
Actor Xu Di: She has a son with her first love husband, and all the acting income is handed over to him

author:Mr. Gao talked about the past and the present

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Actor Xu Di: She has a son with her first love husband, and all the acting income is handed over to him

Xu Di, the name, was born in a family full of Chinese tradition in Beijing. Her father had always longed for a son and deeply regretted that he had only a few daughters in the family.

Deeply influenced by the old social attitudes, he stubbornly believed that girls would eventually leave home, so he taught his daughters very strictly, striving for them to lay a solid foundation for a better life in the future.

Xu Di, as the second daughter in the family, her name contains the character "Di", which was seen as a symbol of bad luck in those days. Her father tried to name her "Zhao Di", but her mother strongly opposed her, and in the end she could only leave the word "Di".

This tiny detail reveals the father's slight loss of his daughters.

Actor Xu Di: She has a son with her first love husband, and all the acting income is handed over to him

Xu Di should marry into a decent family steadily. However, fate seems to play tricks on people, and by chance, teachers from the Beijing Academy of Drama came to her school to select talents, and they took a fancy to Xu Di's outstanding talent and decided that she had the potential to become an outstanding opera actor.

Faced with this sudden opportunity, Xu Di fell into deep thought. In her life blueprint, the possibility of studying opera was never envisaged. However, the teacher handed her an admissions flyer, which clearly said "tuition is free", which made Xu Di, who was not wealthy, excited, and she chose to embark on the road of drama without hesitation, and began a challenging but destined to be brilliant in life.

After entering the Academy of Chinese Opera, Xu Di realized that she knew nothing about the art. Whether it is singing or basic skills training, she seems to be inadequate, and she is far from other students.

As a complete layman, her body movements are stiff and rusty, and whenever she conducts basic skills training, she feels extreme pain Sometimes, because her movements are not up to standard, she will also be severely criticized by the teacher, Xu Di's self-esteem has been greatly hurt.

Actor Xu Di: She has a son with her first love husband, and all the acting income is handed over to him

In order not to let her classmates despise her, she made up her mind to go all out and catch up. Since then, Xu Di has invested a lot of time and energy in hard training, even if the process of pressing her leg is painful, she has never given up, and has always insisted on daily practice.

After a period of training, she finally caught up, and even surpassed some of her classmates in some aspects, winning high praise from her teachers.

However, during this challenging period, Xu Di had a conflict with a male classmate named Yu Jianwei in the class, and the two immediately became "happy enemies".

During a class gathering, Yu Jianwei accidentally confided a lot of filthy words, which made Xu Di feel extremely angry, so she mercilessly reprimanded Yu Jianwei for his misbehavior in front of everyone.

Actor Xu Di: She has a son with her first love husband, and all the acting income is handed over to him

However, Yu Jianwei thought that Xu Di was too exaggerated and pretentious, which led to a fierce quarrel between the two.

Since then, their relationship at school has become strained, and the rivalry between them has intensified, and Yu Jianwei's school life can no longer return to its former peace. Despite this, Yu Jianwei still has a deep affection for Xu Di in his heart.

He saw Xu Di's firm determination and unremitting efforts in her studies, but he was also worried that she would find it difficult to find a suitable partner because of her strong personality.

After graduating, they were placed to work in the same unit. When they met again this time, Yu Jianwei plucked up the courage to take the initiative to invite Xu Di to dinner, trying to resolve the estrangement between them.

Actor Xu Di: She has a son with her first love husband, and all the acting income is handed over to him

As expected, after some sincere communication and explanation, they finally let go of the prejudices in their hearts and gradually developed feelings. At a special moment a few years later, Yu Jianwei solemnly proposed to Xu Di, and since then they have entered the marriage hall and started a new life journey.

Soon after marriage, Xu Di gave birth to a son. In order to devote herself to family life, she resolutely decided to temporarily put down the heavy responsibilities of her career and leave all the housework to her husband Yu Jianwei to take care of.

Yu Jianwei's industry is not well paid, which makes their lives difficult for a while.

During these difficult years, Xu Di was highly praised by the famous opera master Wei Xikui. The master's insight gave her a rare opportunity to re-express herself.

Actor Xu Di: She has a son with her first love husband, and all the acting income is handed over to him

With this turning point, Xu Di is expected to rely on her outstanding talent to achieve amphibious development in the two fields of quyi and television, and her future is limitless.

This is undoubtedly a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, which makes Xu Di excited. However, just as she was about to return to the workplace, her family was adamantly opposed.

They believed that there were many affairs at home and there was no extra manpower to take care of the children full-time, so they persuaded Xu Di to suspend the plan.

Faced with the advice of her family, Xu Di fell into a dilemma. She desperately wants to regain her talents, but as a mother, she can't bear to leave her children untaught.

Actor Xu Di: She has a son with her first love husband, and all the acting income is handed over to him

Just as the woman was struggling with her choice, her husband, Yu Jianwei, made a heartfelt decision.

He did not hesitate to submit his resignation to his unit and resolutely took on the responsibility of the family. In that era of strong traditional concepts, as a man, he chose to give up his career and devote himself to family chores, which will undoubtedly face huge pressure and doubts from public opinion.

Yu Jianwei didn't care about this, he knew his wife's passion for art better than anyone else, and he also understood how precious her talents and opportunities were.

Therefore, he decided to wholeheartedly support his wife in pursuing her dreams and create a vast career for her. With her husband's indestructible backing, Xu Di vowed to repay Yu Jianwei's understanding and support for her with more outstanding achievements.

Actor Xu Di: She has a son with her first love husband, and all the acting income is handed over to him

In order to express her deep gratitude, she handed over all the wages she earned from her hard work to Yu Jianwei for management. Since then, they have lived a new life model of "male dominance and female dominance outside".

Just when her career was thriving and her family life was harmonious, a sudden disaster almost destroyed Xu Di - Yu Jianwei was diagnosed with cancer.

This news was like a thunderbolt in the clear sky, and it hit Xu Di who was at the peak of her career. The moment she learned that her husband was terminally ill, she felt that the world was spinning, and the whole world seemed to lose color in an instant.

Faced with the severe challenge of life and death, she did not hesitate for a moment, immediately put down everything in her hand, rushed home, and started another battle of life against fate.

Actor Xu Di: She has a son with her first love husband, and all the acting income is handed over to him

During the entire period of Yu Jianwei's hospitalization, Xu Di always waited by the bedside and took care of his food, clothing, housing and transportation. Every day, she motivates her husband to stay positive and cook nutritious delicacies in the hope that he will recover soon.

When Yu Jianwei was finally cured and discharged from the hospital, Xu Di was like a careful and thoughtful nanny, patiently taking care of her husband's daily life and accompanying him on a long and arduous rehabilitation exercise.

This sudden disaster is undoubtedly the biggest test in their married life. However, it was precisely during this most difficult period that the emotional bond between Xu Di and Yu Jianwei experienced the darkest and most painful tempering, but became deeper and stronger.

As the saying goes, "Love needs to be tempered". After this severe test, they developed a deeper and more real understanding and insight into each other's feelings.

Actor Xu Di: She has a son with her first love husband, and all the acting income is handed over to him

They gradually learn to face all the challenges they encounter in life with great tolerance and understanding, knowing how to value and grasp every effort they make at the moment.

This sudden illness was undoubtedly a harsh test of God's feelings for them. However, they chose to support each other and understand each other, and successfully survived this difficult moment, making their relationship more pure and firm after experiencing the test of life and death.

Although Xu Di and Yu Jianwei's emotional road was not smooth sailing, they were even nicknamed "happy enemies" in their youth on campus. However, with mutual understanding and mutual recognition of each other's values, they have finally come to this day hand in hand.

In a couple's relationship, disagreements and frictions will inevitably arise, and the key is how to deal with them with the right mindset. Regardless of your role at home, the most important thing is to be able to respect and tolerate each other, and give selfless support and understanding.

Actor Xu Di: She has a son with her first love husband, and all the acting income is handed over to him

Only with a broad and inclusive heart can the relationship always maintain its youthful vitality and go through the baptism of the years without losing the fragrance of the past. Only by accepting each other's differences with an understanding heart can the relationship be stable for a long time.

Now this loving couple has gone through 41 springs, summers, autumns and winters together. With the polishing of time, their faces are no longer as clear as before, but the deep emotions in their hearts are still as warm and beautiful as their first love.

Whenever Xu Di talks about her husband Yu Jianwei, her eyes always shine with happiness, and her words are full of deep love. The ups and downs of the past 41 years have not diminished her deep friendship with her husband, but have made her have a deeper understanding and cherishment of this relationship.

Yu Jianwei also often exudes a dreamlike expression, as if returning to his youth and spending the good years of his life with his beloved wife. Despite the many hardships in life, as long as you look back on those moments, you will feel endless happiness in your heart.

Actor Xu Di: She has a son with her first love husband, and all the acting income is handed over to him

Indeed, they have experienced countless ups and downs, hurt each other, had differences and frictions, and even fell into the predicament of "happy enemies" for a time. However, it is precisely because they have been tempered that they have learned more about the value of cherishing the happiness in front of them.

The deep emotions of the two are sharpened to shine like diamonds, indestructible, glittering, and never wither!

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