
National first-class actor Xu Di: She gave birth to a son with her first love husband for 41 years, and all the money earned from filming was given to him

author:Xiao Li talks about the past and the present

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National first-class actor Xu Di: She gave birth to a son with her first love husband for 41 years, and all the money earned from filming was given to him

In 2017, the glittering award ceremony of the 28th Chinese TV Drama Diamond Awards was full of enthusiasm and solemnity. At that time, when the host announced that Ms. Xu Di won the "Best Actress" award, the audience was instantly boiling!

In the audience, many young fans cheered and applauded, because in their memories of their youth, Xu Di has always been an outstanding actor who is good at playing the "role of mother".

However, on the podium, Xu Di was slightly surprised and confused. She opened her mouth slightly, her eyes in a trance, as if she had not fully recovered from the shock. It wasn't until the staff next to her gently nudged her that she stood up as if she had just woken up from a dream and staggered towards the center of the stage.

"Is it really me? I thought the jury was just trying to give me a consolation award. Xu Di joked humorously, but the smile on her face couldn't hide the ecstasy in her heart.

National first-class actor Xu Di: She gave birth to a son with her first love husband for 41 years, and all the money earned from filming was given to him

This joy is not only due to the honor of winning the award, but more importantly, the unexpected joy of being able to receive such a high level of respect and praise at this age.

In the interview session after the award, the media reporters not only praised her superb acting skills, but also were curious about the sweet and happy married life of her husband Yu Jianwei.

Facing the camera, Xu Di proudly said: "Yu Jianwei is like an all-round housekeeper at home, whether it is housework or my personal needs, he can handle it properly."

The words are filled with deep love, as if reminiscent of the romantic romance of youth.

National first-class actor Xu Di: She gave birth to a son with her first love husband for 41 years, and all the money earned from filming was given to him

This passage also evokes Xu Di's endless nostalgia for the good old days.

Looking back on 1975, Xu Di, who was only 17 years old at the time, was admitted to a famous quyi troupe in Beijing, and embarked on a new life path full of challenges and opportunities. As a novice who knew nothing about the art of qu, she had to learn this ancient and esoteric art from scratch.

One of the most challenging is undoubtedly the sharpening of basic skills. Every day, Xu Di needs to repeatedly perform high-intensity training such as leg presses and leg rubbing, which is painful, but she has never complained.

On the contrary, she gritted her teeth and persevered, never allowing her tears to flow easily. When she returned to the dormitory at night, she often felt that her feet were numb and it was difficult to walk, but the next morning she would step into the practice room again and try to improve her singing voice in front of the mirror.

National first-class actor Xu Di: She gave birth to a son with her first love husband for 41 years, and all the money earned from filming was given to him

At times, her throat was so hoarse that she could barely speak, but she still held on.

It was in that youthful years full of vitality and vitality that she met the love of her life - Yu Jianwei. I still clearly remember that class reunion, Yu Jianwei, as the class president, was busy arranging various matters, but accidentally said a vulgar word.

At that time, Xu Di, dressed in an elegant cheongsam, was as elegant and moving as a hibiscus out of the water, her eyes were as bright as stars, shining with charming light, she stood up bravely and reproached Yu Jianwei in a firm and powerful tone: "Your wording is too rude!" In the future, you must pay attention to your words and deeds, and do not use swear words at will."

Yu Jianwei was deeply moved by Xu Di's honest and respectful education method, stared at her side face, and couldn't help but sigh with emotion in his heart: this is the ideal girl he dreamed of! Although the school strictly prohibits students from falling in love, Yu Jianwei and Xu Di are still careful to maintain this secret relationship, lest they be detected by the teacher.

National first-class actor Xu Di: She gave birth to a son with her first love husband for 41 years, and all the money earned from filming was given to him

Sometimes, they will even deliberately argue in front of their classmates to hide their feelings for each other.

During that long and arduous apprenticeship, Xu Di not only found a bosom friend in life, but also met her soul mate. In 1978, Yu Jianwei and Xu Di successfully completed their studies together and were assigned to work in the same unit.

At this point, the "underground romance" they once carefully cared for was finally made public.

Recalling the past, Yu Jianwei's face was filled with a happy smile. At that time, they were in the prime of their youth, full of endless expectations and yearning for the future. After three years of work, the employer generously presented them with a new home as a wedding gift.

National first-class actor Xu Di: She gave birth to a son with her first love husband for 41 years, and all the money earned from filming was given to him

So, Yu Jianwei and Xu Di entered the sacred hall of marriage hand in hand in the warm congratulations of relatives and friends.

The life after marriage is sweet and happy, Yu Jianwei has witnessed his wife's continuous breakthroughs in her career, and his heart is full of pride and pride. However, with the arrival of their son, the loving couple has to face new choices.

As a working woman, Xu Di is caught in the difficult choice of whether to continue to pursue her career or return to her family to take care of her children. She was deeply distressed and unable to make a decision.

However, Yu Jianwei saw it in his eyes and silently made up his mind that he would solve problems for his wife.

National first-class actor Xu Di: She gave birth to a son with her first love husband for 41 years, and all the money earned from filming was given to him

So, shortly after the birth of his son, Yu Jianwei offered to take on all the housework and childcare responsibilities. During the day, he takes care of household chores at home; At night, he patiently soothes the child into a sweet sleep.

On the road of parenting, when Yu Jianwei encounters difficulties, he can always immediately seek the help of relatives and friends, showing his thirst for parenting knowledge. Even in the face of various comments and even criticisms around him, he still firmly maintained his original intention and was never swayed by others.

I remember that time, Xu Di was full of tears and asked her husband deeply: "Faced with a choice again, will you still make the same decision without any worries?" Yu Jianwei said without hesitation and categorically: "Yes! My love for you and my children is the most important part of my life, and I am willing to give everything in order to let you work with peace of mind", these sincere and touching words moved Xu Di to tears.

With the selfless support and unsung dedication of her husband Yu Jianwei, Xu Di's career has gradually grown, and she has successfully transformed from a theater performer to a well-known "mother professional".

National first-class actor Xu Di: She gave birth to a son with her first love husband for 41 years, and all the money earned from filming was given to him

However, compared with the past days in the troupe, she now needs to go to all parts of the country to shoot TV dramas, and the intensity and pressure of her work have increased dramatically, however, no matter where she is, Yu Jianwei has always been by his wife's side, like a poetic artistic journey, every time he goes out to film, he always carries a heavy suitcase and closely follows Xu Di's pace, whether it is a long journey on the train or the vast world of the airport, he never leaves and never leaves.

During the filming in a different place, Xu Di was busy on the set during the day, while Yu Jianwei traveled to the local places of interest alone. He has the calmness and calmness of a traveler, and despite his age, his steps are still vigorous and powerful.

Sometimes, he will also buy some local specialties and prepare to share them with his wife at night, whenever night falls, when Xu Di has gone through a long period of high-intensity work, Yu Jianwei will always walk hand in hand with her in the bustling night market, the small vendors in the streets and alleys, the bustling crowd, those colorful pictures seem to tell a moving story, they laugh and laugh like this, taste the customs of a foreign land, and enjoy this rare time for two.

Occasionally, when an actor is under too much pressure at work, Yu Jianwei will gently comfort his wife: "It doesn't matter, take your time, don't force yourself." Whenever this happens, Xu Di's eyes will always shine again.

National first-class actor Xu Di: She gave birth to a son with her first love husband for 41 years, and all the money earned from filming was given to him

It is true that even though the years have passed and the time has passed, the two of them are still as caring as two affectionate young people. Whether it is the accumulation of wealth or the maintenance of feelings, the two elders still maintain that purity and sincerity, which is amazing!

In addition, we would like to commend Ms. Hui Di, who, despite her high worth of money, gave her all the money she earned and handed it over to her husband Yu Jianwei without hesitation.

Initially in the form of cash, and then converted into bank deposits, but she never left a penny in Xu Di's heart, her husband is undoubtedly her most trusted "personal financial advisor", only by fully entrusting all her property to him, she can devote herself to the acting career she loves without any worries.

Now, Xu Di and Yu Jianwei, who have entered the age of sixties, still maintain deep love and love as before. Whenever Xu Di doesn't need to go out to work, they always walk hand in hand, bring their lovely grandchildren at home, and enjoy the joy of outdoor activities together.

National first-class actor Xu Di: She gave birth to a son with her first love husband for 41 years, and all the money earned from filming was given to him

In the shade of the park, we can always see this silver-mottled couple, sometimes looking at each other and smiling, their eyes full of tenderness and sweetness; From time to time, holding hands, walking along the forest path, reminiscing about the memories of the past.

Occasionally, the grandson would join in the conversation with great interest, sharing anecdotes about his time at school. After retirement, Yu Jianwei also lamented that there seemed to be a lack of some passion in life.

That persistent pursuit of career and yearning for a better life seemed to fade over time, so he proposed to his wife to travel the world together, hoping to start a new chapter in his life.

Compared to running around for a career when I was younger, today's travel is more about experiencing the joy of life. Whether it's tasting local specialties or taking in exotic experiences, they will enjoy the journey to the fullest.

National first-class actor Xu Di: She gave birth to a son with her first love husband for 41 years, and all the money earned from filming was given to him

Looking back, we find that true happiness is not complicated, it is nothing more than the trivial things in daily life.

Sometimes, they invite their son on a trip to join them, and the family has a lot of fun. The grandson was playing on the side, while Yu Jianwei and Xu Di held hands and watched the warm picture with love.

Looking at the full house of children and grandchildren, their hearts are full of satisfaction: the life they have now is exactly the ideal state they once dreamed of.

Before they knew it, they had spent more than 40 springs, autumns, winters and summers together. Those stormy days have long been washed away by the torrent of time.

National first-class actor Xu Di: She gave birth to a son with her first love husband for 41 years, and all the money earned from filming was given to him

At this moment, we have witnessed their meaningful eye meeting, as well as the eternal friendship and good wishes. Although the entertainment industry is star-studded, there are very few people who really have a happy married life.

However, in this incomparably loving couple, we get a glimpse of the dizzying married life.

If it weren't for Yu Jianwei's long-term unrequited full support and selfless dedication, he would not have been able to create the shining Xu Di today. It is precisely because of his consistent attention and encouragement behind him that Xu Di can devote herself to her acting career wholeheartedly, so as to achieve today's brilliant achievements.

On the contrary, without Xu Di's deep understanding and firm trust, Yu Jianwei's life would not be so colorful, and it is precisely because his wife unreservedly entrusts him with all his income that he can grasp the opportunity to take the lead and fully demonstrate his outstanding economic management talent.

National first-class actor Xu Di: She gave birth to a son with her first love husband for 41 years, and all the money earned from filming was given to him

It is precisely by virtue of the joint progress and mutual tolerance of both sides that they can rely on each other for more than 40 years. They perfectly interpret what a sincere partner is and what is the most precious love in the world with practical actions.

In this world full of glitz and bustle, their stories are like a clear stream, nourishing every heart that longs for warmth.

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