
The baby breakfast you want for a week is here, easy to make and nutritious

author:Rakuten system leaf hNH

For babies between 1 and a half and 3 years old, eating is the most troublesome problem. No matter how much headache we have, as mothers, we still have to find ways to make the baby like to eat, not picky eaters, and achieve balanced nutrition.

Below I have prepared a week of baby breakfast, simple and easy to make, nutritionally balanced, there is a baby at home, you can do a reference.

Monday, tomato beef porridge, sweet potato sticky rice crackers, broccoli

A very nutritious meal, 3 things, each with its own characteristics. Focus on learning to make sweet potato glutinous rice cakes.

The baby breakfast you want for a week is here, easy to make and nutritious

Tuesday, yogurt oats, banana sandwich patiss, mango, corn

Super cute meal, don't believe the baby doesn't love it. As long as you are careful, the baby will be able to eat fragrantly.

The baby breakfast you want for a week is here, easy to make and nutritious

Wednesday, purple sweet potato white fungus dew, milky apple yam cake, dumplings, kiwi fruit

A colorful meal that your baby will love. Dumplings can be bought ready-made.

The baby breakfast you want for a week is here, easy to make and nutritious

Thursday, spinach egg porridge, creamy sweet potato omelet, custard bun

If you want to be lazy, you can buy ready-made custard buns, learn to make milky sweet potato omelets, and boil spinach and egg porridge.

The baby breakfast you want for a week is here, easy to make and nutritious

Friday, seasonal vegetable pork porridge, vegetable shredded egg cake, black and white double moon cake

Buy black and white double-spelled moon cakes ready-made, and learn to make vegetable shredded egg cakes.

The baby breakfast you want for a week is here, easy to make and nutritious

Saturday, red dates, oatmeal, rice cereal, yam and egg finger strips, blueberries, apples

Rice cereal, fruit, cakes, awesome combinations.

The baby breakfast you want for a week is here, easy to make and nutritious

Sunday, pumpkin pork porridge, scallion omelette, apple

Sunday is also a great pairing, with porridge, cakes and fruits.

The baby breakfast you want for a week is here, easy to make and nutritious

What do you think of the baby's breakfast this week? I think it's great, and I'll make it for my baby.

If you think it's good, you can learn it. Make it for the baby, the baby eats fragrant, and the mother is happy.

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