
In the follow-up to the fire in the Heda auditorium, the school was heartbroken, and the insider revealed the inside story: the construction team had a criminal record

author:Here's a story

If the auditorium is gone, will Henan University still be Henan University? It is not only the palace temple of students, but also the century-old pride of parents, and the spiritual totem of the whole river people.

In the follow-up to the fire in the Heda auditorium, the school was heartbroken, and the insider revealed the inside story: the construction team had a criminal record

But just last night, the always solemn and elegant River Auditorium was almost completely engulfed by the fire, leaving only a few remaining structural remains, which is too heart-wrenching! So who brutally destroyed the sustenance in people's hearts, and how is the ending handled now?

In the follow-up to the fire in the Heda auditorium, the school was heartbroken, and the insider revealed the inside story: the construction team had a criminal record
In the follow-up to the fire in the Heda auditorium, the school was heartbroken, and the insider revealed the inside story: the construction team had a criminal record

A sudden fire

The incident happened on May 2, that is, at 23:20 on the same day, the dark Minglun Campus of Henan University was lit up by a sudden fire, which coincidentally fell on the top of the century-old auditorium.

Judging from the pictures posted on the Internet, this fiery red auditorium is burning to the fullest, and there seem to be many building protective nets around it, which can tell that the building is currently in the stage of renovation.

In the follow-up to the fire in the Heda auditorium, the school was heartbroken, and the insider revealed the inside story: the construction team had a criminal record

But it is also because of this, so that the fire erupts wantonly outward is difficult to control, at that time, the city's firefighters quickly rushed to the scene to put out the fire after receiving the alarm, but because the fire was too big, the firefighters also exerted all their strength, and it took a while to extinguish the fire, and the auditorium was also burned, leaving only the wreckage.

In the follow-up to the fire in the Heda auditorium, the school was heartbroken, and the insider revealed the inside story: the construction team had a criminal record

Fortunately, there were no trapped and injured people during the whole process, but after the news spread, everyone was saddened and spent the whole night mourning the collapse of this spiritual pillar.

Even Lu Keping, the former secretary of the party committee, couldn't help but post a message with emotion: "Tonight is painful, extinguish the flames with tears, tonight sleepless heart has nowhere to put it, tonight the school is dead, and my school will never be !! forever"

In the follow-up to the fire in the Heda auditorium, the school was heartbroken, and the insider revealed the inside story: the construction team had a criminal record

The accident in the auditorium undoubtedly touched everyone's heart, and the whole country paid attention to the incident, and various media also rushed to the scene of the incident as soon as possible, trying to find the truth of the fire through interviews.

At 6 o'clock in the morning on May 3, the top news reporter grasped part of the relevant facts, according to the staff of Heda, the auditorium had been under construction for nearly four months, and the construction personnel were also resting inside the auditorium after getting off work, and there were personnel on the night of the fire.

In the follow-up to the fire in the Heda auditorium, the school was heartbroken, and the insider revealed the inside story: the construction team had a criminal record

The interviewer also said that in fact, there is a smoke detector installed inside the auditorium, but because it is being renovated, the facility is not perfect, and the staff member also said that he only knew that the auditorium was on fire when he heard the arrival of the fire truck.

This also means that the sudden fire is very likely to be related to the "carelessness" of the internal resting personnel, but according to reliable sources, the specific cause of the fire is currently being investigated in detail, and everything is still waiting for the official notification.

But before the truth came out, it was undoubtedly difficult to understand the anger in the hearts of thousands of netizens, and the official comment area of Henan University exploded for a while.

In the follow-up to the fire in the Heda auditorium, the school was heartbroken, and the insider revealed the inside story: the construction team had a criminal record

Netizens look like detectives

You must know that the auditorium of Henan University has always been irreplaceable in the hearts of the students of Henan University, and that pride will not pass away until many years of graduation.

For example, a few days ago, Mr. Wang Liqun recommended his alma mater many times on the show, hoping that Dong Yuhui next to him must go to the Minglun Campus of Heda University to have a look and witness the architectural grandeur of the Republic of China period in his lifetime.

In the follow-up to the fire in the Heda auditorium, the school was heartbroken, and the insider revealed the inside story: the construction team had a criminal record

But I didn't think about it, after all, there was no chance, this time the sudden fire also made the students of River University say that they urgently needed a statement, some netizens said that they just went back a few days ago, but they didn't go in when they were being renovated, and they didn't think about it and became a lifelong regret, and they won't have a chance in the future.

In the follow-up to the fire in the Heda auditorium, the school was heartbroken, and the insider revealed the inside story: the construction team had a criminal record

Some netizens feel sorry for their parents, saying that their parents graduated from that school, and every graduation photo has the existence of an auditorium, and if you hear this news, you will be sad for a long time.

In the follow-up to the fire in the Heda auditorium, the school was heartbroken, and the insider revealed the inside story: the construction team had a criminal record

Some netizens even pulled out the contract for the repair of the auditorium when they were sad, and the construction period was 6 months, and it was completed before April 7, but the fire pictures showed that there was also the existence of the construction fence, which was obviously delayed.

In the follow-up to the fire in the Heda auditorium, the school was heartbroken, and the insider revealed the inside story: the construction team had a criminal record

Then some netizens revealed that the background of the repair unit was not "innocent", the risk and punishment were not falling, and it was also involved in many judicial cases, including whether it had done a good job in fire prevention inspection and had a lawsuit.

In the follow-up to the fire in the Heda auditorium, the school was heartbroken, and the insider revealed the inside story: the construction team had a criminal record

It caused a sensation again for a while, and the students of River University said that they wanted the school to give an explanation why they wanted to find such a construction team to complete the renovation of the auditorium.

In the follow-up to the fire in the Heda auditorium, the school was heartbroken, and the insider revealed the inside story: the construction team had a criminal record

However, some deeply regretful netizens expressed the possibility of a "natural disaster", saying that they saw Kong Ming lanterns floating in the direction of Heda in the nearby gymnasium that night, which was probably caused by natural disasters.

But no matter what, no one can ignore the fact that the auditorium was burned down, and a century-old infrastructure was completely destroyed.

In the follow-up to the fire in the Heda auditorium, the school was heartbroken, and the insider revealed the inside story: the construction team had a criminal record

Ridiculous and ironic

Henan Auditorium began to be built in 1931 until three years to complete, it covers an area of about 3,932 square meters, at that time it cost more than 200,000 silver dollars to build, which has experienced 80 years of student replacement, has long become the faith in the hearts of thousands of students.

In the follow-up to the fire in the Heda auditorium, the school was heartbroken, and the insider revealed the inside story: the construction team had a criminal record

Even the students in other universities have said that they are not in the auditorium, and their hearts have already entered the auditorium, which is not only the spiritual pillar of Heda, but also the first-class cultural relics of the country.

In the follow-up to the fire in the Heda auditorium, the school was heartbroken, and the insider revealed the inside story: the construction team had a criminal record

According to online rumors, before the fire, the banner raised at the entrance of the auditorium during the renovation period reads "Cultural heritage is not renewable, and it is urgent to strengthen protection", which now seems ridiculous and ironic.

In the follow-up to the fire in the Heda auditorium, the school was heartbroken, and the insider revealed the inside story: the construction team had a criminal record

Who is the "culprit" let us wait for the truth, hope that it can be revealed as soon as possible, and the world will be given an explanation, hoping that the auditorium of Henan University can be rebuilt, so that more people's spiritual pillars can be supported again.

In the follow-up to the fire in the Heda auditorium, the school was heartbroken, and the insider revealed the inside story: the construction team had a criminal record

The author thinks

As for the truth of the fire, everyone must be very concerned, but I hope that when the truth has not come, everyone will not speculate, and everything is still waiting for the results of the investigation of the relevant departments.



The auditorium of Henan University caught fire, and there were no casualties

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There was a fire during the renovation of the auditorium of Henan University, and the university did its best to reduce the damage

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There was a fire in the auditorium of the Minglun Campus of Henan University, insider: The construction team rested here when the fire broke out

In the follow-up to the fire in the Heda auditorium, the school was heartbroken, and the insider revealed the inside story: the construction team had a criminal record
In the follow-up to the fire in the Heda auditorium, the school was heartbroken, and the insider revealed the inside story: the construction team had a criminal record
In the follow-up to the fire in the Heda auditorium, the school was heartbroken, and the insider revealed the inside story: the construction team had a criminal record

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