
Some fans of Guo Youcai, don't cyberbully Bai Bing anymore! There are also many people who say that they like Guo Youcai, and they are basically middle-aged and elderly. No matter what age you are, it's always wrong to cyberbully others! Bai

author:|The city is quiet with you|

Some fans of Guo Youcai, don't cyberbully Bai Bing anymore! There are also many people who say that they like Guo Youcai, and they are basically middle-aged and elderly. No matter what age you are, it's always wrong to cyberbully others!

Bai Bing also responded generously, he also supported not accepting the game, he didn't accept the game now, but he never said it! also posted the chat history of the rejected game merchant to prove it! Just do it, don't say it! Action[Like]

He said that what he said to that netizen at that time is still the same attitude to this day, some people, don't stand up and stand up! Netizens praised: Straightforward!

Some fans of Guo Youcai, don't cyberbully Bai Bing anymore! There are also many people who say that they like Guo Youcai, and they are basically middle-aged and elderly. No matter what age you are, it's always wrong to cyberbully others! Bai
Some fans of Guo Youcai, don't cyberbully Bai Bing anymore! There are also many people who say that they like Guo Youcai, and they are basically middle-aged and elderly. No matter what age you are, it's always wrong to cyberbully others! Bai
Some fans of Guo Youcai, don't cyberbully Bai Bing anymore! There are also many people who say that they like Guo Youcai, and they are basically middle-aged and elderly. No matter what age you are, it's always wrong to cyberbully others! Bai

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