
Huawei's domineering operation! Excluding the US code, foreign media exclaimed: Chinese companies have dominated the new era!

author:Fun to talk about the world

"Hongmeng has no surname at the beginning, and he has broken the stubborn Wukong." This ancient poem seems to herald a new beginning, a metamorphosis that breaks out of the cocoon into a butterfly. Today, the rise of Huawei's HarmonyOS system, as depicted in this poem, is not only a competition for operating systems, but also a profound change in the global technology landscape.

Huawei's domineering operation! Excluding the US code, foreign media exclaimed: Chinese companies have dominated the new era!

The Global Influence of HarmonyOS System: An "East Wind" of Technology

What does the rise of the HarmonyOS system mean? This is not only the birth of a new operating system, but also the dawn of the rise of the great powers of the East in the field of science and technology. It is like a strong "east wind", blowing in every corner of global science and technology, allowing the world to see the power of China's innovation.

The "unique secret" of the HarmonyOS system: the microkernel architecture

In June 2024, Huawei announced an exciting news: the HarmonyOS kernel completely eliminates the American mica kernel, achieving true autonomy and control. This means that the HarmonyOS system has entered the real "HarmonyOS era". The reason why HarmonyOS can achieve such great success is inextricably linked with its microkernel architecture.

Huawei's domineering operation! Excluding the US code, foreign media exclaimed: Chinese companies have dominated the new era!

Different from the single-core Android system, the microkernel of HarmonyOS is like a "transformation master", which can be tailored to the smallest kernel of the device according to the different devices. This not only ensures the smoothness of the system, but also reduces the dependence of the device on the system, so as to achieve better security. It's like tailoring a set of "internal skills" for each device to make the equipment run more smoothly.

The "seamless connection" of the HarmonyOS system: distributed capabilities and ecological compatibility

HarmonyOS has also achieved the ultimate in distributed capabilities and ecological compatibility. It enables "seamless connectivity" between mobile phones, computers, watches, and other devices, allowing users to enjoy the same experience when switching between different devices. It's like building a "bridge" between different devices, allowing information to flow freely and freely.

Moreover, the characteristics of HarmonyOS application being streamlined, smooth, and consuming less power are also important reasons why it can be favored by users. When users use the HarmonyOS system, they can clearly feel that it is different from the Android system. It's like an "energy saver", making the device last longer and making the user's experience more enjoyable.

Huawei's domineering operation! Excluding the US code, foreign media exclaimed: Chinese companies have dominated the new era!

The user base of the HarmonyOS system and the "conquering the city" of the international market

As a new operating system, HarmonyOS can break through the 300 million user mark in just a few years, which is really amazing. Huawei's strong user base has provided great convenience for the promotion of HarmonyOS in the domestic market, and the promotion strategy of "both soft and hard" in the domestic market has also allowed HarmonyOS to successfully pass the "critical period".

However, if HarmonyOS wants to truly dominate the world, it is far from enough to rely on the domestic market alone. The international market is an important criterion for measuring the quality of an operating system. Happily, HarmonyOS has surpassed iOS to become the second largest mobile operating system in the world. And in the third quarter of this year, the global market share of HarmonyOS has reached 18%, continuing to maintain a rapid growth trend. This growth rate is both surprising and exciting. Although there is still a long way to go to surpass Android, HarmonyOS has proven its strength with practical actions.

HarmonyOS System and User Experience: A "Smooth" Revolution

For users, the replacement of the operating system will not have much impact on their lives. But when you really use HarmonyOS OS, you will deeply appreciate the difference between it and Android. Due to the use of different kernel architectures, HarmonyOS is better than the Android system in terms of fluency, power consumption, and heat generation. It's like giving your phone a stronger heart, making it smoother and more stable.

Huawei's domineering operation! Excluding the US code, foreign media exclaimed: Chinese companies have dominated the new era!

Moreover, when the HarmonyOS app runs on a mobile phone, it can also reflect the characteristics of "smooth, fast, streamlined, and less power consumption". When you really experience it, you will find that the original operating system can be so smooth! It turns out that the mobile phone can also save power like this! It turns out that technology can really change lives!

Future Outlook of HarmonyOS System: Improvements and Breakthroughs

Of course, as a nascent operating system, HarmonyOS still has a lot to improve. For example, problems such as insufficient support for third-party applications and slow software updates need to be fixed slowly. However, it is these issues and challenges that inspire Huawei and developers around the world to continue to move forward and explore.

Because every improvement and breakthrough means that the HarmonyOS system will be more complete and more powerful. And every user feedback and suggestion is also a valuable asset for the growth of the HarmonyOS system. So please believe: in the coming days, the HarmonyOS system will definitely bring us more surprises and expectations!

Conclusion: The Harmony era has come, are you ready?

The rise of the HarmonyOS system is unstoppable! Its technical advantages and user experience lead to a whole new choice of operating systems. Although there is still room for improvement, its performance in the international market is already impressive. What do you think of the HarmonyOS system? Leave a comment to share your thoughts!

In this era of technology and dreams, each of us is a witness and a participant. And the rise of the HarmonyOS system is one of the best footnotes of this era. It allows us to see the power of China's innovation, the possibility of science and technology changing life, and the infinite possibilities of the future!

So let's look forward to a better future for the HarmonyOS system! Let's witness the glory and dream of this Hongmeng era!

Solemnly declare: The material of the article comes from the official media, as a creator of self-media, he has always commented on current affairs in an objective and rational manner, and there is no bad public opinion guidance. In addition, it is difficult for self-media creators to control the authenticity of the event, so please read it rationally. In addition, if there is any infringement, please contact to delete, thank you!!

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