
It's a big fuss! Blocking online car-hailing and locking passengers, taxis are red-eyed, and passengers are frightened!

author:Ride-hailing observation room

In the past two days, there have been hot searches about taxis one after another, first lining up in long queues to block shared electric vehicles, then blocking online car-hailing, and even incidents of anti-locking passengers charging capitation fees, one is bigger than the other, and one is more undignified than the other.

On the eve of May Day

Media coverage

Hunan Xiangxi Longshan taxi

In order to prevent the launch of shared electric vehicles in the county

Dozens of taxis lined up in long lines

Shared electric vehicles were blocked for 3 consecutive days

The scene was spectacular

It's a big fuss! Blocking online car-hailing and locking passengers, taxis are red-eyed, and passengers are frightened!

May 4th

A female passenger posted a video saying

On the same day, I took a taxi at Susong East Station in Anqing, Anhui

The driver said that the meter was broken and did not hit the meter

So I called an online car-hailing service

As a result, the taxi surrounded the online ride-hailing service hailed by the female passenger

They are not allowed to pick up customers

Xiaozheng video


May 5th

Some netizens posted a video saying

When she took a taxi from Nanchang East Railway Station that night

There are still vacant seats on the bus

The driver forcibly asked for a rideshare


The taxi driver locked it in the car with his friends

Get out of the car yourself and pull someone to carpool

A few minutes later, to no avail

At checkout

The driver asks for a per capita charge

It is charged at $30 per person

The people are concerned

, Like14

In fact, turning the news forward, this is not the first time that something similar has happened. According to media reports, in Chengdu, about 100 shared motorcycles were blocked by taxi drivers, making it impossible for users to use them normally.

It's a big fuss! Blocking online car-hailing and locking passengers, taxis are red-eyed, and passengers are frightened!

The taxi also threatened the ride-hailing driver to retaliate by writing down the license plate if he pulled the person away.

It's a big fuss! Blocking online car-hailing and locking passengers, taxis are red-eyed, and passengers are frightened!

The reason why this happens so often is, in fact, that today's travel market is too competitive. Of course, more importantly, tightening the belt has become the new normal, and consumers regard cost-effective as the primary consideration for travel, which has further exacerbated the involution of low prices, and the life of online car-hailing drivers is not easy, and it is more difficult for taxi drivers to make money.

Moreover, since the birth of ride-hailing, taxis have regarded it as an archenemy. Compared with online car-hailing "registered account" and can run, the threshold for taxis is much higher, and in some places it costs a lot of money just to get a taxi license. paid a high cost, but did not get the corresponding return, so many taxis pointed at online car-hailing, believing that it was online car-hailing that robbed the business, making their survival situation so difficult.

The hatred of taxis is not without roots. Today's online car-hailing track is overcrowded. A series of data are writing about the increasingly serious contradiction between the two.

In February 2024, a total of 775 million online car-hailing orders were received across the country, a decrease of 136 million orders from January; In March, although the order volume increased month-on-month, the order volume reached 891 million orders, but compared with 911 million orders in January, it was still down.

But in the past year, 1.482 million new drivers have been added, and an average of 100,000 troops have joined online ride-hailing every month, and this is still a regular army with certificatesThe surge in drivers and the decline in the number of orders are basically a capital "online car-hailing" is becoming less and less profitable.

In addition, the price of online car-hailing is transparent, cost-effective, and it is in the business of grabbing taxis, and the two are superimposed, which is enough to show that the business of the taxi market is even more difficult to do. This is especially true in county and town markets, where private cars are becoming more and more popular, and the market space for taxis is already small.

What's more, the decline of the taxi industry cannot be entirely attributed to the development of online car-hailing, in the final analysis, there are also problems that taxis cannot keep up with the times and poor service.

Taxi drivers say they are "not easy", but who is easy? The future of the taxi industry should not be a road of self-destruction. In the face of the impact of online car-hailing and the decline in orders, it is more important to do a good job in service to change the impression among passengers, establish a sense of service, respect every passenger, and win the market with integrity and service quality, rather than pointing the finger at passengers and online car-hailing.

A number of experts in the field of transportation said that government departments should strengthen supervision, increase law enforcement in the taxi industry, and crack down on all kinds of illegal activities. At the same time, we should also promote the reform of the taxi industry, introduce a market competition mechanism, and improve service quality.

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