
The newlywed gave chrysanthemums as corsages, and the male store manager with a hard mouth: symbolizing the strength in suffering, the meaning is very good

author:Orange heart talks about life

On May 2, a male flower shop owner posted an article aggrievedly: "Giving a pair of corsages to newlyweds has been criticized. ”

The newlywed gave chrysanthemums as corsages, and the male store manager with a hard mouth: symbolizing the strength in suffering, the meaning is very good
The newlywed gave chrysanthemums as corsages, and the male store manager with a hard mouth: symbolizing the strength in suffering, the meaning is very good

It was very strange that some people disliked the free corsage a little too picky, but when I saw that the corsage given by the store owner was actually made of chamomile chrysanthemum, I instantly understood!

The newlywed gave chrysanthemums as corsages, and the male store manager with a hard mouth: symbolizing the strength in suffering, the meaning is very good

The boss made corsages

Cause of the incident

The flower shop owner said that his business was to make wedding cars, and corsages were given to newlyweds for free. After the business was completed, he also sent sincere blessings to the newlyweds, wishing them a long time of love and happiness.

Unexpectedly, he was asked: Why is my corsage chrysanthemum?

The boss immediately replied that the flower language of chamomile is "strength in suffering, strength in adversity", which is a good meaning, and he is also very satisfied.

The newlywed gave chrysanthemums as corsages, and the male store manager with a hard mouth: symbolizing the strength in suffering, the meaning is very good

Kindly sent a corsage but was questioned, and the boss was wronged between the lines.

The newlywed gave chrysanthemums as corsages, and the male store manager with a hard mouth: symbolizing the strength in suffering, the meaning is very good
The newlywed gave chrysanthemums as corsages, and the male store manager with a hard mouth: symbolizing the strength in suffering, the meaning is very good

Wedding chrysanthemums

The same practitioner of the wedding industry said: It is absolutely impossible to use chrysanthemum flowers for wedding decoration, which is taboo for Chinese!

The boss retorted: I used sunflowers, dahlias, peony chrysanthemums and other chrysanthemum flowers to decorate the wedding scene, and they were fragrant!

The newlywed gave chrysanthemums as corsages, and the male store manager with a hard mouth: symbolizing the strength in suffering, the meaning is very good

Yellow-white chrysanthemums are generally used in scenes such as tomb sweeping or sacrifices, and chrysanthemums are absolutely not used for festive festivals such as marriage.

Imagine that when they got married, the young couple on the stage had two chrysanthemum corsages pinned to their chests, facing the hundred guests, and everyone frowned when they saw this scene.

The newlywed gave chrysanthemums as corsages, and the male store manager with a hard mouth: symbolizing the strength in suffering, the meaning is very good

The owner made chamomile flowers

Moreover, the two chamomile corsages made by the boss are as shown in the picture: the style is simple, the flowers are small, simple and shabby, and the wedding occasion is obviously inappropriate.

The newlywed gave chrysanthemums as corsages, and the male store manager with a hard mouth: symbolizing the strength in suffering, the meaning is very good

Chrysanthemums taboo

In fact, chrysanthemum was one of the four gentlemen in ancient China, implying longevity, auspiciousness and elegance. Like the sunflower mentioned earlier, it symbolizes love born to the sun, and peony chrysanthemum is full of affection, which is a good meaning.

The newlywed gave chrysanthemums as corsages, and the male store manager with a hard mouth: symbolizing the strength in suffering, the meaning is very good

Peony chrysanthemum is graceful and luxurious

However, as the boss showed, the flower language of chamomile, "strength in suffering, strength in adversity", is not only incompatible with the wedding, but even has a kind of unblessed meaning.

In this regard, the hard-mouthed boss said: This is to bless them to go on happily hand in hand in the future, whether it is bitter or sweet.

Netizens ridiculed: You might as well say that the bride and groom are very thin, just like the flowers......

The newlywed gave chrysanthemums as corsages, and the male store manager with a hard mouth: symbolizing the strength in suffering, the meaning is very good

The mouth is hard to the end

The most important target customer is the willingness of the target customer to do business. The hard-mouthed florist owner said: The idea of catering to customers is servile.

The newlywed gave chrysanthemums as corsages, and the male store manager with a hard mouth: symbolizing the strength in suffering, the meaning is very good

Meeting customer needs has become "afraid to face himself" in his mouth, and he really doesn't know if he is doing business or imposing his own ideas on others.

In the face of this sparse and strange corsage, many netizens complained: There is no artist's life, and he has the artist's disease.

The newlywed gave chrysanthemums as corsages, and the male store manager with a hard mouth: symbolizing the strength in suffering, the meaning is very good
The newlywed gave chrysanthemums as corsages, and the male store manager with a hard mouth: symbolizing the strength in suffering, the meaning is very good


Looking at the flower shop owner's homepage display of the flower works, the flowers are simple and common, lacking personality and beauty. There is a picture of one hand grabbing flowers and smoking a cigarette with the other, which gives people a bad impression. Netizen comments: It's not good to look at the aesthetics, it's elegant.

The newlywed gave chrysanthemums as corsages, and the male store manager with a hard mouth: symbolizing the strength in suffering, the meaning is very good
The newlywed gave chrysanthemums as corsages, and the male store manager with a hard mouth: symbolizing the strength in suffering, the meaning is very good

Speaking of free gifts is kind, but good intentions but not good deeds, do business to publicize the personality in the first place, abandon the customer's wishes, but also dislike the customer does not understand the language of flowers, do not understand their own advanced art.

Netizens kindly reminded him, but he refuted it with a hard mouth, and there was an illusion that everyone was drunk and I was sober.

The newlywed gave chrysanthemums as corsages, and the male store manager with a hard mouth: symbolizing the strength in suffering, the meaning is very good

Impose self and understanding, kindly give a corsage will cause disgust to customers, since it is better to improve your own aesthetics and empathy since you want to do business. Otherwise, no matter how much the aesthetics are improved, the business will not be good.

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