

He has been doing evil for many years, bullying men and women, and he wants to destroy him if he can't get it. So he smiled maliciously and said: Niu Wumao and Sanmao, do you two rabbit cubs look at the dumb girl Pearl like cats and fish all day long?

Niu Wu was shocked, and hurriedly said: Master Long, we are just looking at the pearl, and we don't dare to have any extravagant hopes.

He Sanmao also said: Swear to God! We know that the pearl is the peony flower of the dragon master, and we can only watch it from a distance, and we dare not think about it.

Zhu Yeqing pretended to scold in an arrogant manner: Don't fucking tell me nice things. You don't think about her for a day! I'm ashamed to say that the peony flower of Mingzhu, Master Long, I have only been in a hurry for five years, how could I get it! Actually, when I look at you two turtle sons, my eyes are green every day! Like a fucking hungry wolf.

Niu Wu hurriedly explained: Master Long, our brothers really didn't dare to do anything to the dumb girl, at most they just took a few more looks!

Danfeng Eye 038: Before Zhu Yeqing escaped from Qinglong Village, he actually instigated Bu to violate the dumb girl Mingzhu

Zhu Yeqing scolded: Turtle sons, look at your shit, it's really fucking useless.

He Sanmao knew that Zhu Yeqing had already listed the dumb girl Mingzhu as his beloved woman, and hurriedly told him: We are useless! But Master Long, we will never dare to look at the dumb girl in the future!

Zhu Yeqing waved his hand and said: No! Today, Long Ye is happy and will give you permission: if anyone can take down the mute girl, she will belong to whom!

Niu Wuda was overjoyed: Master Long, is this true?

Zhu Yeqing laughed: When did I tell a lie? Yes!

★ He Sanmao returned with a feather

He Sanmao was anxious and shouted: Xie Longye, Sanmao I took the lead! After that, he couldn't wait to gather the strength of the soles of his feet, and "swished" out of the Tujia house through the window.

Danfeng Eye 038: Before Zhu Yeqing escaped from Qinglong Village, he actually instigated Bu to violate the dumb girl Mingzhu

Zhu Yeqing boasted: This turtle son is bold!

He Sanmao rushed to the courtyard, and took a look at the mysterious stilted building of the dumb girl Mingzhu quietly inside and outside, although full of confidence, but did not dare to act presumptuously, so he had to restrain his personality, snake-walking foxstep, and cautiously gradually approached the stilted building.

At this time, the mute girl in the stilted building had already heard the movement in the courtyard and hurriedly listened.

He Sanmao's light movements and even the breath of breathing in the courtyard were clearly heard by Mingzhu. A contemptuous sneer immediately appeared on her charming face.

He Sanmao tried a few slip steps, but found no abnormality, and immediately became excited. However, as soon as he stepped on the stairs of the stilted building, he heard the sound of the crossbow and crossbow, and shouted: "Not good! Quickly turn your head sideways to dodge. A crossbow arrow "swished" and flew close to the ear.

Danfeng Eye 038: Before Zhu Yeqing escaped from Qinglong Village, he actually instigated Bu to violate the dumb girl Mingzhu

He Sanmao was frightened into a cold sweat, and in a hurry, a harrier turned over and hurriedly fell to the ground. And the second and third crossbow arrows flew in succession like eyes, making He Sanmao scramble and sweating profusely. He could hear that this crossbow arrow was full of strength, and maybe there was a unique poison of the pearl on the arrow cluster!

Finally crawling and hiding in a dead corner, he looked at the stilted building for a while, and retreated helplessly.

Zhu Yeqing watched He Sanmao walk into the dumb girl's Tujia house dejectedly, laughed and said: Sanmao, you turtle son, you are really in a hurry, and you are in a hurry!

He Sanmao said ashamedly: Master Long, Sanmao is incompetent. I have failed your old man's kindness. But, life is worth a lot!

★ Niu Wu also wanted to violate the mute girl

Zhu Yeqing said: The blessed don't have to be busy, and the unblessed run to break their intestines!

Danfeng Eye 038: Before Zhu Yeqing escaped from Qinglong Village, he actually instigated Bu to violate the dumb girl Mingzhu

This time, the dumb girl's hidden weapon mechanism was broken by you He Sanmao, and she deserves his Niu Wu's stupid son to hand over the peach blossom luck. Niu Wu, you go and have a look. Maybe this beautiful orchid in Xiangxi is a little horse under your cow's crotch today!

Niu Wu hurriedly said: Xie Longye! Immediately, he gathered his full strength, and a carp leaped out of the window to the big house.

Zhu Yeqing looked at Niu Wu's posture of running out of the window and praised: Niu Wu, this stupid son, his kung fu is good! Don't learn Sanmao, anticlimactic.

He Sanmao looked at Niu Wu who was walking in a foxstep outside the window jealously and said: Fifth brother is definitely better than me! In his heart, he hoped that Niu Wu would lose worse than himself.

Niu Wu observed, walked and stopped, and quickly approached the dumb girl's stilted building in a Z-shape, looking at the quiet stilted building but suddenly stopped.

Danfeng Eye 038: Before Zhu Yeqing escaped from Qinglong Village, he actually instigated Bu to violate the dumb girl Mingzhu

Inside the stilted building. The mute girl listened attentively to the movement outside, and it seemed that she was a different person. Because the steps are different, the breath is different. But the corners of her mouth still sneered, and she thought to herself: Another one who is not afraid of death!

Niu Wu cautiously stepped up the stairs, alert to the place where the hidden weapon might be issued, but before he could stand firmly, two poisonous snakes scurried silently, one left and one right.

Niu Wu hurriedly retreated. Look at the two snakes, there are several poisonous snakes, some of them are bent on the stairs, some are clinging to the guardrail, and some are hanging on the eaves, all of them bent down and hooked their heads, staring at him coldly.

Where did these vipers come from? I didn't notice it at all, so why did it suddenly appear?

Niu 500 times more vigilant, and then looked at the corner of the stairs, where there stood a wooden sign that read: Death to trespassers!

Danfeng Eye 038: Before Zhu Yeqing escaped from Qinglong Village, he actually instigated Bu to violate the dumb girl Mingzhu

Niu Wu knew that this dumb girl Mingzhu was strong in martial arts, and she had special abilities, so she didn't dare to be reckless. Now it's a feint to move forward. The snakes immediately raised their heads and prepared to attack him.

Niu Wuyi waved his hand, and the heads of the poisonous snakes immediately shook with Niu Wu's hand.

Niu Wu sighed secretly: Grandma! Looking at this posture, if I Niu Wu takes a step forward, I will be attacked by poisonous snakes. That's it! Flowers are good, but stingers are terrible. This poisonous snake array, my Niu Wu can't break it!

He didn't dare to be reckless, so he had to retreat in panic. The poisonous snakes that hide all over the stilted buildings do not chase after them.

Niu Wu was also full of sneers, and walked into the Tujia mansion of the dumb girl where Zhu Yeqing was standing dejectedly.

He Sanmao asked knowingly: What's wrong? Brother Niu's cow didn't dare to come forward?

Niu Wu smiled helplessly and said: Niu Wu was incompetent, so he had to retreat. After that, he shook his head again and smiled bitterly.

Danfeng Eye 038: Before Zhu Yeqing escaped from Qinglong Village, he actually instigated Bu to violate the dumb girl Mingzhu

Zhu Yeqing scolded: You two turtle sons, what a fucking bastard! I want to eat fish but I'm afraid of, and I don't have any interest! Can't even take a dumb woman?

Niu Wu and He Sanmao had no choice but to admit it, and said in a loud voice: Master Long, we have no chance, we have embarrassed you! But he gritted his teeth and scolded in his heart: You instigated our brothers to be fooled because you suffered a loss. Hum! Cat crying mouse, fake mercy!

Zhu Yeqing hated and feared the dumb girl Mingzhu at the moment, and couldn't wait to leave Qinglongzhai before a fire turned the dumb girl's Tujia house and stilted building into ashes, but thinking that he might come back to hide when he might be, he gritted his teeth and said: Master Long, I have a knife in my heart - endure it! (To be continued)

Danfeng Eye 038: Before Zhu Yeqing escaped from Qinglong Village, he actually instigated Bu to violate the dumb girl Mingzhu

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