
"A City within a City" lines 201-210: You are a willful old urchin under the guise of infatuation

"A City within a City" lines 201-210: You are a willful old urchin under the guise of infatuation

Episode 29

1, Zhao Hui - young people want to make money faster, there is nothing to be embarrassed to say.

2, big brother - it has nothing to do with character, it's just that luck is too bad.

"A City within a City" lines 201-210: You are a willful old urchin under the guise of infatuation

Episode 30

3, Su Jianren: If you do too much of this bad thing, it is possible to have nightmares.

Zhao Hui: The word "unfortunate thing" is sometimes the same as the last resort.

4. Zhao Hui - Maybe you don't like to hear some of the things I want to say below, but please listen to them patiently, because these words have not been heard before, and you will not be able to hear them from other people's mouths in the future; Su Jianren, there is nothing wrong with you being an infatuated person, but you are an old naughty boy who is willful and reckless under the guise of infatuation.

"A City within a City" lines 201-210: You are a willful old urchin under the guise of infatuation

Episode 30

5, Zhao Hui - Su Jianren, are you angry with others or yourself? Have you asked yourself? In your life, how many things have you done that others can afford? Have you ever had one? It's hard for you to understand when I say this about you, because you never think about others, and it's a bit wrong to say that you're a scumbag, but in fact, you only have yourself in your heart. Su Jianren, the reason why I am honest with you today is that I am not afraid of breaking the kettle.

6, Zhao Hui - Lao Su, children are our future, no matter how wronged we are, as long as they can live well in the future, it's okay.

"A City within a City" lines 201-210: You are a willful old urchin under the guise of infatuation

Episode 30

7. Su Jianren: Why are you doing this?

Zhao Hui: Because we are old classmates, we have four years of friendship, because I am ashamed of you, and because I like kind and upright children in my bones, Lao Su, I am not as good as others think, but I am not as bad as you think.

8. Zhao Hui: Lao Su, do you know what I want to say now?

Su Jianren: What do you want to say?

Zhao Hui: You're a big fool!

"A City within a City" lines 201-210: You are a willful old urchin under the guise of infatuation

Episode 31

9, eldest brother - a person of my age, if it weren't for the point of life and death, would I let myself have blood on my hands?

10, Zhao Hui - I didn't kill Boren, but Boren died because of me.