
The river auditorium caught fire in the early morning! The construction team became the biggest suspect? Netizens exposed the news to attract attention

author:Little Treasure Castle children's products


A tragic scene was staged at Henan University. In the early morning of May 3, the pearl of this century-old famous school, the River Auditorium, was suddenly poisoned by Zhurong and engulfed by raging fire. This building, which has witnessed the vicissitudes of a century-old history, once escaped the merciless baptism of war, but suffered this unexpected catastrophe during the peaceful renovation.

The flames aroused suspicions, and the construction team attracted attention

As can be seen from the pictures posted on the Internet, the fire was very fierce from the beginning, and the fire licked every corner of the auditorium like a dragon. Thick smoke billowed from the scene, and the flames soared into the sky, and rescuers had to deal with it with difficulty.

The river auditorium caught fire in the early morning! The construction team became the biggest suspect? Netizens exposed the news to attract attention

The cause of the fire was a mystery for a while, but soon an eyewitness revealed a surprising speculation: the construction team was resting at the site at the time, could it be related to some of their illegal operations?

The river auditorium caught fire in the early morning! The construction team became the biggest suspect? Netizens exposed the news to attract attention

As soon as this speculation came out, it immediately sparked a heated discussion on the Internet. Many people began to point the finger directly at these construction workers, and some questioned whether they had problems such as illegal use of fire.

Huge sums of money have been spent on repairs for many years, which has aroused suspicion

At the same time, some locals who are more knowledgeable have questioned it from a different angle. According to the news, in recent years, the Heda Auditorium has been repaired almost every year, and the entire school has invested millions of yuan in maintenance funds every year.

The river auditorium caught fire in the early morning! The construction team became the biggest suspect? Netizens exposed the news to attract attention

"It's millions to build a scaffolding and repair it, so where does it cost you?" "It's hard to repair every year without accidents, and some students still wonder if someone has done something about money. "

The river auditorium caught fire in the early morning! The construction team became the biggest suspect? Netizens exposed the news to attract attention

This remark undoubtedly drew the attention of the whole thing to the management of the school. Many people have begun to question the university's financial supervision and infrastructure management, believing that the university may be responsible for the accident.

There are many doubts about the responsibility of the school

In fact, after the incident, the school also gave an explanation for the failure of the smoke detector system at that time. But the explanation just makes more people disdain and suspicious:

The river auditorium caught fire in the early morning! The construction team became the biggest suspect? Netizens exposed the news to attract attention

"The school said that the smoke detector system was removed because it needed to be repaired. But don't you think it's a logical loophole, and the fire prerequisites are being removed in order to repair the house?"

The river auditorium caught fire in the early morning! The construction team became the biggest suspect? Netizens exposed the news to attract attention

"Knowing that there is a construction team there, why is the vigilance so low?

As a result, the suspicion deepened, and more and more people began to blame the school for the fire. Some people believe that there were serious management failures on the part of Heda in this accident, and some even bluntly say that the university should be held accountable.

The river auditorium caught fire in the early morning! The construction team became the biggest suspect? Netizens exposed the news to attract attention

External forces floated in

Unlike the conflict in the school, the local people have given another, more plausible explanation.

Some witnesses said that before the incident, they had seen a large number of Kong Ming lanterns flying in the park, and many of them had even floated in the direction of the river. As an open flame, the Kong Ming lantern is likely to become a fuse once it flies into the River Auditorium.

The river auditorium caught fire in the early morning! The construction team became the biggest suspect? Netizens exposed the news to attract attention

Once this statement came out, many people felt that it was more credible. After all, everyone knows that the structure of the River Auditorium is mainly made of wood, and once an open flame is lit, it can easily cause a catastrophe.

The river auditorium caught fire in the early morning! The construction team became the biggest suspect? Netizens exposed the news to attract attention

So, if this is the case, what will be the ripple effect? Will the relevant person in charge of the school blame the blame on external factors? Or will the school ultimately be responsible? I am afraid that this debate will continue.

The parties were dumbfounded, looking forward to the results of the investigation

Whatever ultimately led to the fire, it has already affected too many stakeholders. All parties have spoken in unison, passing the buck to each other, and you come and go back and forth to each other, and you can't say why you come for a while.

The river auditorium caught fire in the early morning! The construction team became the biggest suspect? Netizens exposed the news to attract attention

Should the school be held accountable for negligence in management? Was the construction team really operating in violation of regulations? Was it just the result of carelessness? Or was it an external factor that intervened? All kinds of mysteries and suspicions surrounded people and made people speechless.


The only consolation is that no one was injured. Although the fire is a sigh of relief, it is fortunate that no lives were damaged.

The river auditorium caught fire in the early morning! The construction team became the biggest suspect? Netizens exposed the news to attract attention

At present, the cause of the accident is still pending further investigation. The public is eagerly awaiting a convincing result from the relevant authorities as soon as possible to uncover the truth behind this tragic accident.

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