
The magpie begged for a seal, and the man said that it was like a phoenix, and the family prospered for more than two hundred years


Magpies beg for seals

In an ancient and mysterious village, there lives an ordinary farmer named Li Erniu. The village is surrounded by green mountains and green waters, the scenery is beautiful, and the villagers live a calm and peaceful life. However, this peaceful village is full of mystery due to a bizarre legend.

Legend has it that every few decades, a magpie will appear and ask for a seal from humans. If someone can give it an auspicious title, it will bring good luck to the person and his family. On the other hand, if you speak ill of each other, it will invite misfortune.

One morning, Li Erniu was working in the fields when he suddenly heard a cheerful birdsong. He looked up and saw a magpie perched on a branch not far away, staring at him with a pair of sparkling eyes.

"Oops, isn't this the legendary magpie?" Li Erniu thought secretly in his heart, and suddenly felt a burst of nervousness.

The magpie suddenly spoke: "Li Erniu, what do you think I look like?" ”

Li Erniu was taken aback, but quickly calmed down. He remembered the legend in the village and knew that it was a magpie begging him for a seal. He carefully looked at the magpie in front of him, and saw that its feathers were bright and its demeanor was noble, which was indeed different from ordinary magpies.

"I see you like ...... Like a phoenix! Li Erniu blurted out, but secretly prayed in his heart that his answer would satisfy the magpie.

When the magpie heard this, a glint of satisfaction flashed in his eyes, and he flapped his wings and flew high, and soon disappeared between the blue sky and white clouds.

Since then, the life of Li Erniu's family has changed dramatically. The barren land suddenly became fertile, and the crops doubled; The livestock raised by the family are also thriving, bringing a decent income to the family. Not only that, Li Erniu's son also won the merit and became the first talent in the village.

The magpie begged for a seal, and the man said that it was like a phoenix, and the family prospered for more than two hundred years

The villagers talked about it, and they all said that this was because Li Erniu gave the magpie an auspicious mouth seal. The prosperity of the Li family also lasted for more than 200 years, and it became the most prominent family in the village.

However, the Li family's prosperity was not all smooth sailing. In the past two hundred years, they have also experienced countless tribulations and challenges. But whenever they encountered difficulties, the Li family would think of the magpie and the auspicious seal, so they mustered up the courage to overcome the difficulties and finally got out of the predicament.

To this day, this legend is still alive and well in the village. Whenever a magpie flies over the village, the villagers look up in anticipation that it will bring them good luck and good fortune as well. And the story of the Li family has become an inspiring example of the power of goodness and auspiciousness.

In this mysterious and ancient village, the legend of the magpie begging for a seal has become an eternal legend. It makes people understand that a kind heart and auspicious words often bring unexpected good luck and happiness.

As the years passed, although the children and grandchildren of the Li family no longer farmed like their ancestors, they still remembered the legendary history of the family. Whenever there is an important moment in the family, they will get together and tell the story about the magpie and the Li family.

And the legendary magpie seems to have left its traces in every corner of the village. Villagers often see it in the fields, eaves and treetops, and hear its cheerful singing. It seems to have become the patron saint of the village, witnessing the rise and fall of this ancient village.

Today, the village is no longer the isolated hamlet. With the development of the times, the village gradually integrated into the tide of modern society. However, the legend of the magpie begging for a seal still lives on in the hearts of the people and has become a unique cultural symbol of the village.

Whenever a visitor arrives, the villagers enthusiastically tell the legend as a way to showcase the unique charm of their village. And the guests are always attracted by this mysterious story and sigh one after another.

Over time, the legend of the magpie begging for a seal spread not only within the village, but also throughout the surrounding area. More and more people are attracted by this mysterious and beautiful story and come to visit this ancient village.

In the process, the cultural and tourism resources of the village have been further developed. The villagers have used this legend to create a series of cultural products and tourist attractions, which attract a large number of tourists to come for sightseeing.

The magpie begged for a seal, and the man said that it was like a phoenix, and the family prospered for more than two hundred years

The legend of the magpie not only brought prosperity to the Li family for more than 200 years, but also inadvertently brought prosperity and development to the entire village. This legend has been deeply imprinted in the hearts of every villager and has become their common memory and pride.

And the legendary magpie also seems to be smiling in the sky, silently guarding the village where it once bestowed auspicious seals, as well as those kind and hard-working villagers.

In this way, the legend of the magpie begging for a seal has been passed down from generation to generation and has become an eternal story. When night falls and the stars twinkle, the villagers can still hear the cheerful song of the magpie echoing in the night sky, as if singing an eternal hymn to this ancient village.

To this day, both the old and young people of the village can tell this legend vividly. The image of the magpie is also deeply engraved in the history and culture of the village, becoming a symbol and belief. Whenever the villagers encounter difficulties or setbacks, they will remember the story of the magpie and the Li family, so as to draw strength and courage to face the challenges of life. Therefore, the legend of the magpie begging for a seal is not only a simple folk tale, but also a spiritual sustenance and cultural inheritance. It binds the villagers together and guards the harmony and tranquility of this ancient and mysterious village.

Over time, the village has grown in fame, attracting not only tourists, but also a number of scholars and experts interested in mystical phenomena. They come to the village to try to unravel the mystery of the magpie's begging legend and explore the cultural and psychological principles behind it.

Among them, there is a folklorist named Lin Yi, who has a strong interest in the legend of the magpie begging for mouth seals. He decided to go deep into the village and live with the villagers for a while, hoping to gain a deeper understanding of the story behind this legend.

Lin Yi's arrival aroused the curiosity and attention of the villagers. They warmly received the scholar and provided him with room and board. With the help of the villagers, Lin Yi began his research work.

He first found the descendants of the Li family, and learned in detail about how Li Erniu met the magpie back then, as well as the later development of the Li family. He also consulted the village's historical sources and found that the legend of the magpie begging for a seal was not an isolated case, and similar legends were circulated in other regions, but it was extremely rare to see such an example of the Li family's long-term prosperity as a result of a single word.

In the process of in-depth research, Lin Yi gradually realized that this legend may be more than a simple folk tale. There may be some deep cultural psychological mechanism behind it. He began to try to decipher the legend from a psychological point of view.

He believes that the magpie's begging for a seal is actually a psychological suggestion. When Li Erniu said the phrase "I see you like a phoenix", he was actually giving himself and his family a positive psychological hint. This hint stimulates their potential and confidence, enabling them to move forward in the face of difficulties and challenges, and ultimately to achieve family prosperity.

The magpie begged for a seal, and the man said that it was like a phoenix, and the family prospered for more than two hundred years

In order to test his conjecture, Lin Yi decided to conduct an experiment in the village. He found some villagers who were willing to participate and divided them into two groups. One group was told that they would receive an auspicious seal from a magpie, while the other group had no such hint.

In the following period, Lin Yi observed the living and working conditions of these two groups. It was found that those villagers who were told that they would receive auspicious seals showed higher motivation and self-confidence in their work and life. Their productivity and quality of life have improved significantly. And those villagers who were not hinted at showed no noticeable change.

This experiment made Lin Yi more convinced of his conjecture. He argues that the legend of the magpie begging for a seal is actually an ancient psychological incentive mechanism. It stimulates people's potential and confidence by giving them positive psychological cues, thus helping them overcome difficulties and achieve their goals.

Lin Yi has published his research results in academic journals, which has attracted wide attention from the academic community. More and more scholars are beginning to study the psychological principles behind this legend and try to apply it to modern psychological counseling and therapy.

With the deepening of research, people gradually realized the true value of the legend of the magpie begging for the seal. It is not only a mysterious folk tale, but also a cultural phenomenon with profound psychological principles. This legend reminds us that positive psychological cues and beliefs have a tremendous impact on an individual's growth and development.

In the village, the legend of the magpie begging for a seal also continues. Whenever a magpie flies over the village, people look up in anticipation that it will bring them good luck and good fortune as well. The descendants of the Li family regard this legend as the glory and inheritance of the family, always remembering the kindness and wisdom of their ancestors.

Today, this ancient village has been turned upside down. But no matter how times change, the legend of the magpie will always be passed on in people's hearts and become a source of strength and faith in the face of difficulties.

And the legendary magpie seems to have been hovering over the village, bringing hope and courage to the people with its cheerful song. When night falls and the stars twinkle, its song reverberates in the night sky, as if telling a timeless story of faith, courage and family legacy.

Over time, the village has also become a popular tourist attraction. Tourists come here to catch a glimpse of the magpie and feel the charm of that mysterious legend. As a result, the village has been given a new lease of life and vitality.

In the central square of the village, the villagers erected a magpie sculpture to commemorate the mysterious legend that brought good fortune and prosperity to the village. Whenever tourists come here, they will take photos with the sculpture to feel the mystery and auspiciousness.

The magpie begged for a seal, and the man said that it was like a phoenix, and the family prospered for more than two hundred years

The descendants of the Li family are also actively involved in the tourism development of the village. They make use of the family's historical and cultural resources to provide visitors with a wealth of travel experiences. Through these programs, visitors can learn more about the legend of the magpie begging for a seal and the history and culture of the Li family.

In this process, the descendants of the Li family also deeply realized the importance of inheriting and carrying forward the family culture. They decided to pass on the legend of the magpie and the history and culture of the family, so that more people can understand and feel this unique cultural heritage.

In this way, the legend of the magpie begging for a seal continues to circulate in the village and becomes an eternal legend. And because of this legend, the ancient village has been rejuvenated and revitalized, and has become a place full of mystery and auspiciousness.

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