
Not all heroes wear capes, some teach the world to fly gently only in convertibles

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Not all heroes wear capes, some teach the world to fly gently only in convertibles

In May, on the streets of Yili, Xinjiang, a heart-touching story took place. It's not a fairy tale scene, but it's more heartwarming than any fairy tale.

Not all heroes wear capes, some teach the world to fly gently only in convertibles

The owner of the car, Mr. Li, met a little boy unexpectedly in front of his shop. The little boy stood in front of Mr. Li's car for a long time, his eyes flashing with curiosity and longing for the convertible car. Mr. Li offered to take him for a ride, and at that moment, the little boy's eyes seemed to light up the entire starry sky.

Not all heroes wear capes, some teach the world to fly gently only in convertibles

"Can you open the hood?" The boy summoned up the courage to ask, his voice full of innocent dreams. Mr. Li readily agreed, and at that moment, the convertible became a dream castle in the little boy's heart. The little boy happily said "Thank you, uncle", and Mr. Li half-jokingly corrected him and asked him to call him "brother", this relaxed interaction instantly shortened the distance between the two, and the little boy also smiled and changed his words. As the roof slowly opened, the little boy's exclamation overflowed the carriage, which was an infinite yearning for the unknown.

Not all heroes wear capes, some teach the world to fly gently only in convertibles

In the car, the little boy said in a childish voice: "I am I am a handicapped." This sentence fell gently, but it hit everyone's hearts hard. Mr. Li's answer was full of encouragement and pity: "It's okay, you are the best." ”

Not all heroes wear capes, some teach the world to fly gently only in convertibles

This affirmation is not only a recognition of the little boy, but also a courageous response to all the challenges in life.

Not all heroes wear capes, some teach the world to fly gently only in convertibles

"When you grow up, will you buy one too?" Mr. Li said that it is not only an expectation for the future, but also a seed planted in the heart of the little boy, making him believe that even if he is inconvenient, his dream can still fly. Without hesitation, the boy replied, "Yes." This firmness moved onlookers and made people believe that there is always unexpected warmth and endless hope in life.

Not all heroes wear capes, some teach the world to fly gently only in convertibles

Every frame of the video is a warm silhouette of ordinary life. The innocence of the little boy and the kindness and warmth of the owner constitute a moving picture. "The beauty of this moment deserves to be recorded forever." "The world is in tatters, but there are always people who mend it." The accompanying text of these retweets is the best annotation of this warmth. Countless netizens were moved by the little boy's sincerity and optimism, and said: "He deserves all the kindness in the world." "My brother's kindness and upbringing are touching."

Not all heroes wear capes, some teach the world to fly gently only in convertibles
Not all heroes wear capes, some teach the world to fly gently only in convertibles
Not all heroes wear capes, some teach the world to fly gently only in convertibles
Not all heroes wear capes, some teach the world to fly gently only in convertibles

In this story, the little boy is more free and bright than anyone else, despite his physical difficulties. He tells everyone with his actions: the beauty of life does not lie in external perfection, but in inner strength and hope.

In this world, everyone has their own "convertible", as long as they are brave enough to pursue it, they can feel the freedom of the wind and see different scenery.

Let's remember the little boy who said "I'm disabled", and let us remember this Douyin broadcaster called "Niu Shisan's Big Names Burst Belly Noodles/Noodles", and remember what they brought us was more touching than any flowery rhetoric, kindness and love and respect for life.

Click to watch the video (source: Douyin Niu Shi three big names burst belly noodles/powder)


Postscript & Remarks:

The text is too pale to explain the warmth of this scene.

The exact date of the video shooting is uncertain, and the last name of the owner is uncertain. There are 2 versions.

The little boy is now in the third grade, Kazakh.

The videos and pictures are all from Douyin Niu Shi San's big names popping belly noodles/powder, if it involves infringement, I apologize, please contact to delete.


Not all heroes wear capes, some teach the world to fly gently only in convertibles

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