
Lin Daiyu swept the top three chrysanthemum poems, what's so good?


Lin Daiyu swept the top three chrysanthemum poems, what's so good?

The first song "Yongdai":

The rogue poet invades at dusk, and the sound of self-sinking around the fence stone is self-sinking.

Milliduan Yunxiu Linshuang wrote, and the mouth was fragrant to the moon.

The paper is full of self-pity and resentment, who will solve the autumn heart?

After Tao Lingpingzhang, the eternal high wind said to the present.

Lin Daiyu swept the top three chrysanthemum poems, what's so good?

In the first sentence, the scoundrel refers to helplessness and helplessness, and the poetry demon refers to the creative impulse, Bai Juyi's "Idle Yin": "Since I have studied the empty door method hard, I have exhausted all kinds of hearts in my life. Only the poetry demon has not descended, and every time the wind and moon are idle. ”

Dusk invades Shixing from morning to night.

The second sentence, 欹, is the same as seven, oblique. The stone refers to leaning on the stone, deep sound, and reciting in a low voice.

The third sentence, the tip of the pen, Yunxiu, contains the beauty of chrysanthemums, frost, facing the frost of autumn.

The fourth sentence, with the fragrance of chrysanthemums in his mouth, is recited in front of the bright moon.

The neck couplet is the two most outstanding lines of this poem, and it is also in the position of the transition, which means that Gu Ying's self-pity and grief are written all over the paper, but who can understand my sorrow through these words?

Autumn heart is the word sorrow, Wu Wenying's "Tang Duoling" in the Song Dynasty: "Where is the synthesis of sorrow? Leave people's hearts in autumn. ”

Lin Daiyu is far away from her homeland, sending people under the fence, facing the autumn scenery, she is naturally worried.

Tail couplet, one from, that is, since, Tao Ling, that is, Tao Yuanming, Tao Yuanming did Pengze County Order, so it is called; Flat chapter, tasting. Tao Yuanming is used because he has a lot of poems to praise chrysanthemums, Zhou Dunyi's "Ai Lian Said": "Jin Tao Yuanming loves chrysanthemums alone", and the dictionary is appropriate. The two sentences mean that since Tao Yuanming appraised the chrysanthemum, its noble character has been recited to this day.

Lin Daiyu swept the top three chrysanthemum poems, what's so good?

Daiyu's "Yongdai" won the first place in the chrysanthemum poems of the sisters, and she herself said that "it hurts to be delicate", and Li Kun commented that it is well clever, not piled up, and not stiff.

This poem is in line with Lin Daiyu's character as always, it is indeed hand-made, just right, without deliberately piling up too many rhetoric and allusions, but writing what he sees in front of him and what he thinks in his heart, which is the embodiment of Daiyu's spiritual talent.

The second song, "Ask Ju":

I don't know what to do with the autumn love, and I muttered my hand to knock on the east fence.

Who is hiding in the lonely standard, and the same flowers are late to bloom?

Why is the garden dew garden frost lonely, and the Honggui disease can be lovesick?

If there is no talk in the world, why not explain the words.

The jaw and neck couplets of this song, the four sentences are all rhetorical questions, which are closely related to the word "ask" in the center of the title.

Lin Daiyu swept the top three chrysanthemum poems, what's so good?

Shoulian, want to interrogate, want to ask, East Fence, Dictionary, refers to chrysanthemums, Tao Yuanming's "Drinking Its Five": "Picking chrysanthemums under the East Fence, leisurely see Nanshan".

It means that he wanted to ask about Autumn's temperament, but no one understood, so he had to ask Chrysanthemum with his hands behind his back and muttering to himself.

In fact, most of the poems of the Ming and Qing dynasties have the practice of eight strands, so the spirituality and level of the poems of the Ming and Qing dynasties are too much worse than those of the Tang and Song dynasties.

The two sentences of the jaw are rhetorically asked, the label of the lonely mark refers to the top of the treetops, "The Old Tang Book: The Biography of Du Xianquan": "The lonely standard outside the dust, the lonely step among the clouds", so the lonely mark refers to the lonely height.

Kai, with what, with what, bottom, what.

The couplet means, lonely and arrogant chrysanthemum, who are you going to retreat with? It's the same chrysanthemum, why are you blooming so late?

The two sentences of the neck couplet are rhetorical questions, the nursery is the garden, the Hong is the wild goose, and the frog is the cricket. It means that the chrysanthemum that has gone through the cold dew and frost of the courtyard, how lonely you are? When the autumn geese return south and the crickets call poignantly, do you also have the pain of lovesickness?

Tail couplet, don't say that there is no bosom friend in the world, the chrysanthemum that talks to me for a while, isn't it my interpretation flower?

Lin Daiyu swept the top three chrysanthemum poems, what's so good?

This "Asking Chrysanthemum" ranks second in the chrysanthemum poem, but in the progression of emotion, it is better than "Yongdai", one is a series of rhetorical questions that bring strong emotions, and the other is that "Yongdai" is written in the still scene, and "Asking the Chrysanthemum" is written from the still scene to the animals, sounds, so that more scenes are blended together, and the sorrow is more intense, naturally, it is also a portrayal of Daiyu's arrogant character.

For example, she will not please Mrs. Wang for the sake of marriage.

The third song, "Chrysanthemum Dream":

The autumn on the fence is clear, and the clouds and the moon are not clear.

Dengxian is not Mu Zhuang gave birth to butterflies, and he reminisced about the old and looked for Tao Lingmeng.

Sleep and follow the goose off, startled back to the old annoyance.

When I woke up, I complained to anyone, and the cold smoke of the grass was infinitely affectionate.

This first row is no exception, compared with the previous two songs, Tao Yuanming and Xuan are repeating, giving people a feeling of word poverty, but the tail couplet is very good, and the whole is still written with the word "dream", no digression.

The first couplet is to say that Qiu Ju, who is sleeping and dreaming next to the fence, can't tell whether she is flying to the moon or the clouds in her dreams.

Jaw Lian, Feather Ascension Immortal is not to envy Zhuang Zhou Mengdie, but to nostalgically look for Tao Yuanming in order to realize the unfinished covenant.

Over-interpreting it is to insist on the former alliance of wood and stone, and nostalgically return the irrigation kindness of the previous life.

Lin Daiyu swept the top three chrysanthemum poems, what's so good?

Neck coupling, clinging, nostalgia, so repeatedly. When I went to sleep, I reluctantly followed the autumn geese into a dream, but I was always awakened by the annoying sound of crickets.

Tail couplet, who do you tell about the resentment when you wake up from a dream? Only that piece of withered grass and lonely smoke is my infinite sorrow.

The disillusionment of the dream is also the disillusionment of Daiyu's ideals, and the style of the whole poem is resentment, bitterness, and grief.

The above is the excellence of Lin Daiyu's three chrysanthemum poems, and their similarities are that they are close to the topic, the style is resentful, and the words are new and clever.

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