
Xu Di has played a supporting role for 30 years, her husband is rich and willing to be a cook for 40 years, and he wants to marry her in the next life

author:Yinyue said ancient and modern

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Xu Di has played a supporting role for 30 years, her husband is rich and willing to be a cook for 40 years, and he wants to marry her in the next life

In this silent ward, only the ticking of the clock and the smooth and powerful operation of medical equipment blend together to form a unique melody. Yu Jianwei held his wife Xu Di's warm hands tightly, and their ten fingers were tightly intertwined, as if they were transmitting the power and temperature of life to each other. He gazed affectionately at his wife's weather-beaten face, his eyes filled with deep love and attachment.

Time flies, and they have walked hand in hand for forty springs, autumns, winters and summers. Yu Jianwei's thoughts can't help but go back to the good times when they met, knew each other, and fell in love. The sweetness and bitterness, success and setbacks of the past are all interwoven into a never-fading picture in the life journey of this loving couple.

Recalling his days at the Drama Academy when he was young, Yu Jianwei couldn't help but smile. At that time, he was unruly, bragging in the classroom, and talking eloquently in the Beijing dialect without any scruples. It was such a scene that attracted the attention of the straightforward Xu Di for the first time. If it weren't for his sincere pursuit later, they might have passed by like strangers.

Since then, the proud and conceited Beijing boy has gradually reined in his edge, and his words and deeds have become more decent. He began to take the initiative to help his classmates, hoping to change Xu Di's opinion of him. However, to his surprise, it turned out that his sweetheart suffered from mild facial recognition disorder and had long forgotten about the quarrels and disputes between them.

Xu Di has played a supporting role for 30 years, her husband is rich and willing to be a cook for 40 years, and he wants to marry her in the next life

Yu Jianwei suddenly realized that he decided to go all out to pursue his sweetheart. Whether in class or in his spare time, he always took the initiative to invite Xu Di to be his companion. At first, Xu Di, who has a bold personality, felt novel and confused about this fiery love, but was soon moved by this sincere emotion from the bottom of her heart.

In her youth, Xu Di showed extraordinary artistic talent. Born in the bustling hutong compound of Beijing's old town, she was deeply influenced by the city's unique artistic atmosphere from an early age. While others need a lot of time and effort to study and learn, she was able to grasp the essence of it from the first contact and showed her innate talent.

After graduating from high school, faced with the important choice of whether to continue her studies, the rational Xu Di firmly chose the path of traditional art. At that time, intellectuals were not treated with the respect they deserved, and there was a bad atmosphere in society that "reading is useless".

Although she has studied four years less than her peers, this undoubtedly indicates that her future income may be relatively low. However, after much deliberation, she bravely threw herself into the opera career she loved, and joined the discipleship of the famous master Wei Xikui. It can be said that this is a major choice on the road of her life!

Xu Di has played a supporting role for 30 years, her husband is rich and willing to be a cook for 40 years, and he wants to marry her in the next life

After entering art school, Xu Di met the key figure who changed her destiny - Yu Jianwei. At that time, he was an energetic Beijing boy, who always talked eloquently and unreservedly among his classmates. However, Xu Di rebuked him with sharp words, which shocked him. However, it was this straightforward accusation that opened Yu Jianwei's deep admiration and yearning for her.

Since then, Yu Jianwei has never shown off in front of his classmates, but has devoted himself to his studies and served everyone around him wholeheartedly, just to change Xu Di's opinion of him. At first, Xu Di was only moved by his sincerity and hard work, and gave him sympathy and friendship. However, Yu Jianwei was unwavering and patiently guided day after day, and finally won her love.

Their youthful love affair on campus is still unforgettable for Yu Jianwei. It was the first time he expressed his affection to his sweetheart and wrote a love letter full of love. However, the shy Xu Di did not dare to open the hot letter, afraid that the love words in it would make her cheeks crimson. What was originally just a romantic and subtle emotion became the catalyst for their blushing heartbeat late at night.

After graduation, Yu Jianwei and Xu Di were assigned to work in the same unit, which can be called a perfect match made in heaven. His outstanding performance on stage immediately attracted attention, and Xu Di was the little flower girl in charge, beautiful and moving, and was deeply loved by the audience. As they grew older, they naturally came together and entered the palace of marriage hand in hand.

Xu Di has played a supporting role for 30 years, her husband is rich and willing to be a cook for 40 years, and he wants to marry her in the next life

In her married life, Xu Di was gentle and tenacious, virtuous and straightforward, while Yu Jianwei showed a restrained and elegant temperament. He even runs the household chores in the kitchen, putting his cooking skills to good use just so that his wife can come home and enjoy a steaming delicious meal.

For Yu Jianwei's behavior, some people sneered at him, ridiculing him for losing his male dignity. However, Yu Jianwei does not mind, he always adheres to his responsibilities and obligations as a husband, and has loved his wife for 40 years, and this unwavering love is admirable!

Time flies to the late 80s of the 20th century, and the filming of the TV series "The Lens Reaches Out to the Miscellaneous Courtyard" has been vigorously launched, which has undoubtedly become a milestone event on Xu Di's life path. Fortunately, the director gave a very high evaluation to the heroine "Qiaojun" role she portrayed in the play, and her superb and skillful acting skills made her famous and reaped rich financial benefits.

However, for Xu Di, who listens to her inner voice, she has a dream in her heart - that is, to record her own music album. However, the reality is always cruel, and although she is already a successful person with a lot of money, her superiors have repeatedly rejected her requests on the grounds of lack of funds.

Xu Di has played a supporting role for 30 years, her husband is rich and willing to be a cook for 40 years, and he wants to marry her in the next life

Watching his wife gradually fall into frustration, Yu Jianwei's heart was like a knife. So, in order to support his wife to realize her music dream, he impassionedly encouraged Xu Di to return to the acting industry and use the proceeds from acting to pay for the production of the album.

In this way, Xu Di once again embarked on a new journey in life, this time not only for the sake of her family's livelihood, but more importantly, to realize her musical ideals. She treats every role with a high level of professionalism, whether it is a palatial lady or a simple peasant woman, she can perform it perfectly. Soon after, she was praised by many directors as a leader in the "acting school", and role invitations poured in.

Finally, in 2004, Xu Di released her solo album as she wished, realizing her music dream for many years. Since then, Xu Di has participated in a number of popular TV series in the next few years. Among them, the most deeply rooted in the hearts of the people is the scathing and mean Shanghainese-style mother-in-law image she plays.

However, in real life, Xu Di is a gentle, humble and polite woman, which is in stark contrast to her image on screen. Once, when she was talking about her role with several other actors of the same age, Yu Jianwei humorously joked: "It seems that the most vicious mother-in-law in China has gathered in our circle." The crowd burst into laughter.

Xu Di has played a supporting role for 30 years, her husband is rich and willing to be a cook for 40 years, and he wants to marry her in the next life

Although this joke seems simple, it actually contains Xu Di's unshakable status in the industry. Over the years, she has consistently served as the preferred actor for the role of "Mother-in-law" in prime-time plays, whether she plays the daughter of a wealthy family or a simple old woman in the countryside, she can perform just right and with ease. Because of this, well-known directors from all walks of life have regarded it as an outstanding representative of the "acting school", and role invitations have come one after another.

For example, in the hit TV series "Sister Idler" in 2000, Xu Di successfully created the image of a poor but humorous mother-in-law, making the show a popular drama at the beginning of the year. In the three years since, she has been active on almost all kinds of comedy stages, and has won warm applause and applause from the audience every time she appears.

There is no doubt that middle age is undoubtedly the pinnacle of Xu Di's acting career. She gave full play to her talents and left an unforgettable classic image on the TV screen. However, in real life, she is a quiet, introverted and low-key person, who does not pursue much money and wealth, but simply loves the art of acting.

Of course, the support and encouragement of friends and family is also crucial. It is particularly worth mentioning Yu Jianwei, a "virtuous helper", who has always wholeheartedly supported his wife's career development. Whenever Xu Di needs to leave the family for work, no matter how long it is, he will give understanding and support, and even take on all the housework alone.

Xu Di has played a supporting role for 30 years, her husband is rich and willing to be a cook for 40 years, and he wants to marry her in the next life

In the days when Xu Di was busy with various crews, Yu Jianwei became her most solid backing with her selfless dedication. Whenever his wife is away from home for work reasons, he can give understanding and support, no matter how long it is, and take on all the household chores alone.

Some scoffed at this, accusing him of "losing his male dignity." However, for Yu Jianwei, taking care of his wife and sharing the housework is the duty of a qualified husband, and this unwavering love has lasted for 40 years.

With the prosperity of his wife's career, Yu Jianwei's achievements in the opera industry cannot be ignored, although his income is not as rapid as that of the entertainment industry, he is already a rich man with certain assets.

However, it was in such an ordinary family environment that the man chose to focus on the art of cooking in the kitchen, striving for perfection as an artist. Whenever Xu Di embarks on the familiar road home, she can always enjoy the delicious food cooked by Yu Jianwei himself. He treats each dish with special care, tastes it repeatedly, in order to achieve the ultimate state of taste, and finally personally brings the cooking products to the crew to visit his dear wife, offering this rich and deep care and love.

Xu Di has played a supporting role for 30 years, her husband is rich and willing to be a cook for 40 years, and he wants to marry her in the next life

This taste of happiness made the returning Xu Di deeply feel the warmth and tranquility of the family, full of the charm of life. Yu Jianwei used 40 years of silent dedication to interpret what it means to be truly knowledgeable, virtuous and virtuous. It is precisely because of his firm support and selfless care as a "virtuous helper" that Xu Di was able to soar in her acting career and create a stage image that is deeply rooted in the hearts of the people.

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