
National first-class actor Xu Di: She had a son with her first love husband for 42 years, and all the money earned from filming was given to him

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Text: Edited by Shuang'er

The male protagonist is inside and the female protagonist is outside, and the man makes money to support the family and the woman takes care of the family and the baby, which has become the most traditional match.

But the old artist Xu Di is not like this, she goes out to film to make money, leaving her husband alone to take care of the baby.

National first-class actor Xu Di: She had a son with her first love husband for 42 years, and all the money earned from filming was given to him

How did they achieve this balance?

How did the two rivals come together?

National first-class actor Xu Di: She had a son with her first love husband for 42 years, and all the money earned from filming was given to him

Xu Zhaodi became Xu Di

"No, I will not allow her to repeat my fate. ”

's mother's words changed her name from "Xu Zhaodi" to "Xu Di".

National first-class actor Xu Di: She had a son with her first love husband for 42 years, and all the money earned from filming was given to him

As the first child born in the family, she was given a different hope from an early age, hoping to be a boy.

But when she was born, she was still a girl, her grandmother's face darkened instantly, and the smile on the corner of her father's mouth slowly disappeared.

National first-class actor Xu Di: She had a son with her first love husband for 42 years, and all the money earned from filming was given to him

Although he didn't say anything, the departing figures all showed dissatisfaction.

And Xu Di's name was originally called Zhaodi, following the Xi of hoping to recruit a boy.

National first-class actor Xu Di: She had a son with her first love husband for 42 years, and all the money earned from filming was given to him

In the end, it was the persuasion of his mother that he changed his name and became Xu Di.

But it was just a name change, and it didn't change her fate.

National first-class actor Xu Di: She had a son with her first love husband for 42 years, and all the money earned from filming was given to him

The father's basis is very strict, and if he makes a slight mistake, he will be punished by his father.

She could only try not to dangle in front of her father's eyes, and she began to wander the streets to relieve her boredom.

National first-class actor Xu Di: She had a son with her first love husband for 42 years, and all the money earned from filming was given to him

Finally, he stopped at the door of a family, which was the residence of an old man.

Every morning and evening, there would be babbling singing, and later Xu Di knew that the thing was called the radio.

National first-class actor Xu Di: She had a son with her first love husband for 42 years, and all the money earned from filming was given to him

And the old man also noticed this little girl who would lie at the door every day and eavesdrop, so he invited her to sit in the courtyard and listen.

Although the radio is not too young and her voice is not clear, it still does not prevent her from stealing from learning art.

National first-class actor Xu Di: She had a son with her first love husband for 42 years, and all the money earned from filming was given to him

Xu Di hummed quietly on the side, devoting herself to it.

This talent also attracted the attention of the school teachers, and she was the first to be pushed to the stage when the opera school came to enroll.

National first-class actor Xu Di: She had a son with her first love husband for 42 years, and all the money earned from filming was given to him

The admissions teacher looked at her tall figure and liked it in her heart.

vigorously invited her to apply for the Academy of Drama, but Xu Di refused because she couldn't afford the tuition.

National first-class actor Xu Di: She had a son with her first love husband for 42 years, and all the money earned from filming was given to him

Her father found a good place for her early: to work in the factory to make money.

But the teacher of the theater couldn't bear to give up this good seedling, so he specially asked the hospital for a subsidy.

National first-class actor Xu Di: She had a son with her first love husband for 42 years, and all the money earned from filming was given to him

Not only is the tuition fee free, but he also promises to "distribute the graduation package", and in the face of this huge temptation, my father finally relented.

Although she has sung a few lines before, for her, opera is a new world full of challenges.

National first-class actor Xu Di: She had a son with her first love husband for 42 years, and all the money earned from filming was given to him

Not only do you have to hang your voice every day to practice Xi singing, but you also have to correct your demeanor with a horse and a fork.

The colorful costumes in the warehouse dazzled her even more, and she knew that she was inadequate, and she was once very inferior.

National first-class actor Xu Di: She had a son with her first love husband for 42 years, and all the money earned from filming was given to him

Without Tongzigong and no enlightenment teacher, Xu Di can only rely on enthusiasm and love for opera.

Xi day after day, talent is finally stimulated by hard work.

National first-class actor Xu Di: She had a son with her first love husband for 42 years, and all the money earned from filming was given to him

Xu Di also became cheerful and got along happily with her classmates, but only one person never dealt with her.

"I don't know which person will marry you so rude in the future. ”

But as everyone knows, the blind person is herself.

National first-class actor Xu Di: She had a son with her first love husband for 42 years, and all the money earned from filming was given to him

Rejoicing that the enemy has become a partner

"You're too unqualified, and you still swear in front of so many people. ”

That was the first time Xu Di participated in the class meeting, and she was frightened by the words of the class leader Yu Jianwei.

National first-class actor Xu Di: She had a son with her first love husband for 42 years, and all the money earned from filming was given to him

Several boys were playing and swearing frequently, attracting passers-by to stop and watch.

Xu Di immediately accused the squad leader, and almost overturned the table.

National first-class actor Xu Di: She had a son with her first love husband for 42 years, and all the money earned from filming was given to him

was scolded by a girl in front of so many people, Yu Jianwei's face turned red instantly, and he had no face.

Since then, the two of them have been married, and no one will let anyone when they meet during dinner, competing for the only remaining chicken leg.

National first-class actor Xu Di: She had a son with her first love husband for 42 years, and all the money earned from filming was given to him

In class, it was even more-for-tat, and no one agreed with anyone's point of view.

Even the teacher couldn't stand it, and invited the two to the office several times to try to resolve the conflict, but the result was naturally unsolvable.

National first-class actor Xu Di: She had a son with her first love husband for 42 years, and all the money earned from filming was given to him

In the hustle and bustle of the campus, Xu Di and Yu Jianwei, the happy enemies, often attract attention.

Almost everyone in the school knew that these two people were not against each other, but the arrangement of fate silently opened their story at this moment.

National first-class actor Xu Di: She had a son with her first love husband for 42 years, and all the money earned from filming was given to him

This antagonistic relationship continued from school to graduation, and they were assigned to the same work unit by the same troupe.

Although they have entered the society, the two are still like children, and they don't care about anyone when they meet.

National first-class actor Xu Di: She had a son with her first love husband for 42 years, and all the money earned from filming was given to him

Yu Jianwei felt that Xu Di was too strong:

"I think such a strong woman, who will dare to marry her in the future. ”
National first-class actor Xu Di: She had a son with her first love husband for 42 years, and all the money earned from filming was given to him

And Xu Di also felt that Yu Jianwei was a little contemptuous and couldn't tolerate his unrighteous behavior.

However, three years later, the two entered the marriage hall and confused the teachers who came to congratulate them.

National first-class actor Xu Di: She had a son with her first love husband for 42 years, and all the money earned from filming was given to him

It turned out that the two had already secretly Chen Cang, and they really responded to the sentence that beating is kissing and scolding is love.

But what really moved Xu Di was actually a small thing.

National first-class actor Xu Di: She had a son with her first love husband for 42 years, and all the money earned from filming was given to him

That was a spring outing organized by the class, but Xu Di accidentally broke her foot while playing and couldn't move and fell behind the team.

"Why is it so quiet today, and no one is arguing with me. ”
National first-class actor Xu Di: She had a son with her first love husband for 42 years, and all the money earned from filming was given to him

On the way, Yu Jianwei was still thinking, but he didn't see Xu Di after looking around, so he realized that something was wrong.

I hurriedly turned back to look for her, and found her in pain on the lawn.

National first-class actor Xu Di: She had a son with her first love husband for 42 years, and all the money earned from filming was given to him

Without saying a word, he went out to the doctor with her on his back, and looking at the beads of sweat on his face, Xu Di realized that he was quite handsome.

Yu Jianwei also seemed to feel Xu Di's changes, and unconsciously slowed down.

National first-class actor Xu Di: She had a son with her first love husband for 42 years, and all the money earned from filming was given to him

The next day, the two tacitly agreed not to mention the matter, but the feelings in their eyes couldn't be hidden.

In the end, Yu Jianwei first expressed his intentions: Be my girlfriend.

National first-class actor Xu Di: She had a son with her first love husband for 42 years, and all the money earned from filming was given to him

But because the Academy of Drama can't fall in love, this relationship has always existed underground.

In order to avoid the eyes of classmates and teachers, the two quarreled and quarreled as usual, but in private they would secretly hold hands.

National first-class actor Xu Di: She had a son with her first love husband for 42 years, and all the money earned from filming was given to him

It wasn't until they joined the job after graduation that this layer of disguise was removed, and the students realized that everything was dark and dark.

After work, Xu Di and Yu Jianwei worked hard for a better life in the future and saved a lot of money.

National first-class actor Xu Di: She had a son with her first love husband for 42 years, and all the money earned from filming was given to him

But the filial Xu Di left most of it to her parents and moved out with her old clothes.

Finally, three years later, I entered the marriage hall, and the wedding was very simple, but the teachers and classmates were present.

National first-class actor Xu Di: She had a son with her first love husband for 42 years, and all the money earned from filming was given to him

After a simple meal, he lived in a one-bedroom apartment assigned by the troupe.

Two years later, my son was born, and on the one hand, there was a child waiting to be fed, and on the other hand, a career that had just improved.

National first-class actor Xu Di: She had a son with her first love husband for 42 years, and all the money earned from filming was given to him

Her in-laws urged her to go home early to take care of the children, and Xu Di even wrote a resignation report.

But at this moment, the husband took the initiative to stand up: I will take care of the children.

National first-class actor Xu Di: She had a son with her first love husband for 42 years, and all the money earned from filming was given to him

The marriage of the male protagonist and the female protagonist outside

"I have submitted my resignation report, and in the future, I will be at home to take care of the children, and you will be responsible for earning money to support the family. ”

Yu Jianwei knew his wife's love for the opera career, so he took the initiative to quit his job and take on the responsibility of taking care of the family.

National first-class actor Xu Di: She had a son with her first love husband for 42 years, and all the money earned from filming was given to him

Although a sentence is simple, it has to pay a great price behind it, and you have to endure the fingers of others.

Therefore, Xu Di was touched by her husband's ability to do this.

National first-class actor Xu Di: She had a son with her first love husband for 42 years, and all the money earned from filming was given to him

Despite facing pressure from the outside world and accusations from his parents, Yu Jianwei doesn't care what others think.

Take care of the children at home and tidy up the housework, and will also give Xu Di, who returns late, a bowl of hot noodles.

National first-class actor Xu Di: She had a son with her first love husband for 42 years, and all the money earned from filming was given to him

Her husband's support and sacrifice, Xu Di saw it in her eyes and remembered it in her heart, but there was not much she could do.

So the next day, she handed over all her salary to Yu Jianwei, and only kept a little pocket money for herself.

National first-class actor Xu Di: She had a son with her first love husband for 42 years, and all the money earned from filming was given to him

For her husband's financial expenditure and distribution, she unconditionally supports and cooperates, and the relationship between the two is also very stable.

Although she is an actor in the troupe, Xu Di is well-known to the audience more because of the film and television dramas she acts.

National first-class actor Xu Di: She had a son with her first love husband for 42 years, and all the money earned from filming was given to him

However, due to the regulations of the troupe, the appearance of outside plays was only a superficial taste, and this situation continued until retirement.

I thought that after retirement, Xu Di would finally be idle and have time to spend with her family and wife.

National first-class actor Xu Di: She had a son with her first love husband for 42 years, and all the money earned from filming was given to him

But she made the decision to pursue her dream in the entertainment industry, and her husband Yu Jianwei supported it although he was unwilling.

It's just that there is an extra "drag oil bottle" during filming, filming is not as good as acting, and he has to run around all over the world, and her husband is not at ease and follows.

National first-class actor Xu Di: She had a son with her first love husband for 42 years, and all the money earned from filming was given to him

In the next ten years, Xu Di and Yu Jianwei have always maintained this lifestyle.

Xu Di is responsible for making money while filming outside, and Yu Jianwei follows behind, who is an assistant and a treasurer.

National first-class actor Xu Di: She had a son with her first love husband for 42 years, and all the money earned from filming was given to him

Now 65 years old, she is still like this, and most of the time spent on occasional filming is left for life.

It is very pleasant to visit the vegetable market with my wife and bask in the park.

National first-class actor Xu Di: She had a son with her first love husband for 42 years, and all the money earned from filming was given to him

In her career, she is a national first-class actor and winner of the Plum Blossom Award, leaving behind many classics.

In life, she is a good wife, and she has been hand in hand with her husband for more than 40 years, and she is recognized as a good partner.

National first-class actor Xu Di: She had a son with her first love husband for 42 years, and all the money earned from filming was given to him

Love is like a person drinking water and knowing it, and each couple has their own unique way of getting along.

But there is only one end, and that is happiness.

National first-class actor Xu Di: She had a son with her first love husband for 42 years, and all the money earned from filming was given to him
(Disclaimer) The process and pictures described in the article are from the Internet, and this article aims to advocate positive social energy and no vulgar and other bad guidance. If it involves copyright or character infringement issues, please contact us in time, and we will delete the content as soon as possible!

Information source: Beijing opera "Young Son of Heaven" rehearsed after 35 years, Plum Blossom Award winner Xu Di plays the role of the Empress Dowager of Xiaozhuang_Beijing News (

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