
The world's first frozen man has been thawed, and after 50 years, can it really be resurrected?

author:Orange peel

Text: Orange peel

Pictured: Orange peel


Recently, a news that the world's first frozen person has been thawed has caused heated discussions around the world.

It is reported that the frozen man is named Professor James Bedford, he is the first "frozen man" in human history to receive full-body freezing, and after 50 years of freezing, finally ushered in the moment of thawing.

The world's first frozen man has been thawed, and after 50 years, can it really be resurrected?

As soon as this news came out, it immediately attracted widespread attention and heated discussions around the world.

After all, cryonics technology has always been a topic of great concern, and the emergence of "frozen people" has brought people infinite reverie and thinking.

50 years have passed, and cryonics technology has changed dramatically, so can Professor James Bedford really be resurrected? What does his story teach us? 1. The feat of 50 years ago

To understand the story of the frozen people, we have to start from 50 years ago. At the time, James Bedford, a 73-year-old psychology professor at the University of California, was faced with the most difficult decision of his life.

The world's first frozen man has been thawed, and after 50 years, can it really be resurrected?

It turned out that he had been diagnosed with advanced kidney cancer, and the doctors at the time told him that he might only have a few months to live.

Faced with the advent of death, most people may feel fear and despair, but Professor Bedford's choice is unprecedented.

He firmly believed in the power of science and technology, and believed that in the near future, medical technology would definitely find a cure for his disease, so he did not give up hope of life, but chose the unprecedented experiment of freezing people.

At the time, he thought that his freeze was only temporary, and that when medical technology could defeat cancer, he could be awakened and move on with his life.

The world's first frozen man has been thawed, and after 50 years, can it really be resurrected?

In this way, he has the possibility of "eternal life" and can also witness the progress of science and technology.

When the news spread, it immediately caused an uproar around the world and also caused a huge controversy.

Some felt that his approach was very brave and avant-garde, and also set a good example of the human spirit of exploration.

Others believe that it is a desecration of life and a violation of the laws of nature, and therefore should not be allowed.

No matter what the outside world thinks, Professor Bedford has not changed his original intention, he believes in technology, and believes that the future world will understand and accept his choice.

The world's first frozen man has been thawed, and after 50 years, can it really be resurrected?

So, with the help of relatives and friends, he hurriedly arranged a freezing experiment, and also became the first person to cryoscience in human history.

When he died in 1967, his body was immediately placed in a special metal container and slowly injected with liquid nitrogen at minus 196 degrees Celsius.

In this way, he became the first "frozen man" in human history, and also completed this unprecedented feat in the exclamation of the world.

2. The thaw after 50 years

Now, a full 50 years have passed since Professor Bedford's freezing, and it is at this point in time that scientists have finally decided to thaw him to see how his body will change after such a long period of freezing.

The world's first frozen man has been thawed, and after 50 years, can it really be resurrected?

When the news broke, it also caused a huge stir around the world, with people paying attention to the event and praying for his dream of "resurrection".

During the entire thawing process, almost all eyes of the world focused on Arizona, and they also wanted to see through this event what kind of breakthroughs and progress cryonics technology would have after such a long time.

After 72 hours of slow warming, Professor Bedford's body was finally thawed completely, and in the face of all this, perhaps everyone held out a glimmer of hope that he could miraculously open his eyes and complete the feat of "resurrection".

The world's first frozen man has been thawed, and after 50 years, can it really be resurrected?

However, when scientists conducted a detailed examination and analysis, they also gave a disappointing news, that is, after such a long freezing time, Professor Bedford's body has been very seriously damaged, whether it is his brain or other body tissues, it has been unable to resume life activities, let alone "resurrection".

When he heard the news, perhaps everyone felt very sorry and sad, because his dream did not come true in the end, and he did not usher in the future world he expected.

At present, although his dream of "resurrection" is destined to be unrealizable, his experience has also left a deep inspiration for people all over the world, and also made us think about life and technology in a new way.

The world's first frozen man has been thawed, and after 50 years, can it really be resurrected?

3. Enlightenment of freezing technology

Perhaps for a long time, human beings have been trying to overcome death and achieve the so-called "eternal life" through various technological means.

The emergence of cryonics technology has made human beings have infinite reverie and thinking about this topic.

It is undeniable that human beings should always have a heart of reverence for life, and should also learn to accept the natural law of birth, old age, sickness and death, rather than trying to change or escape this law through various means.

Contemporary science and technology are developing very rapidly, and they have also brought earth-shaking changes to human society.

The world's first frozen man has been thawed, and after 50 years, can it really be resurrected?

However, while enjoying these scientific and technological achievements, we should also be soberly aware that science and technology are not omnipotent, nor are they only good.

On the contrary, it may also bring various problems and challenges to human society, and human beings also need to be able to look at all these things with a more rational and open eye, so as to achieve the harmonious development of science and technology and human society.


Fifty years have passed, and although Professor Bedford's dream of being a frozen man has not been realized, his experience has given people all over the world a deep inspiration.

Perhaps the true "eternal life" is not the eternal existence of the body, but the thoughts and contributions we leave behind in this world that can forever influence future generations.

The world's first frozen man has been thawed, and after 50 years, can it really be resurrected?

Through his story, I also believe that more people can be inspired to bravely explore the unknown, challenge the limits, and make their own efforts and contributions to the progress and development of human society.

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