
won 3 championships in a row, but I really can't boast about Li Qin and Huang Jingyu's new drama

author:Brother Yu will show you the world

The drama "Falling in Love with Special Forces" attracted widespread attention as soon as it was launched, and it can be said that it was an instant hit. On the day of the premiere, almost everyone's circle of friends was discussing this drama, and the hot search list on Weibo was also occupied by it for several days. This kind of popularity is not something that any drama can achieve, it is like a heat wave in the summer, sweeping the entire Internet.

But then again, despite the high popularity, the reputation of this show is polarized. Some people think that its plot is compact, and the actors' acting skills are online, especially the theme of special forces, which makes people feel fresh and exciting. But on the other hand, many viewers have criticized it, and the comment area on Douban has almost become a battlefield, and bad reviews are pouring in.

Some people say that the plot of this drama is too bloody, the character settings are too stereotypical, and the image of special forces is overly romanticized and lacks realism. Some people also said that the love line in the play was not handled delicately enough, and the relationship between the hero and heroine developed too quickly, and the audience was not given enough time to digest and feel. These voices undoubtedly poured cold water on the popularity of this show.

won 3 championships in a row, but I really can't boast about Li Qin and Huang Jingyu's new drama

But controversy is controversy, and we can't deny that "Falling in Love with Special Forces" does satisfy the audience's curiosity about the special profession of special forces to some extent. The special forces in the play, whether it is the hard training on the training ground or the decisive decision when performing the mission, are impressive. Especially those tense and exciting battle scenes, which make people watch their blood boiling, as if they are one of them.

Moreover, this drama has also put a lot of effort into the filming techniques. The director used a variety of shooting techniques, such as high-speed photography, slow-motion replay, etc., to make every action scene feel extraordinarily realistic and shocking. The processing of these details undoubtedly increases the viewing experience of the audience.

Of course, no work can be perfect, there will always be shortcomings of one kind or another. "Falling in Love with Special Forces" is no exception, while it has gained high popularity, it has also faced doubts and criticism from the audience. But it is these controversies that make this drama more topical, so that more people are willing to pay attention to and discuss it.

won 3 championships in a row, but I really can't boast about Li Qin and Huang Jingyu's new drama

Overall, this drama is like a double-edged sword, with both fascinating charm and criticism. But in any case, it has become a phenomenal work, and it is impossible to ignore its existence whether you love it or hate it. And for creators, this is also a valuable experience, how to maintain the popularity while also winning the hearts of the audience, this is an art that needs to be constantly learned and explored.

When the production lineup of the drama "Falling in Love with Special Forces" was announced, many viewers were already full of expectations for it. Producer Ji Daoqing, this name is well-known in the field of military dramas, and his previous works such as "Soldier Assault", "My Regiment Commander, My Regiment", etc., are all classics of military themes and are deeply loved by the audience. Ji Daoqing's grasp and understanding of military themes is undoubtedly a strong guarantee for the quality of this drama.

Screenwriter You Xiaoying, although young, is talented, and her previous work "My Sister" has been widely praised and impressive. Her writing skills are solid and her emotions are delicate, and she can portray the inner world of the characters vividly. This time, she wrote "Falling in Love with Special Forces", and I believe that she can bring different surprises to the audience.

won 3 championships in a row, but I really can't boast about Li Qin and Huang Jingyu's new drama

Speaking of the leading actors, the joining of Li Qin and Huang Jingyu undoubtedly adds a major attraction to this drama. Li Qin, an actress with both appearance and strength, her previous performances in dramas such as "The Legend of Ruyi" and "Celebrating More Than Years" are eye-catching. And Huang Jingyu, with his outstanding performance in "Operation Red Sea", has become a representative of the tough guy image. The combination of the two, both in terms of appearance and acting skills, is expected.

In addition to the starring role, the other actors in this drama are also powerful. Many of them have rich experience in performing military-themed works, and have their own unique insights and expressiveness on how to shape the image of soldiers. The joining of these actors has undoubtedly added more highlights and depth to this drama.

In terms of subject matter, "Falling in Love with Special Forces" chose the special group of special forces as the main line of the story, which is not common in previous film and television works. The life of special forces is full of mystery and challenges, and their daily training, missions, etc., are all of great interest to the audience. Through this drama, the audience can have a deeper understanding of the living conditions and mental outlook of special forces.

won 3 championships in a row, but I really can't boast about Li Qin and Huang Jingyu's new drama

Moreover, this drama has put a lot of effort into the production. From costumes and props to scene layout, every detail strives to restore the truth, so that the audience can feel the living environment and atmosphere of special forces. At the same time, the battle scenes in the play are also carefully designed, striving to be real and exciting, bringing visual shock to the audience.

In general, the production lineup and theme selection of this drama show the intentions and professionalism of the producer. From the producer to the screenwriter to the actor, every link has strict control and high standards. Although it is not yet possible to see the final product, it is foreseeable that this drama will bring a visual and emotional feast to the audience.

The series "Falling in Love with Special Forces", since its launch, has attracted the attention of a large number of viewers with its unique theme and tense plot. The workplace scenes of special forces and military doctors in the play are undoubtedly a major attraction of the play, but it has also caused some controversy. Some viewers and professionals pointed out that there are some problems with the lack of professionalism and authenticity in the play when showing the professional scenes of special forces and military doctors.

won 3 championships in a row, but I really can't boast about Li Qin and Huang Jingyu's new drama

First, let's take a look at the hospital rescue operation in the play. In some tense and exciting rescue scenes, we can see the special forces acting quickly, racing against time to save lives. However, some medical professionals have pointed out that some of the operations and procedures in the show do not conform to real-life medical practice norms. For example, when performing cardiac resuscitation or emergency surgery, some details may be unprofessional and may mislead the audience9. In addition, some of the medical equipment and props used in the play were also pointed out to have a strong sense of plastic and lack of realism.

Let's talk about guns. The equipment of the special forces is naturally one of the focuses of the audience's attention, but in "Falling in Love with the Special Forces", some viewers found that the guns used by the special forces in the play do not seem to be satisfactory in texture and detail. The plastic feel of the guns, and the unprofessional use of the guns in some of the action scenes, have affected the viewer's perception and experience.9

Finally, the show's portrayal of the hospital workplace has also received some criticism. Although the play tries to show the daily work and life of doctors, some viewers in the medical industry believe that some of the plot handling in the play is not realistic enough and lacks in-depth understanding and respect for the medical industry. For example, the attitudes and ways in which doctors deal with patients, as well as their interactions in the workplace, are different from those in the real medical workplace.9

won 3 championships in a row, but I really can't boast about Li Qin and Huang Jingyu's new drama

Of course, we must also understand that as a TV series, "Falling in Love with Special Forces" will inevitably have some artistic processing and exaggeration while pursuing drama and appreciation. But at the same time, we also hope that the producers will pay more attention to professionalism and authenticity, after all, this is not only respect for the audience, but also respect for the two professions of special forces and military doctors. Through a more professional and realistic presentation, I believe that "Falling in Love with Special Forces" can bring a more shocking and profound viewing experience to the audience.

In the drama "Falling in Love with Special Forces", the emotional line of the hero and heroine is undoubtedly one of the most important focuses of the audience. However, many viewers think that the emotional drama between Huang Jingyu and Li Qin seems a bit cliché, lacks novelty, and even seems a little boring in some plots. This situation may have a lot to do with the character setting and the actor's acting skills.

First of all, we have to admit that Huang Jingyu and Li Qin are both actors with both appearance and popularity, and their joining has brought a lot of attention to the series. However, from an acting point of view, some viewers felt that their performance did not live up to expectations. Liang Muze, a special soldier played by Huang Jingyu, should be tough and resolute, but in the play, some of his performances seem to be too exaggerated, lack depth, and do not show the temperament and inner world that special forces should have. And Xia Chu, a military doctor played by Li Qin, was supposed to be a professional, calm and caring character, but in the play, some of her emotional expressions also seemed a bit excessive, and she did not grasp the inner changes of the character well.

won 3 championships in a row, but I really can't boast about Li Qin and Huang Jingyu's new drama

In addition, the chemistry between the characters is also an issue. The emotional development of the hero and heroine is not as natural and smooth as the audience expects, but it seems a little stiff and abrupt in some plots. This may have something to do with the arrangement of the script, or it may have something to do with the coordination between the actors. In the play, the process of meeting, knowing and falling in love between the two is not well shown, and there is a lack of sufficient emotional foreshadowing and psychological changes, which makes it difficult for the audience to resonate.

Of course, we must also see that when an actor creates a role, he needs to create a second time on the basis of the script. If the script itself does not portray the characters deeply enough, then even if the actors have good acting skills, it will be difficult to make up for this shortcoming. Therefore, while we criticize the actors, we should also reflect on the creation of the script.

In general, "Falling in Love with Special Forces" does have some deficiencies in terms of character creation and acting. As an audience, we want to see a more realistic, three-dimensional, and in-depth character image, rather than a superficial performance. We look forward to the actors being able to bring us more wonderful performances in future works. At the same time, it is also hoped that the producer can pay more attention to the quality of the script, provide the actors with richer and three-dimensional roles, and let them have more room to play. 141516

won 3 championships in a row, but I really can't boast about Li Qin and Huang Jingyu's new drama

Since the launch of "Falling in Love with Special Forces", it has received mixed reviews from the audience. Some viewers are full of expectations for the romantic love story of the special forces and military doctors in the play, while others express their dissatisfaction with the plot, acting skills and details. Some viewers believe that as a military drama, it does not show the rigor and professionalism that a soldier should have, and as a romantic drama, the emotional development between the characters seems too blunt and cliché1819.

Some people even believe that this drama has lowered the level of domestic dramas, and this kind of voice is not uncommon in social media and comment areas. Some viewers felt that the image of the special forces in the play was too stereotypical and lacked depth, and the role of the military doctor did not show the professionalism and complexity of the medical industry well. In addition, some of the plot settings are too dramatic and lack realism, which is at odds with what audiences expect from military dramas.16

At the same time, some viewers also expressed their disappointment with the actors' acting skills. They believe that although Huang Jingyu and Li Qin meet the role setting in appearance, they fail to meet the audience's expectations in terms of acting skills. Some of the emotional expressions are too exaggerated and do not grasp the inner changes of the characters well, making the characterization appear thin and unable to resonate with the audience.16

won 3 championships in a row, but I really can't boast about Li Qin and Huang Jingyu's new drama

In addition, some details in the play have also been criticized. For example, some viewers pointed out that in some emergency situations, the characters' reactions and behaviors do not match those of real-life soldiers or doctors, which not only affects the credibility of the plot, but also makes the audience feel dramatic. In some key medical scenarios, there are also errors in the use of technical terminology and the presentation of medical procedures, which is undoubtedly a major failure for an audience that pursues professionalism and authenticity16.

Overall, audience feedback and evaluations are polarized. Although "Falling in Love with Special Forces" does have shortcomings in some aspects, some viewers believe that some of the emotional expressions and character creation in the play have a certain appeal. For the final evaluation of this drama, more viewers may need to participate in the discussion and examine and think from different angles.

won 3 championships in a row, but I really can't boast about Li Qin and Huang Jingyu's new drama

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