
After Wu Zhiheng married into a wealthy family, he lost 44 pounds in order to keep his husband, and now he can only rely on nutrient solution to continue his life

author:Coke talks about the past and the present
After Wu Zhiheng married into a wealthy family, he lost 44 pounds in order to keep his husband, and now he can only rely on nutrient solution to continue his life
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After Wu Zhiheng married into a wealthy family, he lost 44 pounds in order to keep his husband, and now he can only rely on nutrient solution to continue his life

On a bustling street in Hong Kong, a scrawny woman suddenly fainted and fell to the ground. After passers-by took her to the hospital, the doctors were shocked to find that the patient, who weighed only 44 pounds, was actually the once-famous model Wu Zhiheng.

She used to be radiant, but now her face is withered, her eyes are sunken, and even her hair and teeth are gone. What is even more shocking is that this former Oxford top student can now only rely on nutrient solutions to sustain his life.

However, only eight years ago, Wu Zhiheng was still the object of envy of everyone. In 2000, she married into Hong Kong Yongan Group and became Guo Yongchun's wife, realizing the "dream of a wealthy family" in the hearts of countless people.

The wedding was unprecedented, with happy smiles on the faces of the couple and a newspaper full of praise for the couple.

After Wu Zhiheng married into a wealthy family, he lost 44 pounds in order to keep his husband, and now he can only rely on nutrient solution to continue his life

However, in just eight years, Wu Zhiheng fell from the clouds to the bottom. Her change is not just an astonishing metamorphosis in appearance, but also a tragic story of love, marriage, and self-worth.

Wu Zhiheng's story is not only a personal tragedy, but also a resounding alarm to the contemporary concept of marriage and love.

Wu Zhiheng's starting point in life is perfect. Born in Hong Kong in 1978 to parents who were both renowned doctors, she grew up in a privileged environment.

Smart and clever, she lived up to expectations, and was admitted to Oxford University at the age of 15, showing amazing intelligence.

After Wu Zhiheng married into a wealthy family, he lost 44 pounds in order to keep his husband, and now he can only rely on nutrient solution to continue his life

However, the turning point of fate came during an ordinary church service. There, Wu Zhiheng met Guo Yongchun, the heir of Yongan Group. This handsome and golden young man fell in love with the innocent and lovely Wu Zhiheng at first sight and launched a passionate pursuit.

In the face of Guo Yongchun's sweet words, Wu Zhiheng, who was not deeply involved in the world, quickly fell in love.

Ng Chi-hang's parents are worried about the relationship. They know that the gap between the two families may bring pressure to their daughter, but in the face of their daughter's firm attitude, they can only choose to respect in the end.

In 2000, Wu Zhiheng and Guo Yongchun held a grand wedding and became the young grandmother of Yongan Group. This sensational wedding in Hong Kong made Wu Zhiheng the envy of many women for a while.

After Wu Zhiheng married into a wealthy family, he lost 44 pounds in order to keep his husband, and now he can only rely on nutrient solution to continue his life

However, no one could have predicted that this seemingly perfect marriage laid the groundwork for Wu Zhiheng's future tragedy.

After marriage, Wu Zhiheng was full of enthusiasm and resolutely gave up his thriving modeling career and devoted himself to family life. However, reality soon hit her in the face.

Guo Yongchun's true nature was gradually revealed, and he began to go out frequently, returning home less and less, and even blatantly supporting his lover.

Faced with her husband's change of heart, Wu Zhiheng chose self-reflection. One day, Guo Yongchun casually complained about her poor cooking skills, and this sentence became the motivation for Wu Zhiheng's efforts.

After Wu Zhiheng married into a wealthy family, he lost 44 pounds in order to keep his husband, and now he can only rely on nutrient solution to continue his life

She began to work her cooking skills in the hope of winning her husband's heart again. However, Guo Yongchun's harshness did not stop there.

He began to be picky about Wu Zhiheng's figure, saying that she "lost her original style and charm". These words became the fuse for Wu Zhiheng's crazy weight loss. She mistakenly thought that as long as she lost weight, she would be able to win her husband's love again.

As a result, Wu Zhiheng began to buy all kinds of weight loss drugs frantically and strictly controlled his diet.

In the process, Wu Zhiheng's weight continued to decline, but Guo Yongchun's attitude did not change in the slightest. His indifference to his wife became more and more apparent, and he even began to encourage her to continue losing weight.

After Wu Zhiheng married into a wealthy family, he lost 44 pounds in order to keep his husband, and now he can only rely on nutrient solution to continue his life

Wu Zhiheng is trapped in a terrible vicious circle, her physical condition has deteriorated dramatically, but she is still immersed in the obsession of saving her marriage.

With the passage of time, Wu Zhiheng's weight dropped all the way to an astonishing 44 pounds. Her hair began to fall out profusely, and her teeth were loosened from malnutrition. However, even so, she still did not stop losing weight.

In her opinion, as long as she can keep her husband, all these sacrifices are worth it.

Finally, Wu Zhiheng's body could no longer withstand such torture. One day, she suddenly fainted on the streets of Hong Kong and was taken to the hospital by well-wishers. The doctor's diagnosis was shocking: the liver was severely damaged by long-term use of weight loss drugs, and a partial removal of the stomach had to be performed to save his life.

After Wu Zhiheng married into a wealthy family, he lost 44 pounds in order to keep his husband, and now he can only rely on nutrient solution to continue his life

Since then, Wu Zhiheng, who was glorious in the past, has completely disappeared. In its place is a scrawny "skeleton" that relies on nutrient solutions to sustain life. What happened to her is not only a tragedy for one person, but also a silent indictment of deformed marital relationships and extreme aesthetic concepts.

Wu Zhiheng's illness attracted widespread media attention, and for a while, the former supermodel became the focus of public discussion. Under the pressure of public opinion, Guo Yongchun had to take his wife to seek medical treatment everywhere.

However, this superficial concern gave Wu Zhiheng false hope, and she naively thought that her husband had finally changed his mind and rekindled his expectations for the future.

It's a pity that the reality is far more cruel than Wu Zhiheng imagined. As her appearance and figure faded, Guo Yongchun became more and more disgusted with this wife who had lost her former brilliance.

After Wu Zhiheng married into a wealthy family, he lost 44 pounds in order to keep his husband, and now he can only rely on nutrient solution to continue his life

He began to deliberately alienate Wu Zhiheng, and finally chose to separate from her. During the two-year separation, Wu Zhiheng always held on to a glimmer of hope, expecting her husband to turn back. However, all that awaits her is a cold divorce agreement.

What broke Wu Zhiheng's heart even more was that soon after the divorce, Guo Yongchun married the young and beautiful Hong Kong actress Yang Aijin in a high-profile manner. The media overwhelmingly reported the sweet life of the couple, and every piece of news was like a sharp blade, stabbing Wu Zhiheng's fragile heart.

This blow completely broke Wu Zhiheng's psychological defense. She fell into deep self-blame and pain, unable to understand why her sincere dedication to her feelings had ended so tragically.

To add insult to injury, in order to treat his physical injuries, Wu Zhiheng not only exhausted all his savings, but also used his parents' pension to pay for high medical expenses.

After Wu Zhiheng married into a wealthy family, he lost 44 pounds in order to keep his husband, and now he can only rely on nutrient solution to continue his life

Financial pressure, marital failure, and physical devastation, all these blows made Wu Zhiheng suffer from severe depression. She began to question the value of her life and even lost hope in life.

The once high-spirited Oxford student is now left with a shell that needs to be kept alive by nutrient solutions.

Wu Zhiheng's tragedy is not only the misfortune of one person, but also the distorted reflection of the values of the entire society. Her story warns us that in the pursuit of love, we should not completely give up on ourselves, let alone harm our physical and mental health in order to please others.

At the same time, this case also reveals the cruel reality behind some wealthy marriages, reminding us to rationally look at the fantasy of "marrying into a wealthy family".

After Wu Zhiheng married into a wealthy family, he lost 44 pounds in order to keep his husband, and now he can only rely on nutrient solution to continue his life

At the lowest point in Wu Zhiheng's life, it was the selfless love of her parents that gave her hope for rebirth. Faced with their daughter's tragic experience, Wu Zhiheng's parents did not blame her for being unwise, but chose to support her unconditionally.

They know that what their daughter needs most at this time is understanding and love.

Ng Chi-hang's parents did not hesitate to give her everything in their resources to find the most authoritative doctors and use the most advanced treatments. They are by their daughter's side day and night, giving her meticulous care.

Under the careful care of his parents, Wu Zhiheng's physical condition began to gradually improve.

After Wu Zhiheng married into a wealthy family, he lost 44 pounds in order to keep his husband, and now he can only rely on nutrient solution to continue his life

However, more important than physical recovery is the support of his parents, which gives Wu Zhiheng the strength to overcome the psychological haze. With their encouragement, Wu Zhiheng began to receive professional psychological treatment and slowly walked out of the haze of depression.

Through this process, she gradually realizes that the people who truly love her unconditionally are always her parents.

After a long and arduous recovery process, Wu Zhiheng finally got back on his feet. Although her body still needs to rely on nutrient solutions, her heart has become stronger.

She began to re-examine her life in search of a new direction and meaning.

After Wu Zhiheng married into a wealthy family, he lost 44 pounds in order to keep his husband, and now he can only rely on nutrient solution to continue his life

In this process of regaining his life, Wu Zhiheng deeply realized the preciousness of family affection. She realized that when she was at her most vulnerable, it was not her husband who once loved her deeply, but her parents who had loved her since childhood.

This unconditional love became the cornerstone of her rebuilding her self-worth and dignity.

Wu Zhiheng's story is not only a personal rebirth, but also a vivid interpretation of the power of family affection. It tells us that in life's difficult situations, the support of family members is often our strongest backing.

At the same time, this experience also made Wu Zhiheng realize the importance of self-worth, and she began to learn to love herself instead of blindly sacrificing for others.

After Wu Zhiheng married into a wealthy family, he lost 44 pounds in order to keep his husband, and now he can only rely on nutrient solution to continue his life

Ng Chi-hang's story is a wake-up call for everyone, and her story contains profound life lessons. First of all, it tells us that we should not give up on ourselves altogether for the sake of love.

Wu Zhiheng did not hesitate to sacrifice his career and health in order to please his husband, but in the end he ended up physically and mentally exhausted. This reminds us of the importance of maintaining independence in relationships, both personally and financially.

Secondly, this story also highlights the importance of cherishing family affection. In Wu Zhiheng's most difficult time, it was her parents who always accompanied her, not her husband who she once loved deeply.

This tells us that while pursuing love, we should not ignore the preciousness of family affection.

After Wu Zhiheng married into a wealthy family, he lost 44 pounds in order to keep his husband, and now he can only rely on nutrient solution to continue his life

Ng's experience also highlights the importance of self-love and self-respect. Only by truly loving and respecting oneself can we win the respect and sincere love of others. Excessive self-sacrifice not only does not earn the love of others, but can lead to one's own destruction.

Finally, this story also warns us to look rationally at the fantasy of "marrying into a wealthy family". Wu Zhiheng's tragedy shows that true happiness does not lie in external wealth and status, but in inner satisfaction and sincere feelings.

Blindly pursuing material conditions can lead to losing oneself and losing sight of what really matters.

Overall, Ng's story reminds us to find a balance between love, family affection, and self, to cherish our own worth, and not to hurt ourselves for the sake of others' approval.

After Wu Zhiheng married into a wealthy family, he lost 44 pounds in order to keep his husband, and now he can only rely on nutrient solution to continue his life

Only by knowing how to love oneself can we love others better and achieve true happiness.

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