
The non-special Zhang Jiayi, the distinctive "Dawn of the East", this is what a historical drama looks like

author:Brother Yu will show you the world

Zhang Jiayi, this name is well-known in the film and television industry, and he has won the love and recognition of countless audiences with his high production and superb acting skills. Every year, we can see his new works, and these works often become hits as soon as they are launched, which makes people have to admire his vision for choosing dramas and the strength of his acting skills.

Speaking of Zhang Jiayi, the audience may think of Song Siming he played in "Snail House", the golden, handsome, and talented cheating man, who makes people love and hate; or Bai Jiaxuan played by him in "White Deer Plain", the soul of White Deer Plain, who vividly interpreted a complex and multi-faceted role. Zhang Jiayi's role is changeable, whether it is a modern urban drama or a costume drama, he can easily control it and leave a deep impression on the audience.

And this time, in the new drama "Dawn of the East", Zhang Jiayi challenged a new role - Chen Yi. This character is very different from his previous image, Chen Yi is a historical figure with a deep historical background and character. This is undoubtedly a new attempt and challenge for Zhang Jiayi. He needs to dig deep into the inner world of the character and show Chen Yi's firm belief and great feelings.

The non-special Zhang Jiayi, the distinctive "Dawn of the East", this is what a historical drama looks like

In "Dawn of the East", Zhang Jiayi's performance is eye-catching. He not only convincing in appearance, but also did his homework in the details, from words and deeds to emotional expression, he strives to restore a real Chen Yi. His performance is delicate and profound, making people feel the charm of the character and the weight of history.

Zhang Jiayi's spirit of daring to challenge and break through is also the reason why he can go further and further on the road of acting. He is not satisfied with what he has already achieved, and is always looking for new breakthroughs, trying different types of roles and bringing new surprises to the audience. How can such an actor not be admired and loved?

Moreover, Zhang Jiayi's high yield does not come at the expense of quality. Each of his works has been carefully selected and prepared to bring the best possible viewing experience to the audience. This dedication and professionalism to art is also an important reason why he can be so highly recognized in the entertainment industry.

In general, Zhang Jiayi's high production and recognition of acting skills are the result of his unremitting efforts and persistence over the years. He used his strength and works to speak, winning the hearts of the audience. And his outstanding performance in "Dawn of the East" proves his infinite possibilities as an actor. We have reason to believe that Zhang Jiayi's acting career will continue to be brilliant and bring us more wonderful works.

The non-special Zhang Jiayi, the distinctive "Dawn of the East", this is what a historical drama looks like

The drama "Dawn of the East" is really eye-catching. It is adapted from Liu Tong's "Battle of Shanghai" and takes us back to that era of change - 1949 to 1950, that is, the first year after the liberation of Shanghai. During this period, the city of Shanghai experienced a great transformation from war to peace, from chaos to governance, and every detail in the play profoundly reflects the social reality of that era.

The background setting in the play is very elegant, it is not only a war drama, but also a work that deeply reveals economic warfare and political struggle. For example, the "Silver Dollar War" and the "Two White and One Black" battle mentioned in the play were important events in Shanghai's economic recovery and market stability at that time. The Battle of the Silver Dollar refers to a war between the government and speculators in order to stabilize the financial market at that time. The "two whites and one black" refers to the supply of rice, cotton and coal, which were the top priorities of people's livelihood at that time.

The non-special Zhang Jiayi, the distinctive "Dawn of the East", this is what a historical drama looks like

The development of the plot tightly follows the theme from "fighting Shanghai" to "governing Shanghai". We have seen the various economic and political challenges that the Communist Party faced after taking over Shanghai. These challenges include external blockades and repression, as well as internal corruption and unhealthy practices. How the Communist Party responded one by one and what measures were taken are described and shown in detail in the play.

Moreover, this drama is not only about history, but also about human nature. In that special period, everyone's choices and actions have a profound impact on their destiny and the future of the city. The characters in the play are distinctive, whether it is the decisiveness and wisdom of senior leaders, or the tenacity and optimism of ordinary citizens, people can empathize.

In general, the drama "Dawn of the East" is a deep look back and reflection on that era. It allows us to see the economic and political challenges and responses of the Communist Party, and also allows us to see the living conditions and spiritual outlook of the people of that era. Every detail of this drama is worth savoring and thinking about.

The non-special Zhang Jiayi, the distinctive "Dawn of the East", this is what a historical drama looks like

Zhang Jiayi's role as Chen Yi in "Dawn of the East" can be said to be a bold attempt and challenge. After all, Marshal Chen Yi in history is deeply rooted in the hearts of the people with his heroic and resolute image, while Zhang Jiayi has a certain gap with Marshal Chen Yi in appearance. But what is surprising is that Zhang Jiayi, with his delicate and nuanced acting skills, has successfully created an image of Chen Yi who has both heroic and resolute temperament and wise and elegant demeanor.

Chen Yi in the play is no longer a single war hero, but a three-dimensional and plump character. In the scene of the Battle of the Silver Dollar, Chen Yi, played by Zhang Jiayi, shows his mastery of strategy, not only to fight the enemy's wits and courage, but also to keep a clear head in a complex political environment. This kind of strategic wit and calmness makes people see Chen Yi's dual identity as a military strategist and a politician.

At the same time, the play also shows his multi-faceted nature through the handling of differences between Chen Yi and Deng Xiaoping. The two had different views on some issues, but in the end, they were able to find solutions to problems for the sake of common goals and the big picture. This kind of wisdom and open-mindedness in dealing with differences gives people a deeper understanding of Chen Yi's image.

The non-special Zhang Jiayi, the distinctive "Dawn of the East", this is what a historical drama looks like

Zhang Jiayi's performance in the play, whether it is in the control of the big scene or the handling of small details, is impressive. Every look, every action, and every word reveals the complex inner world of Chen Yi's character. He was able to stand up at critical moments and show the decisiveness of a leader; It can also show the gentleness and wisdom of an elder in private.

In addition, the play also shows the charm of Chen Yi's personality through the interaction between his family and comrades-in-arms. He is both a stern leader and an ordinary person who cares about his subordinates and his family. This multi-dimensional display of the character's personality makes the character of Chen Yi more real and credible.

In general, Chen Yi played by Zhang Jiayi in "Dawn of the East" is a three-dimensional, plump, flesh-and-blood character. Through his acting skills, he made this character come alive in the hearts of the audience, allowing people to have a more comprehensive and profound understanding of this historical figure. This successful shaping of the role is undoubtedly a full demonstration of Zhang Jiayi's acting skills, and it is also a vivid interpretation of the image of Marshal Chen Yi.

The non-special Zhang Jiayi, the distinctive "Dawn of the East", this is what a historical drama looks like

In the drama "Dawn of the East", we not only saw the wonderful performances of some special actors, but also the outstanding performance of those non-special actors. They used their acting skills to break the audience's inherent aesthetics of historical figures, bringing a fresh blood to historical dramas, making the characters fuller and more three-dimensional.

Zhang Jiayi is one of the representatives. He is not a special actor, but when he portrayed the role of Chen Yi, he was able to dig deep into the inner world of the character, and through his own understanding and interpretation, the role was given new vitality. The challenges and innovations of this kind of non-special actors not only let the audience see the multi-faceted nature of the actors, but also let us have a more comprehensive understanding of historical figures.

When director Gao Xixi was casting, he adhered to the principle of "having both form and spirit, and focusing on God". He emphasizes the embodiment of the spirit and soul of the actor, not just the resemblance in appearance. This casting concept allows actors to pay more attention to the grasp and performance of the character's inner world when creating the character, so as to make the character more real and deeper.

The non-special Zhang Jiayi, the distinctive "Dawn of the East", this is what a historical drama looks like

In "Dawn of the East", we can see that whether it is the protagonist or the supporting role, every actor is fully committed to the shaping of the role. Through their acting skills, they bring every character to life and make every scene full of tension. This kind of in-depth excavation and superb interpretation of the characters is an important reason why this drama can attract the audience and move people's hearts.

At the same time, the challenges and innovations of such non-special actors also provide new ideas for the creation of historical dramas. It tells us that the creation of historical dramas is not only limited to the imitation of the appearance of historical figures, but more importantly, the grasp of the spirit and soul of the characters. Only in this way can historical dramas be more vivid and infectious.

In general, the non-special actors in "Dawn of the East" have injected new vitality into historical dramas with their acting skills and innovative spirit. Their outstanding performance not only broke the audience's inherent aesthetics, but also gave us more expectations and imagination for historical dramas. This kind of in-depth excavation and superb interpretation of the characters is the key to making this drama an excellent work.

The non-special Zhang Jiayi, the distinctive "Dawn of the East", this is what a historical drama looks like

In the drama "Dawn of the East", Marshal Chen Yi played by Zhang Jiayi originally performed in Sichuan dialect, which is consistent with Chen Yi's native accent in history. Everyone knows that Marshal Chen Yi is a native of Sichuan, and using Sichuan dialect to interpret him is undoubtedly closer to history and better reflects the regional characteristics of the character. This use of dialect could have become a highlight in the play, making the audience feel a more real and down-to-earth image of Chen Yi.

However, in the version broadcast on CCTV, we hear in Mandarin. Mandarin is the official language, and it is highly popular and easy to understand for most audiences. CCTV's choice of the Mandarin version may be due to the consideration of allowing more viewers to enjoy the series without barriers. The Mandarin version of "Dawn of the East" has also been widely recognized, and the audience has spoken highly of Zhang Jiayi's acting skills and the compactness of the plot.

However, for the dialect version, the audience is still full of expectations. Dialect is not only a language, but also a cultural inheritance and a manifestation of regional characteristics. For viewers who like to dig deep into the connotation of the characters and feel the depth of the series, the dialect version can undoubtedly provide a richer viewing experience. They believe that dialects can better convey the emotions of the characters, show the character characteristics of the characters, and make the characters more three-dimensional and flesh-and-blood.

The non-special Zhang Jiayi, the distinctive "Dawn of the East", this is what a historical drama looks like

Moreover, the use of dialects is increasingly valued in film and television works. As mentioned in 11, the use of dialects in film and television works can enhance the expressiveness of characters and show the original ecological appearance of regional life. The use of dialects multiplies the three-dimensional sense of the characters and allows the regional culture to be vividly displayed.

Of course, the use of dialects also needs to be mastered. How to balance the use of dialects and Mandarin is a question worth exploring. On the one hand, dialects can add color to the series, and on the other hand, the use of dialects should also take into account the audience's acceptance, so as to avoid affecting the audience's viewing experience due to language barriers.

Overall, although the Mandarin version of "Dawn of the East" has been recognized, the audience's expectations for the dialect version are still high. The use of dialects is an area worth digging deeper into in film and television works. How to grasp the balance between dialects and Mandarin, and how to make dialects the highlight of the series rather than an obstacle, are issues that need to be considered in film and television creation. For the audience, whether it is Mandarin or dialect, as long as the quality of the episodes is high and the acting skills are online, they can be recognized and loved.

The non-special Zhang Jiayi, the distinctive "Dawn of the East", this is what a historical drama looks like

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