
The United States changed its tactics against China, and China threw out its trump card? This time it is not the US debt, the US has completely broken its defenses

author:Things speak in new words
The United States changed its tactics against China, and China threw out its trump card? This time it is not the US debt, the US has completely broken its defenses

Indeed, the United States has always been the number one power in the world.

In recent years, the United States has also been trying to maintain its hegemonic status, so in the face of China's rapid rise, the United States feels an unprecedented threat, and has also adopted a series of strategic attempts to curb China's development.

The United States changed its tactics against China, and China threw out its trump card? This time it is not the US debt, the US has completely broken its defenses

This is done by imposing relatively high tariffs, restricting the export of key technologies, and luring other countries with benefits to decouple economically from China or restrict certain industries in China.

The United States also plans to use the Fed's policy reversal to hit China's economy, in short, to contain China's economy.

However, Poland, its key helper, could not sit still, and China invited the Polish president to visit China, and the other party also chose to visit China to increase cooperation with China.

Different from the previous sell-off of U.S. bonds, after the United States changed its tactics against China, the trump card thrown out by China was completely broken by the United States!

The United States changed its tactics against China, and China threw out its trump card? This time it is not the US debt, the US has completely broken its defenses

1. China has strengthened cooperation with Poland

From June 22 to 26 this year, the President of Poland paid a state visit to the mainland, which has also become a new milestone in the development of Sino-Polish cooperation.

At this meeting, the purpose is to reach a consensus, actively implement and strengthen the comprehensive strategic cooperative partnership, and draw a blueprint for cooperation in the next few years.

Connectivity is an important area of cooperation between China and Poland.

In terms of shipping, we will support the continued development of China-Poland Steamship Company, inject new vitality into the maritime services between China and Poland, and strengthen customs cooperation.

This will promote the security of customs trade and the convenience of phone calls, and help ensure the interconnection of industrial and supply chains between China and Europe and China.

The United States changed its tactics against China, and China threw out its trump card? This time it is not the US debt, the US has completely broken its defenses

Civil aviation cooperation is also constantly advancing, increasing the frequency of direct flights and routes, providing more convenient conditions for personnel exchanges between the two countries.

Cooperation in the fields of science and technology and green development demonstrates the common pursuit of the future between China and Poland.

Scientific research cooperation in the fields of environmental protection technology and biodiversity conservation has been deepened, cooperation in green technology, recycling, waste treatment and other fields has also been steadily promoted, and cooperation in the field of new materials and clean energy has played a positive role in promoting the transition to low-carbon energy.

People-to-people exchanges are the deep foundation of China-Poland cooperative relations.

Artistic and cultural exchanges are intensifying, artists, experts and scholars interact with cultural institutions more frequently, and sports cooperation is expanding.

The implementation of the existing protocol on cultural cooperation and the opening of a new round of negotiations on the protocol have provided a more solid institutional foundation for cultural exchanges.

Cooperation in the field of higher education is becoming increasingly close, and the joint activities of universities are constantly enriched.

The United States changed its tactics against China, and China threw out its trump card? This time it is not the US debt, the US has completely broken its defenses

In terms of education and language and cultural exchanges, China has strengthened the exchange of language teachers, compiled Chinese-Polish and Bo-Chinese dictionaries, and promoted friendly exchanges among young peoples, thus building a bridge for mutual understanding and friendship between the two peoples.

The promotion of tourism cooperation has promoted the high-quality and sustainable growth of tourist exchanges between the two countries.

Cooperation between tourism agencies and industries has been strengthened, and efforts to facilitate visas have also brought more convenience to tourists from both sides.

The deepening of sub-national cooperation and the timely convening of the new China-Poland Sub-national Cooperation Forum will provide more opportunities for cooperation between the two countries and regions.

The cooperation between China and Poland is all-round, multi-level and wide-ranging, and both sides have shown firm determination and positive actions.

This is not only conducive to the development of the two countries themselves, but also makes a positive contribution to world peace and prosperity.

The United States changed its tactics against China, and China threw out its trump card? This time it is not the US debt, the US has completely broken its defenses

2. China and France are actively cooperating

On the 21st, the first education development forum held by China and France was held in Paris. The forum was organized by the education authorities of China and France in conjunction with universities, and is an important platform for educational exchanges between China and France.

At this forum, relevant universities and research institutions in China and France also signed a series of cooperation agreements, covering many fields such as basic science, cutting-edge science and technology, and talent exchange.

Therefore, the agreement signed by this forum is not only an agreement, but also shows the firm determination of China and France to move towards the future together.

The United States changed its tactics against China, and China threw out its trump card? This time it is not the US debt, the US has completely broken its defenses

The main purpose of the forum is to build a new platform to promote in-depth exchanges between China and France and to expand cooperation between the two countries in education and research.

The French Minister of Scientific Research also stressed that in the past year, China and France have cooperated very well in Gao Xingzuo.

The Sino-French Year of Culture and Tourism, which marks the 60th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and France, provides an excellent opportunity for cooperation between the two sides.

China and France have also made a lot of achievements in university cooperation over the years.

The United States changed its tactics against China, and China threw out its trump card? This time it is not the US debt, the US has completely broken its defenses

For example, up to now, China and France have 69 joint undergraduate programs, and many cooperative projects have also been successfully implemented.

There are also many projects that China and France have cooperated in, among which the biggest highlight should be that in November 2019, Peking University and École Polytechnique of Paris, together with the French Thales Group, jointly implemented a laser-driven multi-stream project in which Nobel Prize winner Larmouru also participated.

The United States changed its tactics against China, and China threw out its trump card? This time it is not the US debt, the US has completely broken its defenses

Not only that, but in the face of global challenges, China and France are also working together to actively explore effective solutions.

For example, the education circles of the two countries have jointly released a plan based on ocean climate action, and a scientific alliance with the International Big Science Program on Negative Ocean Emissions initiated by Chinese scientists and the International Commission for Sustainable Development of the Ocean initiated by France.

All this fully demonstrates the efforts and determination of China and France to jointly promote scientific research in tackling global marine issues.

The United States changed its tactics against China, and China threw out its trump card? This time it is not the US debt, the US has completely broken its defenses

Third, the cooperation between the mainland and many parties has been smooth, and the United States has completely broken its defenses

So we can feel it through the Polish and French attitudes above.

Although the United States is uniting with some other countries to suppress China, it is obvious that its strategic goals cannot be achieved.

Moreover, some countries have begun to re-examine their relations with the United States and no longer blindly follow the United States' China policy.

It is also clear that the hegemony of the United States has been greatly threatened.

After the victory in the Cold War, the United States was regarded by the whole world as a beacon of civilization.

The United States also mistakenly believed that the victory of the Cold War was due to the attractiveness of its own politics, so it tried to shape American-style democracy into a universal value, so it took a series of radical actions around the world.

The United States changed its tactics against China, and China threw out its trump card? This time it is not the US debt, the US has completely broken its defenses

They cultivate pro-American factions and even go so far as to start disputes to maintain their hegemony.

Since 2010, a series of U.S. interventions in the Middle East have brought great political turmoil to countries such as Libya and Egypt, plunging them into an abyss of chaos and unrest.

In Libya, for example, the United States has actively intervened in its internal affairs under the pretext of so-called "democracy promotion". By supporting opposition forces, the United States has injected more uncertainty and conflict into the situation in Libya.

The relatively stable political order was broken, and various forces fought fiercely in a power vacuum.

At that time, Libyan social order collapsed, infrastructure was severely damaged, and the lives of ordinary people were in extreme difficulty. The once bustling city has become devastated, with violence and chaos rife in the streets.

The United States changed its tactics against China, and China threw out its trump card? This time it is not the US debt, the US has completely broken its defenses

Egypt has not escaped the shadow of US intervention. The United States has tried to influence Egypt's direction through various means, including conditionalities attached to economic aid and political pressure.

This has led to an intensification of political divisions within Egypt and an increasingly complex and unstable political situation.

The frequent changes of government and the lack of continuity of policies have caused Egypt to suffer serious setbacks in economic development and social governance.

What the United States has done has made Arab countries profoundly realize that its so-called "help" is nothing but a cloak of hypocrisy, and what lies behind it is an infringement of the sovereignty of other countries and a sabotage of regional stability.

The United States changed its tactics against China, and China threw out its trump card? This time it is not the US debt, the US has completely broken its defenses

Public opinion is now basically polarized, with pro-American intellectuals on one side insisting that the United States is a beacon of democracy, but there is a growing number of voices opposing the United States around the world.

Especially with the rise of new media platforms, American capital can no longer monopolize the global discourse and information dissemination channels, and American hegemony is about to collapse.

Especially after Biden took office, many Western European countries began to have a more negative view of the United States.

Unlike the United States, in the Middle East, Africa, and Latin America, the number of people supporting China is rising.

The United States changed its tactics against China, and China threw out its trump card? This time it is not the US debt, the US has completely broken its defenses

This is because China's attitude on the international political stage is relatively pragmatic and moderate, and it will not force other countries or impose unreasonable sanctions, but actively communicate, seek cooperation, and achieve win-win results.

China did not think that it would not seek hegemony in the future, but was actively promoting the multipolarization of world politics. Therefore, we have become an important driving force for the multipolarization of world politics, and it has also been welcomed by various countries, and the United States has completely broken its defenses.

Although the United States is uniting other countries to carry out various kinds of suppression on the mainland, the mainland will also speed up cooperation with other countries to safeguard its own legitimate rights and interests. We will continue to promote the building of an open world economy.

In the future, we will attract more international investment, and will also increase foreign investment to promote the layout and development of China's industrial globalization.


Professor Guan Quan2024-06-26 -- The United States has changed its tactics against China, and China has thrown out its trump card? This time it is not the US debt, the US has completely broken its defenses

Xinhua News Agency, 25024-06-25

The United States changed its tactics against China, and China threw out its trump card? This time it is not the US debt, the US has completely broken its defenses

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