
Why would people rather wait for ride-hailing than take a roadside taxi?

author:Mola talks about the past and the present
Why would people rather wait for ride-hailing than take a roadside taxi?

Disclaimer: The content of this article is written by quoting network materials combined with personal opinions, and the reference information source has been marked at the end of the article, please be aware.

Taxis are an important part of the mainland's public transportation system. Originally, taxis were running everywhere on the streets and alleys, and many people would choose taxis when they traveled, after all, taxis are very convenient, at least more convenient and trouble-free than driving themselves.

But with the advent of ride-hailing, taxis have become less and less popular. Nowadays, there are fewer and fewer people who are willing to take taxis, and everyone is choosing to wait for online car-hailing, even if there are taxis on the side of the road, they have to take online car-hailing, and taxis have become a twilight industry. So why are taxis becoming less and less popular?

Why would people rather wait for ride-hailing than take a roadside taxi?

1. Online car-hailing is more convenient and will not detour

In fact, online car-hailing will become popular nowadays, but it is the main reason why taxis are becoming more and more unpopular. There are two advantages of online car-hailing, one is more convenient, and the other is that online car-hailing drivers will not take a detour.

But if you are waiting for a taxi, you have to stand at the intersection and wait for the taxi that has not yet picked up the people. But it's very random.

Why would people rather wait for ride-hailing than take a roadside taxi?

Sometimes you can wait for a car right away, and sometimes there are many taxis, but they are all manned. Presumably, some friends who are in a hurry to take a taxi to the airport or train station should have experienced the situation that they can't take a taxi!

Taxi drivers are often not wandering around aimlessly, but prefer to go to places with dense traffic and high demand for rental cars to wait for orders. And in remote places, taxi drivers will not go.

Why would people rather wait for ride-hailing than take a roadside taxi?

After all, they have a cost to operate a taxi, and they will consume fuel in the process of driving, even if it is a new energy vehicle now, it is also consuming electricity. Therefore, in order to save fuel, electricity and costs, it is better to wait for orders in crowded places than to turn around in remote places.

But for consumers, where they want to get a taxi is not fixed. If you happen to be traveling in a remote place, and you can't get a taxi for half a day, the experience will be very poor.

Why would people rather wait for ride-hailing than take a roadside taxi?

But the situation of online car-hailing is different, because online car-hailing itself is supported by a very reliable online platform, which will constantly send orders. As long as consumers place a software on their mobile phones, and even some platforms don't need the next software, they can accurately locate and place orders using only WeChat's applets.

As long as you place an order on the ride-hailing platform, the order will be sent to the mobile phone of the surrounding ride-hailing driver. As long as the driver receives the order, he will rush to the scene to pick up the customer as soon as possible, which saves a lot of time for ineffective waiting and blind waiting.

Why would people rather wait for ride-hailing than take a roadside taxi?

Therefore, this model of online car-hailing is indeed much stronger than ordinary taxis, and it is also more convenient for consumers. Moreover, it is rare to encounter refusal to ride online car-hailing.

Although taxi companies in many places have expressly prohibited taxi drivers from refusing to take customers, the phenomenon of refusal to take customers still occurs repeatedly. Because taxis are reluctant to take orders that go too close, they don't make money doing so.

Why would people rather wait for ride-hailing than take a roadside taxi?

However, online car-hailing drivers only have a few opportunities to cancel orders every day, and the number of cancellations will affect the score. Therefore, most online car-hailing drivers will not refuse to accept orders regardless of the distance, and this one alone does not refuse to ride, which is already very attractive to many consumers.

In addition to being more convenient, ride-hailing is also more cost-effective. Nowadays, many taxi drivers must have raised their level and their moral quality is guaranteed, but in the past, many untrained taxi drivers were indeed not of high level, and they often tried various ways to cheat customers' money. Presumably, many people should have had the experience of being detoured when they take a taxi.

Why would people rather wait for ride-hailing than take a roadside taxi?

Taxis count money, that is, calculate distance, and the farther the customer has to go, the more money the taxi driver will be able to make. In this case, there are some taxi drivers who have crooked thoughts, and when they send customers, they will look at the customers to take a little more detour and walk a few kilometers more, so that the customer can pay more money.

And many taxi drivers will specifically look for customers who come from other places, because outsiders don't know the road. Even if they find out that they have been detoured, these taxi drivers will be able to find reasons for themselves to refute them.

Why would people rather wait for ride-hailing than take a roadside taxi?

As time goes by, more and more people are reluctant to take taxis because they don't believe in the ethics of taxi drivers. This can't be blamed on consumers, after all, consumers value the consumer experience, and if taxis can provide a better consumer experience, then everyone will still be willing to take a taxi.

Second, the price is more transparent

The third reason why many people use online car-hailing instead of choosing a taxi is because the price of online car-hailing is very transparent. When you are using online car-hailing, the platform will directly calculate the price according to the distance we want to take a taxi, and this price will hardly fluctuate.

Why would people rather wait for ride-hailing than take a roadside taxi?

At the same time, in order to take into account the interests of car owners, online car-hailing drivers will be required to follow the route automatically planned by the platform, and if they deviate from the route, online car-hailing drivers are likely to take the initiative to take responsibility for this. And this transparent operation method has indeed attracted a lot of customers.

In contrast to ride-hailing, taxi drivers often do not have such a high level of quality. In order to make more money, some taxi drivers will tell their customers that they don't pay a fixed price.

Why would people rather wait for ride-hailing than take a roadside taxi?

There have been some taxi drivers blocking consumers at the entrance of the high-speed rail station on the news before, and no matter where the consumers go, he will break out a high price of several hundred yuan. Because it was already late at that time, and the weather was relatively bad, sometimes online car-hailing may not be able to hit, so consumers will finally be forced to agree to the overlord clause of these taxi drivers.

This is the case in almost every city. Over time, the reputation of the entire taxi industry has been ruined by these unscrupulous taxi drivers.

Why would people rather wait for ride-hailing than take a roadside taxi?

Consumers are all wise, they have been deceived once, how can they be deceived again? So in general, online car-hailing is becoming more and more prosperous, but no one wants to take a taxi, and consumers can't be blamed, most of the time it's the taxi driver's own problem.

Consumers are more than slerable. Whoever can provide them with a better consumer experience and who can help them save money will be chosen.

3. The taxi industry must rethink

There have been cases before that some taxi drivers are very disgusted with online car-hailing, thinking that it is online car-hailing that robs their orders, and it is the emergence of online car-hailing that makes taxi drivers unable to make money. But such an idea is wrong.

Why would people rather wait for ride-hailing than take a roadside taxi?

For most consumers, whether it's a taxi or an online car-hailing service, it's a taxi anyway, and you can take any one. It's all about who can provide better service.

Some taxi drivers and taxi companies don't think about their own service issues, but only think about blaming consumers, blaming ride-hailing platforms, and even blaming ride-hailing drivers. It can only be described as incompetent rage.

If taxis want to re-develop, the most important thing to do is to improve their business image, re-establish the credibility of taxi companies, and let consumers re-establish their confidence in taxis. If they can, taxi companies should strengthen the management of their own drivers so that these drivers can provide better service to customers.

Why would people rather wait for ride-hailing than take a roadside taxi?

As long as the quality of service can be improved, the taxi industry is still likely to be revitalized. After all, the traffic pressure in today's society is not small, and the fact that taxis can still exist proves that it has the value and significance of existence.

And for consumers, they are still willing to give taxis a chance. As long as they can keep their hearts and improve the quality of service.

Whether it is a taxi driver or a taxi operating company, you must understand that this is an era of service-oriented, and only by providing customers with better service can it stand. If you can't provide good service to customers, no matter how much you say, consumers will still choose online car-hailing.

Why would people rather wait for ride-hailing than take a roadside taxi?

If you push the timeline back 20 years, in fact, taxi is a very popular industry, and it is also a profession that can really make money. After all, at that time, there were still a few people with cars in China, but everyone's travel demand was increasing, so taxis were able to develop rapidly.

But later, taxis became less and less popular, not only because taxi drivers and taxi companies themselves are not competing, but also because various new industries are booming. Moreover, all new modes of transportation have advantages over taxis.

Why would people rather wait for ride-hailing than take a roadside taxi?

For example, for people who travel short distances, they can choose the sharing bikes that can be found everywhere, and riding sharing bikes is much cheaper than taking a taxi. The starting price of a taxi is not low, but the most expensive kilometer of the sharing bicycle is a few yuan, which is nothing more than a little tired, but it is already very good to be able to save money.

And for those who have the need to travel long distances, shared electric vehicles are also popularized in some cities. Shared electric vehicles are also cheaper than taxis, and in some cities with particularly congested traffic, shared electric vehicles are more convenient, because electric vehicles rarely have traffic jams.

Why would people rather wait for ride-hailing than take a roadside taxi?

For long-distance travel, there are online car-hailing services with more transparent prices, better service quality, and safer. Therefore, with the continuous development of various new transportation systems, the pressure on taxi drivers will also increase in the future, and it is time to change themselves.


In this day and age, quality of service is king. With better service quality, it can be favored by consumers, it can be welcomed, and an industry can survive.

Moreover, the increasing number of private cars and the emergence of various new modes of transportation have made it impossible for taxis to return to their former glory days. The taxi driver of the future thinks about how to survive.

In order to survive, we must change ourselves, and we must enhance the quality of service. I think most people can still figure this out.


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Why would people rather wait for ride-hailing than take a roadside taxi?
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