
Why can China eradicate wire fraud in northern Myanmar, while the United States is helpless against Mexican drug traffickers?

author:Discussion of History
Why can China eradicate wire fraud in northern Myanmar, while the United States is helpless against Mexican drug traffickers?

Telecom fraud in northern Myanmar has been deeply plaguing the mainland for a long time, but with the increasing efforts of the mainland to crack down on telecom fraud, the limelight of fraud in northern Myanmar has weakened slightly compared with before.

Why can China eradicate wire fraud in northern Myanmar, while the United States is helpless against Mexican drug traffickers?

However, in addition to northern Myanmar in the world, which is a high-incidence area of fraud, Mexico is also flooded with drugs, and the United States is at the border with Mexico, and the problem of drug trafficking has always attracted much attention.

As things stand, drugs produced in Mexico have already harmed more than a quarter of the young people in the United States, and the U.S. government has not been moved by this, but has become the biggest umbrella for Mexican drug traffickers.

Drug cultivation in Mexico has been developing for a long time, starting to take shape in the fifties of the last century, and now Mexico has become the world's largest drug producer, all of which is inseparable from the United States.

Why can China eradicate wire fraud in northern Myanmar, while the United States is helpless against Mexican drug traffickers?

Drugs in the United States are in high demand, and before the rise of the Mexican drug industry, American drug users were already among the best in the world, especially drugs from countries such as Mexico, which are very popular in the United States, so the United States will not interfere with Mexico's drug industry for no reason.

Mexico's geographical location is also very special, and the Mexican Minister of Defense expressed his views during his visit to China in 2016.

He said that it would be a huge challenge to completely reduce the size of Mexico's drug cultivation industry, because Mexico is between the world's largest drug consumer and drug producer, and Mexico has to make trade-offs.

Why can China eradicate wire fraud in northern Myanmar, while the United States is helpless against Mexican drug traffickers?

With the gradual expansion of drug traffickers in the Golden Triangle of Southeast Asia, the governments of Southeast Asia have not achieved much success despite cracking down on drug traffickers in the Golden Triangle region.

After 1996, the big drug lords in Myanmar were arrested, and the Golden Triangle drug empire began to collapse, but the number of drug users in the United States did not decline significantly.

Where there is demand, there is a market, and drug traffickers in Mexico see this opportunity, with the rate of expansion of drug cultivation in Mexico peaking and the volume of drug smuggling to the United States increasing dramatically.

Why can China eradicate wire fraud in northern Myanmar, while the United States is helpless against Mexican drug traffickers?

In 1919, the United States introduced Prohibition, a policy that was accompanied by excessive corruption among politicians and law enforcement agencies, which promoted organized crime in the United States.

Similar to Prohibition, in 1914, the United States began to implement anti-drug orders because of the increase in the number of drug users in the country, but the anti-drug orders made Mexico's drug trafficking industry chain grow stronger and stronger, and Mexican politicians also embezzled the profits.

When the U.S. government began pressuring its neighbors to cut off the drug supply chain that crossed the border, it eventually sparked the "Mexican War on Drugs," a protracted war that not only killed tens of thousands of Mexicans, but also spurred a wave of corruption and crime.

Why can China eradicate wire fraud in northern Myanmar, while the United States is helpless against Mexican drug traffickers?

In the face of the drug epidemic, successive Mexican governments have taken many measures.

When Fox was elected president in 2000, he promised the public that he would use all his power to resolutely crack down on drug traffickers and not tolerate them.

In order to solve the problem at the source, the Fox administration has carried out a comprehensive renewal of the security department that was previously soaked in drug trafficking organizations, and at the same time has made great efforts to strengthen the public's awareness of anti-corruption and anti-narcotics.

As it turned out, President Fox's anti-drug policy did achieve certain results. Between 2000 and 2004 alone, the Mexican government apprehended more than 30,000 drug traffickers and more than halved the amount of drugs seized at the U.S.-Mexico border.

Why can China eradicate wire fraud in northern Myanmar, while the United States is helpless against Mexican drug traffickers?

Beginning in 2006, Mexican President Calderón began to crack down on many powerful drug cartels when he said that general policies were useless and that military intervention was needed to solve the problem.

The "Mexican War on Drugs", which he launched, began on December 11, 2006, and made the fight against drug cartels a top priority, and launched a massive joint anti-drug operation.

Unfortunately, Calderón's military approach has not been able to solve Mexico's drug problem, and drug abuse and smuggling continue unabated in Mexico.

Why can China eradicate wire fraud in northern Myanmar, while the United States is helpless against Mexican drug traffickers?

Some of the larger drug syndicates have splintered into small drug trafficking organizations in the eastern and western parts of Mexico as a result of military strikes and infighting. These small drug trafficking organizations grow opium in the mountains, and in just three years, from 2006 to 2009, opium poppy cultivation in Mexico tripled.

Drug production has not decreased, but has tended to increase, and the mountainous terrain has made it more difficult to combat drugs.

In July 2012, after Mexico's general election, Peña's government relied on intelligence and special forces to raid drug trafficking group leaders to carry out precision strikes, and the results were immediate.

Why can China eradicate wire fraud in northern Myanmar, while the United States is helpless against Mexican drug traffickers?

Next, several major drug cartels in Mexico were arrested one after another, and it was not until 2019 that the Mexican drug war came to an end.

Overall, the persistence of Mexico's drug problem stems from the government's inability to control it, while in the rest of the country, marijuana has been legalized in the name of "freedom", further complicating Mexico's drug problem.

However, as for the United States, they are aware of the increasing number of drug users, but they are reluctant to give up Mexico as a drug market, and on the other hand, they do not want to have conflicts with Mexico because of the drug problem, so they have adopted a policy attitude of turning a blind eye.

Why can China eradicate wire fraud in northern Myanmar, while the United States is helpless against Mexican drug traffickers?

The United States is aware that the vast majority of the drugs consumed by the United States each year are imported from Mexico, and that the contradictions between drug cartels include weapons and supplies needed for Mexico's drug war, most of which are imported from the United States.

The United States pays lip service to vigorously crack down on drug crimes, but on the other hand, it hopes that drugs will corrupt the Mexican government and continue to consolidate its hegemony in North America.

In fact, gradually, although the United States is shouting the slogan of cracking down on drugs, it is doing some things to legalize drugs, for example, many states in the United States have announced the legalization of some drugs.

Why can China eradicate wire fraud in northern Myanmar, while the United States is helpless against Mexican drug traffickers?

If the United States legalizes all drugs in the future, countless people in the world will lose their free will, and countless families will suffer as a result.

Compared with the United States, the mainland's determination to crack down on telecom fraud in northern Myanmar is much stronger, not only setting up a telecom fraud organization center, but also carrying out strong cooperation with various international countries, successfully cracking down on crime and avoiding corruption like the Mexican government.

Unlike the situation in China, the U.S. government itself is the strongest backer of the Mexican drug market, and in fact, for Mexico, the war on drugs is no longer just a war against drugs, but also a war between the people and poverty.

Why can China eradicate wire fraud in northern Myanmar, while the United States is helpless against Mexican drug traffickers?

At present, Mexico can only hope that by developing the national economy, creating jobs, and stabilizing society, the people will not fall into the drug industry.

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Why can China eradicate wire fraud in northern Myanmar, while the United States is helpless against Mexican drug traffickers?
Why can China eradicate wire fraud in northern Myanmar, while the United States is helpless against Mexican drug traffickers?


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