
The hospital was reported that someone gave birth to a child under the name of a surrogate?

author:Shanghai Legal News
The hospital was reported that someone gave birth to a child under the name of a surrogate?

On May 5, volunteer Shangguan Zhengyi once again spoke out to report Chongqing Angel Maternity Hospital that a number of pregnant mothers suspected of illegal surrogacy had given birth in the hospital with false ID cards and successfully applied for birth medical certificates.

The hospital was reported that someone gave birth to a child under the name of a surrogate?

Screenshot of Weibo

On May 4, the reporter followed Shangguan Zhengyi to the hospital and saw a suspected surrogate in room 811 of the hospital. Shangguan Zhengyi said that according to the information provided by the intermediary, the woman's actual name was Jiang, but she was admitted to the hospital as a client Liu, and gave birth to a son by cesarean section on May 1.

Shangguan Zhengyi fed back the situation to the hospital, and the leader of the hospital, Manager Jiang, said that he would verify the incident, and said, "When the mother is admitted to the hospital, she must go through strict verification of people and certificates, and it is impossible for such a thing to happen." ”

On the 5th, the reporter learned from the Health Commission of Yubei District, Chongqing Municipality that when health law enforcement officers went to the hospital to investigate on the evening of the 4th, they found that the mother had been discharged from the hospital in the evening.

The hospital was accused of illegal surrogacy and multiple birth certificates

The suspected "pregnant mother" claimed to have changed her name and ID card

Shangguan Zhengyi introduced that after he reported the sale of birth medical certificates at Xiangyang Jianqiao Hospital, he found that many intermediaries who introduced business were still committing crimes against the wind, and many hospital employees provided him with clues. Since then, he has reported 14 hospitals in 5 provinces.

"The situation of this hospital in Chongqing was revealed by an intermediary. In order to win over me as a 'customer', she sent some success stories. They forged their ID cards and put the surrogate mother's avatar on the client's ID card, and the pregnant mother took the fake ID card and was admitted to the hospital as a client. Shangguan Zhengyi said that these surrogates underwent embryo transfer in other regions under the intermediary organization, and then came to Chongqing Angel Maternity Hospital, admitted to the hospital for birth through a forged identity, formed a legal birth record, handled the birth medical certificate, and then successfully completed the household registration.

Shangguan Zhengyi said that he was aware of at least two such birth certificates at the hospital in March and April.

On the afternoon of May 4, the reporter followed Shangguan Zhengyi to the hospital. In the 811 ward of the hospital, a pregnant woman surnamed Liu was registered for the check-in. Shangguan Zhengyi said that according to the information disclosed by the intermediary, the actual name of the woman was Jiang, and she gave birth to a child for Liu's surrogate.

The hospital was reported that someone gave birth to a child under the name of a surrogate?

Maternity in the ward (video screenshot)

In the ward, in addition to the mother, there is a confinement lady who is taking care of a baby boy, accompanied by a woman who claims to be the mother's best friend. The mother thought that Shangguan Zhengyi was the leader of the hospital, and then introduced that she was a child born by cesarean section on May 1 and was ready to be discharged from the hospital on May 5.

The girlfriend vigilantly asked Shangguan Zhengyi about his identity, and then left the ward and did not appear again.

When Shangguan Zhengyi identified himself and talked to the mother, the woman said that she could not remember the last four digits of her ID number. Shangguan Zhengyi asked if his name was Jiang, and the mother denied it, saying, "I changed my name and ID card after the divorce last year, and I am Liu." ”

Shangguan Zhengyi asked if the baby next to her was a surrogate child, and the mother was silent, and then said, "No, I don't know."

Shangguan Zhengyi asked if he could see her ID card, and after searching for her backpack, she said that "it was taken by my colleague". The woman said that the woman was her colleague, but she could not tell the name of the colleague.

The person in charge of the hospital said that the admission was "a person, a certificate verification procedure"

Received a call and asked to "don't say anything"

When Shangguan Zhengyi was talking to the mother, the hospital staff came to inquire about it, and then took her to the hospital's administrative duty area, where a manager surnamed Jiang came forward to receive her.

Manager Jiang said that she was the head of finance of the hospital and was on duty during holidays. After recording the situation, she said: "It's the first time I've heard of anything like this. Our hospital has strict procedures, and when the mother is admitted, the information of the person and certificate will be strictly compared, and it is impossible for such a thing (admission with a fake certificate) to happen. ”

The hospital was reported that someone gave birth to a child under the name of a surrogate?

Warning signs in the hospital (Shi Wei photography)

During this period, Manager Jiang received a phone call from a woman who asked her to "don't say anything, we don't know anything". Shangguan Zhengyi said that he could call the police for help, but Manager Jiang said that "the police need evidence, and there is no evidence now". Subsequently, Manager Jiang said that he would verify the incident and asked the security guards to "send the reporter out". The reporter asked to leave her phone number so that she could communicate information, and she said that the reporter could leave the phone number and she would contact the reporter if necessary.

After leaving the hospital, the reporter called the hospital as a customer to inquire about admission. The staff told reporters that pregnant women need to register and admit to the hospital with their ID cards, and the hospital provides independent wards for pregnant women, "If you give birth naturally, you will be hospitalized for 4 days and 3 nights, and you will be hospitalized for cesarean section for 5 days and 4 nights, and you will be charged more than 30,000 yuan." Room fees, nursing fees, and confinement nannies are all included. ”

The reporter noticed that in the examination report of the mother in room 811, the name was Liu, born in 1982, and she was admitted to the hospital on April 23, leaving a phone number in Guangzhou.

The hospital was reported that someone gave birth to a child under the name of a surrogate?

The avatar of the "maternity" Alipay account (screenshot of Alipay)

The reporter searched according to the number and found that the avatar of the Alipay account bound to the number was another middle-aged woman.

The reporter called the number several times, but the call went unanswered.

When the National Health Commission went to investigate, the mother had been discharged from the hospital ahead of schedule:

Evidence has been obtained

At half past four o'clock in the afternoon of the 4th, Shangguan Zhengyi successively fed back the relevant situation to the Chongqing Municipal Health Commission and the Yubei District Health Commission. The Yubei District Health Commission said it would arrange for law enforcement officers to go to the hospital, but because it was a holiday period, it would take some time for people to arrive at the scene.

At 7 o'clock in the evening, the reporter met two law enforcement officers of the Yubei District Health Commission in the hospital and fed back the relevant situation to them in person. A law enforcement officer said that due to the division of labor, they are not professional counterparts and need to report to the leader and then transfer counterpart personnel to support.

On the morning of the 5th, the reporter contacted the Yubei District Health Commission as a whistleblower, and the other party said, "When the law enforcement officers went, they found that the mother had been discharged from the hospital at half past five in the afternoon of the 4th." The maternity data kept by the hospital has been photocopied and collected for evidence. We can't do anything if the people run away, and we may need you to contact the police to intervene. ”

Subsequently, the reporter identified himself and contacted the Yubei District Health Commission, and the staff said that after receiving the report, the law enforcement procedures were carried out confidentially, and the law enforcement officers had collected evidence and investigated the incident, and were studying and judging the case, "If it involves the forgery of documents, it will be handed over to the police for processing." ”

The reporter contacted Angel Maternity Hospital to learn about the verification and asked why the mother was discharged early. The staff of the hospital window said that after consulting the relevant personnel, "the leader is not in the hospital on vacation, and it is not convenient to provide the leader's phone number".

Source | Cover News

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