
Dong Xuan: After the divorce, the new relationship, love and career are both harvested


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Dong Xuan: After the divorce, the new relationship, love and career are both harvested

In the warmth of the May sun, Universal Studios is bustling with tourists in an endless stream! In this beautiful spring, a 43-year-old charming lady - Dong Xuan, with her mysterious gossip boyfriend Su Xiaoling, who is 11 years younger than her, appeared in this happy paradise, attracting the attention of many passers-by and casting curious eyes.

Dong Xuan's outfit today is full of girlishness, with a black tight T-shirt outlining her young body curves, and a slightly convex abdomen looming, showing a charming charm. Caramel-colored bib pants and a cartoon bear-shaped bag complement each other, and the whole person looks sweet and cute.

She wore her jet-black hair in a ponytail and a baseball cap to shield herself from the sun, looking calm and confident.

And the little daughter next to her is a cool girl, dressed fashionably to show her personality, and accompanies her mother like a little adult. Su Xiaoling, the actor born in the 90s, cares for Dong Xuan very much, and carefully arranges her hair and carries her bags from time to time, and the intimate interaction between the two makes the outside world wonder whether they have become a stable couple.

Dong Xuan: After the divorce, the new relationship, love and career are both harvested

The most eye-catching focus is undoubtedly Dong Xuan's slightly bulging lower abdomen. Keen passers-by have speculated whether this beautiful woman who has been divorced for many years has given birth to a new life? However, Dong Xuan remained silent about these speculations from the outside world, but his face was full of happy smiles.

Looking back to the past, Dong Xuan was on the rise of her career at that time, this actress who re-emerged from the film and television industry, her career is thriving, and the future is full of infinite possibilities. And she has always had deep feelings for Gao Yunxiang, who has known her for a long time.

When Gao Yunxiang took the initiative to propose to Dong Xuan, she felt extremely lucky and regarded him as the biggest winner in her life. "My greatest achievement is finding such a wonderful husband.

Dong Xuan once proudly told the media that she was expecting that she would finally be able to set sail, ride the wind and waves, and live the happy life she had longed for.

Dong Xuan: After the divorce, the new relationship, love and career are both harvested

However, fate dealt a heavy blow to the newlyweds. Gao Yunxiang was revealed to have carried out different degrees of "sexual harassment" and "sexual assault" on many women many years ago.

When this shocking news came like thunder, Dong Xuan felt as if she had suffered a painful blow, caught off guard, she was completely blinded, unable to distinguish whether the facts in front of her were true or false, and she felt extremely confused and confused about the husband who once made her a "winner in life".

The beautiful longing and ardent anticipation of the past instantly turned into endless confusion and despair.

Faced with the wave of doubts, Dong Xuan fell into chaos for a while, she never expected that she would be in such a predicament. Just as she seemed to see the dawn of life, everything was ruthlessly destroyed, and the road ahead was once again in a fog.

Dong Xuan: After the divorce, the new relationship, love and career are both harvested

Gao Yunxiang became the focus of criticism in the "XQ" sex scandal and was completely restricted from his freedom of movement. He could only spend long hours in a cramped, dark cell, helpless against everything in the outside world.

And Dong Xuan had to bear all the pressure alone. On the one hand, she needs to deal with all kinds of trivial matters in the family and try her best to maintain a basic life. On the other hand, she had to travel around to raise legal expenses and living expenses for her husband, and she was burdened with a heavy financial burden on her own.

At this critical moment, a number of companies under Gao Yunxiang's name were written off one after another, and tens of millions of properties were also seized and frozen by the court, leaving the couple homeless.

Dong Xuan watched as all the property they once owned was gradually disintegrated in this way, but she had no choice but to continue to run around, trying to maintain the remaining assets to maintain the basic life.

Dong Xuan: After the divorce, the new relationship, love and career are both harvested

Even the high-profile TV series "The Biography of Ba Qing" was almost in danger of being suspended because of Gao Yunxiang's scandal, and the production company suffered heavy losses, pointing the finger at Gao Yunxiang.

Dong Xuan had to step forward and deal with the many complexities of legal proceedings alone.

All kinds of insults and malicious slander rumors from the outside world kept coming, which made Dong Xuan, who was once full of confidence, exhausted. At one of her public appearances, she was so nervous that she said incoherently: "I've never had such a nervous moment.

However, she remained steadfast in her commitment to her husband, and would not budge in the face of any criticism.

Dong Xuan: After the divorce, the new relationship, love and career are both harvested

In this way, Dong Xuan survived those challenging years strongly. Until the moment when Gao Yunxiang finally regained her freedom from prison, she was finally able to unload the burden on her shoulders and ushered in a rare respite.

However, at the moment when Gao Yunxiang was released, the originally seemingly solid married life of the two seemed to have come to an end. They have relied on each other and supported each other for many years, and after the baptism of ups and downs, they thought that their happy life would usher in a new chapter from now on.

Regrettably, the "XQ" incident was like a lightning strike, completely destroying the stable foundation of the family.

Both parties seem to have lost the courage and determination to renew their marriage. Under these circumstances, the two rationally chose to break up, thus ending this marriage storm. Although Dong Xuan has paid a lot for this marriage, she has obviously understood the reality and understands that continuing to entangle will only bring more pain to each other.

Dong Xuan: After the divorce, the new relationship, love and career are both harvested

The decision to divorce has undoubtedly become a new starting point in Dong Xuan's life. She can finally lift the heavy burden on her shoulders, shake off the shadows of the past, and embark on a new journey in life.

In the face of those dark years, she was already scarred in her heart, and the divorce gave her a chance to be reborn.

After the divorce, Dong Xuan can finally unload the burden, get rid of the haze, and regain the joy of life. Soon after, she fell in love with Su Xiaoling, a young actor who was 11 years younger than herself.

As soon as the relationship between the two was made public, it immediately aroused widespread attention from all walks of life. Some netizens have witnessed the sweet picture of Dong Xuan and Su Xiaoling hugging each other affectionately and walking hand in hand on the street, and the intimacy between the two does not need to be questioned, as if they want to show all their affection and sweetness to everyone.

Dong Xuan: After the divorce, the new relationship, love and career are both harvested

Since then, the lovers have appeared on a variety of dating occasions, whether it's strolling the streets or visiting the playground, they have always been in love with each other. It seems that Dong Xuan, accompanied by Su Xiaoling, is immersed in an unprecedented sweet love, as if opening a door to a new world.

Although the two parties have not officially admitted their relationship to the outside world, in the eyes of onlookers, they have become a stable couple. Dong Xuan can finally let go of the haze of the past and devote himself to this new love that is as precious as a ruby.

During the period of love with Su Xiaoling, Dong Xuan's mental state was particularly radiant. As a woman with children, she seems to be preparing for another new phase in her life.

On a sunny day in May this year, some netizens met Dong Xuan and Su Xiaoling, the sweet lovers, at Universal Studios.

Dong Xuan: After the divorce, the new relationship, love and career are both harvested

However, in the face of all kinds of suspicion and speculation from the outside world, Dong Xuan still maintained a firm silence. Her face was full of happiness, as if she was endlessly satisfied with her current state of life.

After many hardships and dangers, she was finally able to unload her heavy burden and immerse herself in peace and well-being.

"I have never regretted giving my ex-husband selfless assistance", this is Dong Xuan's affectionate confession after the divorce. Indeed, she has spent too many years and energy for this, but she has not the slightest remorse, on the contrary, she has an extremely open-minded and tenacious attitude, and moves forward bravely towards a new journey in life.

No matter how many unknown obstacles await her on the road ahead, Dong Xuan is ready to meet all the challenges in life.

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