
The fire construction team in the river auditorium was resting, and the leaders looked at the flames with tears in their eyes, and netizens broke more inside stories

author:Entertainment swishs

In the quiet early morning of May 3, the hundred-year-old River Auditorium accidentally caught fire, and this hall, which carries countless historical memories and academic glory, was reduced to ruins in an instant, and countless netizens and alumni expressed their sadness and regret.

The fire construction team in the river auditorium was resting, and the leaders looked at the flames with tears in their eyes, and netizens broke more inside stories

According to media reports, the reporter chatted with people from Henan University, and they said that the auditorium has been under maintenance in the past few months, and the cause of the fire may have been accidentally caused by the construction people resting in the auditorium at night. And, according to common sense, there should have been a device in the auditorium that can alarm as soon as there is smoke, but I forgot to install a smoke alarm when decorating. Because the project has not been completed, and these equipment have not yet been handed over to the school, this negligence has made the auditorium like this, and the negligence of the moment has caused such serious losses, which is really distressing!

The fire construction team in the river auditorium was resting, and the leaders looked at the flames with tears in their eyes, and netizens broke more inside stories

Lu Keping, former party secretary of Henan University, was so sad that he couldn't sleep after learning the news of the fire in the auditorium. He posted on WeChat Moments in the early hours of the morning, expressing his inner grief and helplessness with affectionate words: "Tonight, I burst into tears, trying to extinguish the raging flames with tears. Tonight, I can't sleep, because my heart has nowhere to rest. Tonight, my alma mater has suffered irreparable trauma, and I hope she will always be resilient and boundless!" These just a few dozen words embody Mr. Lu's deep attachment and sorrow to his alma mater.

The fire construction team in the river auditorium was resting, and the leaders looked at the flames with tears in their eyes, and netizens broke more inside stories

Netizens dug deep and found that this company was criticized by the Beijing Dongcheng District Fire Brigade in March 2023 before, when they built dormitories, but they didn't even do basic internal fire inspections, but unfortunately that criticism didn't make them remember it for a long time. This time, when the auditorium was being repaired, they actually let the renovation workers live directly in it, and it turned out that there was a fire. This kind of mistake has been made again and again, and finally caused such a tragedy, which really makes people feel distressed to watch.

The fire construction team in the river auditorium was resting, and the leaders looked at the flames with tears in their eyes, and netizens broke more inside stories

Netizens did not let go of the slightest bit, and dug deep into the details of the company that repaired the auditorium, this company is called Beijing Tongxing Ancient Construction Co., Ltd., they spent 4.356 million yuan to win the repair of the auditorium, and the contract said that it would be completed in 180 days, that is, it had to be completed before April 7, 2024, but the photos taken by netizens show that the place has not been finished yet, the outer fence is still there, and there are cranes on the site. It's supposed to be completed on April 7th, but it's obviously a delay!

The fire construction team in the river auditorium was resting, and the leaders looked at the flames with tears in their eyes, and netizens broke more inside stories

Let's talk about the bidding process, it is also confusing, this Beijing Tongxing Ancient Construction Engineering Co., Ltd., which used to be mainly engaged in housing construction, only began to engage in cultural relics protection projects in 2021, and they were fined in March last year for building projects in the dormitory and not doing internal fire inspections.

What's even more puzzling is that the repair budget is 6.5 million, but they won the bid price of only 4.356 million, does this mean that in order to win the bid at a low price, they used worse materials and more unreliable construction?

The fire construction team in the river auditorium was resting, and the leaders looked at the flames with tears in their eyes, and netizens broke more inside stories
The fire construction team in the river auditorium was resting, and the leaders looked at the flames with tears in their eyes, and netizens broke more inside stories

The auditorium is the soul of Henan University, the memory of countless students of Henan University, and the landmark building of Kaifeng. Now that a fire has been burned, this loss is not ordinarily large, we must find out how this fire burned, and give an explanation to all those who care about this matter!

The fire construction team in the river auditorium was resting, and the leaders looked at the flames with tears in their eyes, and netizens broke more inside stories

This hundred-year-old auditorium is an important cultural relic of our country, and it is gone because of the unreliable operation of the decoration company. They all posted on the Internet that they were so sad after seeing the news that they could only look at the old photos in their mobile phones, nostalgic for the good times they used to have in the auditorium, and they really hoped that they could take a few more glances at the auditorium, but now it can only become a memory, and they all hope that the relevant departments can severely punish those who caused the accident and give a fair explanation of this tragedy.

The fire construction team in the river auditorium was resting, and the leaders looked at the flames with tears in their eyes, and netizens broke more inside stories

Migrant workers are an indispensable force in China's construction industry, but we must also face up to the bad habits and irregular behaviors of some migrant workers on the construction site. Although most migrant workers are very concerned about hygiene and safety, there are still a few who go their own way and ignore the rules and regulations, and the cause of this accident is also suspected to be caused by the rest of the construction team, and it is hoped that such incidents will be reduced in the future.

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