
Huo Qigang: lost the inheritance of 100 billion yuan and was abandoned by his ex-girlfriend, why Guo Jingjing was willing to marry him

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Huo Qigang: lost the inheritance of 100 billion yuan and was abandoned by his ex-girlfriend, why Guo Jingjing was willing to marry him

It was a bright autumn day in November 2011, and Hong Kong's top billionaire, Fok Qigang, and Guo Jingjing, a Chinese representative who won six Olympic gold medals and won the title of "Queen of Diving", respectfully concluded an eternal marriage vow in a luxurious, elegant and imposing church.

When Guo Jingjing wore a white wedding dress and walked elegantly on the red carpet, every guest present was overwhelmed by her beautiful and moving posture and calm temperament.

As an outstanding athlete, her resolute face exudes the heroic posture unique to athletes, and even on such a solemn and sacred wedding occasion, she still shows her unwavering character.

And Huo Qigang appeared in a black tuxedo, and his handsome and chic image complemented Guo Jingjing. As the heir of the Fok family, a wealthy family in Hong Kong, he not only has an excellent educational background, but also shows extraordinary personal charm and talent, which has won the warm applause of many guests.

Huo Qigang: lost the inheritance of 100 billion yuan and was abandoned by his ex-girlfriend, why Guo Jingjing was willing to marry him

When they solemnly read their vows and gazed at each other affectionately in the presence of the priest, the scene suddenly resounded with thunderous applause of blessings.

After the wedding ceremony ended successfully, Huo Qigang's father stepped forward, hugged Guo Jingjing tightly, and said in a sincere tone: "I want to express my heartfelt thanks to you, Jingjing, because you chose to join our Huo family."

As a prominent family that was once respected as the "Lord of the Land of Hong Kong", the Huo family is undoubtedly full of warm welcome to the arrival of the new daughter-in-law of the Olympic champion.

Guo Jingjing is not only a well-respected sports superstar, but also has won the admiration of everyone with her perseverance and never-say-die qualities.

Huo Qigang: lost the inheritance of 100 billion yuan and was abandoned by his ex-girlfriend, why Guo Jingjing was willing to marry him

Since then, Guo Jingjing has officially become a member of this wealthy family. With her hard work and fighting spirit, she has written a new chapter in her life.

And Huo Qigang finally found the long-awaited bosom friend in his heart, and worked together to compose a gorgeous movement of love.

As the third-generation descendant of the Fok family, a Hong Kong real estate family, Fok Qigang has been deeply influenced by the family environment since he was a child. His grandfather, Mr. Fok Ying-tung, was a well-known "land lord" in Hong Kong, who once controlled a large number of land assets and had a wealth of tens of billions of yuan.

More importantly, Mr. Fok Ying-tung is known as a "red capitalist" because of his enthusiasm for public welfare, and enjoys a high reputation in Hong Kong society.

Huo Qigang: lost the inheritance of 100 billion yuan and was abandoned by his ex-girlfriend, why Guo Jingjing was willing to marry him

With such a superior family background, Huo Qigang has enjoyed the best quality educational resources since he was a child. At the age of 11, he was sent to one of the top aristocratic schools in England.

In his early years, Huo Qigang won unparalleled praise from teachers and classmates for his outstanding academic performance and humble and courteous demeanor. Soon after, he knocked on the door of the world-renowned University of Oxford with impressive results, laying a solid foundation for a brilliant future of success.

At the end of his studies, Huo Qigang flexibly and decisively chose to join the international financial community. He held senior positions at the world's top financial institutions, including Salomon Investment Bank and Goldman Sachs Investment Bank, and quickly demonstrated his extraordinary business management talents, which were highly regarded by the leadership and colleagues.

With his profound academic attainments and rich practical experience, Huo Qigang has undoubtedly become an outstanding representative of "learning and being rich, and wealth is a slam".

Huo Qigang: lost the inheritance of 100 billion yuan and was abandoned by his ex-girlfriend, why Guo Jingjing was willing to marry him

Growing up in a wealthy family since childhood, coupled with his own hard work, Huo Qigang is undoubtedly the leader of many rich three generations who have been favored by time, place, and people.

Looking forward to the future, how will he operate skillfully, create and expand the Huo family's business, and realize the higher value of life? Let's look forward to the wonderful performance of this young talent!

Although he was born in a famous family, Huo Qigang's emotional journey is full of twists and turns and legends. His first girlfriend was Lui Hing-yan, a descendant of a famous rice family in Hong Kong. This young and innocent relationship has moved everyone in the world, especially Lu Qingxin is known as "a copy of Zhu Lingling" because of her facial features that are quite similar to Huo's mother Zhu Lingling.

At that time, Huo Qigang's blood was boiling, and he cared for Lu Qingxin wholeheartedly, with deep affection. However, the impulse of youth is difficult to last, and the two finally choose to end their relationship, which is like a stranger.

Huo Qigang: lost the inheritance of 100 billion yuan and was abandoned by his ex-girlfriend, why Guo Jingjing was willing to marry him

After that, Fok Qigang had a sweet time with Lu Tianer, the daughter of the chairman of the Hong Kong South China Sports Association. The image of the two loving couples is even more high-profile, and it is widely predicted that they will walk into the palace of marriage hand in hand.

Lu Tianer not only has a beautiful appearance, but her family background is far more than Lu Qingxin, which can be called flawless. However, just when people were speculating that they were about to enter the marriage hall, Lu Tianer admitted in public that she had broken up with Huo Qigang, which surprised the public.

It was revealed that the fundamental reason why Lu Tianer gave up Huo Qigang was the distribution of the Huo family's inheritance. Although Huo Qigang is the eldest grandson of the family, he actually does not fully control the actual control of the family's 300 billion yuan assets, and is only the nominal heir.

Lu Tianer was worried that she would not be able to enjoy rich inheritance rights after marriage, so she chose to leave.

Huo Qigang: lost the inheritance of 100 billion yuan and was abandoned by his ex-girlfriend, why Guo Jingjing was willing to marry him

At a time when the public has different opinions about the reason for the breakdown of the relationship between the two, the sweet and intimate photo of Huo Qigang and Guo Jingjing was made public, which undoubtedly further intensified the curiosity of the outside world and aroused great attention and widespread discussion from all walks of life.

Judging from the later development, this painful love experience may have inspired Huo Qigang to firmly decide to devote himself to the pursuit of Guo Jingjing's career.

Looking back on the love process of Huo Qigang and Guo Jingjing, we have to focus on that important opportunity in 2008. That year, the Chinese Olympic delegation visited Hong Kong, and Huo Qigang was fortunate to meet the "diving queen" Guo Jingjing for the first time at this event.

As an outstanding sports player, Guo Jingjing's spirit of never giving in and forging ahead deeply touched Huo Qigang, and since then, he has become a die-hard supporter of Guo Jingjing.

Huo Qigang: lost the inheritance of 100 billion yuan and was abandoned by his ex-girlfriend, why Guo Jingjing was willing to marry him

Since the two met, Huo Qigang, like a fanatical star chaser, began his passionate pursuit of Guo Jingjing. No matter where Guo Jingjing is in the competition, he can always appear in the audience on time, holding the camera to cheer for the goddess in his heart.

Whether it is a bitterly cold winter day or a scorching summer day, Huo Qigang is always the first to arrive at the arena and the last to leave, going all out to record every moment of Guo Jingjing's struggle on the field.

His deep affection for Guo Jingjing has almost reached the level of obsession, and he also ignores the banter and ridicule of the people around him. In his eyes, only the posture of leaping like a swallow on the springboard is the only focus of his attention.

This unrequited love lasted for eight years, and Huo Qigang finally won Guo Jingjing's heart with his perseverance in his pursuit of action.

Huo Qigang: lost the inheritance of 100 billion yuan and was abandoned by his ex-girlfriend, why Guo Jingjing was willing to marry him

At first, Guo Jingjing was still suspicious of the enthusiastic pursuit of a wealthy son. As an athlete from an ordinary background, she has always adhered to a simple and down-to-earth attitude towards life, and it is natural to be worried about the public opinion pressure she may face after marrying into a wealthy family.

Coupled with those negative reports about the "rich second generation" spending money and losing money, she was even more undecided.

After eight long years of in-depth thinking, Huo Qigang gradually captured Guo Jingjing's sincerity with his humble and polite, calm and atmospheric personality charm. She knew very well that the man in front of her was not the rumored gentleman from the outside world, but a trustworthy and lifelong confidant partner.

On that scorching summer night, Huo Qigang was full of affection, knelt down on one knee, and solemnly proposed to his beloved Guo Jingjing. Faced with such a romantic and sincere vow, Guo Jingjing chose to accept it without hesitation without hesitation.

Huo Qigang: lost the inheritance of 100 billion yuan and was abandoned by his ex-girlfriend, why Guo Jingjing was willing to marry him

For a wealthy family like the Huo family, what they appreciate most is the three qualities that Guo Jingjing shows:

First of all, it is her perseverance of self-improvement and never say die. As a sports legend who has won six Olympic gold medals, Guo Jingjing has written one inspiring story after another with her unremitting efforts and fighting spirit.

She grew up in a poor family, but with her incomparable love and firm belief in sports, she climbed to the top of the world stage step by step. This kind of strong willpower and perseverance are undoubtedly extremely valuable qualities in the eyes of the wealthy Huo family.

Secondly, people are full of praise for Guo Jingjing's unique thinking mode. As an athlete from an ordinary background, she has a unique insight into life and a way of dealing with the world.

Huo Qigang: lost the inheritance of 100 billion yuan and was abandoned by his ex-girlfriend, why Guo Jingjing was willing to marry him

For example, on the issue of children's education, Guo Jingjing has always insisted on cultivating children into outstanding talents with all-round development of morality, intelligence, physique, beauty and labor, rather than those children who can only spend money and spend extravagantly.

The Huo family deeply admires this and expresses their heartfelt appreciation for her down-to-earth, simple and unpretentious attitude towards life.

Finally, it is worth mentioning Guo Jingjing's low-key and introverted life style. Since entering a wealthy family, she has never indulged in luxury, but has always maintained a simple and frugal lifestyle, which coincides with the traditional concept of the Huo family.

What is commendable is that Guo Jingjing even personally taught the children various labor skills, so that they could stay away from the bad habits that many children of wealthy families often have, which also made the Huo family look up to her with admiration and respect.

Huo Qigang: lost the inheritance of 100 billion yuan and was abandoned by his ex-girlfriend, why Guo Jingjing was willing to marry him

It can be said that it is precisely because Guo Jingjing has these unique and precious qualities that she was finally recognized and accepted by the prominent family of the Huo family. With her humble and simple philosophy and never-say-die fighting spirit, she has won the respect and love of everyone.

Over the years since marriage, Guo Jingjing has perfectly interpreted the proverb of "no windfall is not rich" with practical actions, which undoubtedly made the Huo family treat this virtuous daughter-in-law differently.

Now, as time flies, the marriage of Huo Qigang and Guo Jingjing has gone through more than ten years of ups and downs. This loving couple built an indestructible castle of love with true love, and gave birth to three lively and lovely children here, and the family of five was happy and happy.

Looking back on the ups and downs of the two, they all show their incomparable cherishment and firm dedication to love. From the initial enthusiastic pursuit to the final white-headed old together, Huo Qigang completely captured Guo Jingjing's heart with his sincerity and broad mind, and Guo Jingjing won high recognition from the Huo family with her unique personality charm.

Huo Qigang: lost the inheritance of 100 billion yuan and was abandoned by his ex-girlfriend, why Guo Jingjing was willing to marry him

In this happy marriage, they supported each other and worked together through every critical moment in their lives. Whether it is a continuous breakthrough in their careers or trivial bits and pieces in daily life, they are always the most tacit partners and the most intimate friends.

When it comes to educating their children, they also have a high degree of consistency in their belief that they will be well-rounded and down-to-earth, rather than being extravagant.

To this day, they are still in love and have become a model couple in Hong Kong society. Someone praised: "Huo Guojia perfectly interprets the true meaning of 'the right door' with practical actions."

Their marriage not only gave birth to a new life, but also conveyed full of positive energy to the society.

Huo Qigang: lost the inheritance of 100 billion yuan and was abandoned by his ex-girlfriend, why Guo Jingjing was willing to marry him

Huo Qigang and Guo Jingjing proved with their own experiences that they showed the world the wise saying that "whether you are rich or not, depends on your personal cultivation". With them as a vivid role model, we will certainly be able to establish a correct outlook on life and values for the vast number of young people.

We look forward to seeing the couple write an even more brilliant chapter in the years to come."

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