
Xu Shu went to Cao Ying, is he really a lifelong plan? At least three schemes! almost killed Liu Bei


Xu Shu: A double chess game in the depths of Cao Ying

Speaking of Xu Shu during the Three Kingdoms period, many people will think of the popular saying "being in Cao Ying's heart in Han". But you know what? This wise man was not just a spectator in Cao Cao's tent, he actually laid out a series of chess games, which was breathtaking.

First, the fog of Bowangpo is heavy

At that time, Cao Cao's army rushed to Bowangpo like a tide, and Xiahoudun, a fierce general, was bent on capturing Liu Bei. He felt that he had an army of 100,000, and Liu Bei's little number of men and horses was not enough at all. But at this time, Xu Shu stood up, and he said to Xiahou Tang lightly: "General Xiahou, don't underestimate Liu Bei. Now that he has Zhuge Liang's assistance, it is like a tiger with wings. ”

Xu Shu went to Cao Ying, is he really a lifelong plan? At least three schemes! almost killed Liu Bei

As soon as these words came out, Xiahou muttered in his heart: This Xu Shu is Liu Bei's old department, how could he say that? But he didn't think much about it, and went on preparing for war. But who knows, Xu Shu's words are like a seed, planting the root of doubt in Cao Jun's heart.

Later, Cao's army suffered a great defeat at Bowangpo. At this moment, everyone suddenly realized: it turned out that Xu Shu had already seen how powerful Liu Bei and Zhuge Liang were! He reminded Xiahoudun at that time that he was actually creating an opportunity for Liu Bei! This Xu Shu is really a hidden guy!

Second, when the sun whispers, the undercurrent is surging

After Cao Cao suffered defeat, he decided to go out in person to destroy Liu Bei. He asked Xu Shu to persuade Liu Bei to surrender, wanting the world to see that he Cao Cao was a reasonable person. But Xu Shu went and "betrayed" Liu Bei.

Xu Shu went to Cao Ying, is he really a lifelong plan? At least three schemes! almost killed Liu Bei

After he met Liu Bei, he not only told Liu Bei Cao Cao's true intentions, but also quietly revealed some of Liu Bei's thoughts. Now that Cao Cao knew that Liu Bei wanted to escape, he immediately sent a cavalry to chase after him. As a result, in Changbanpo, Liu Bei was beaten to the ground, his wife Mrs. Mi died, and his two daughters were also captured.

You said this Xu Shu, if he was really loyal to Liu Bei, how could he do this? Actually, he's playing a game of "double agents". On the one hand, he told Liu Bei about Cao Cao's plans, and on the other hand, he revealed Liu Bei's weaknesses to Cao Cao. In this way, he will be able to move between the two forces with ease.

3. Red cliffs escape and outwit life

Before the Battle of Chibi, in order to cooperate with Zhou Yu's fire attack plan, Pang Tong presented Cao Cao with a "chain of iron cables" strategy. This ploy made Cao Cao's warships all connected and looked indestructible. But who knows, this plan was seen through by Xu Shu.

Xu Shu went to Cao Ying, is he really a lifelong plan? At least three schemes! almost killed Liu Bei

As soon as Xu Shu saw this plan, he understood in his heart: if this really allowed Zhou Yu to use fire attack, Cao Cao's warship would be completely finished. But he didn't tell Cao Cao the secret directly, but chose a more ingenious way.

He asked Cao Cao to lead his troops to Sanguan to guard the pass. When Cao Cao heard this, he thought it was a good idea, so he agreed. Xu Shu left the land of right and wrong in Chibi in this way, not only avoiding direct confrontation with Zhou Yu, but also winning a glimmer of life for himself in Cao Ying.

Fourth, Xu Shu's resourcefulness and choice

Actually, Xu Shu's life in Cao Ying was not easy. On the one hand, he had to deal with Cao Cao's suspicions and temptations, and on the other hand, he had to maintain loyalty and concern for Liu Bei. The pressure of this dual identity is not something that ordinary people can bear.

Xu Shu went to Cao Ying, is he really a lifelong plan? At least three schemes! almost killed Liu Bei

But Xu Shu did it. He used his wisdom and strategy to move freely between the two forces. He not only helped Liu Bei escape from Cao's pursuit, but also prevented Cao Cao from being able to see through his true intentions. This kind of superb resourcefulness and excellent psychological quality makes people have to admire.

But then again, is it really good for Xu Shu to do this? Is he really capable of being loyal to both masters at the same time? Actually, not necessarily. In Xu Shu's heart, he may value his own interests and living space more. He chose this path in order to survive in this troubled world.

Of course, we can't deny Xu Shu's resourcefulness and talent. He was able to move between the two forces with ease, which is not something that ordinary people can do. Moreover, his ability to see through Pang Tong's strategy and get out in time in the Battle of Chibi also shows his wisdom and acumen.

Overall, although Xu Shu's time in Cao Ying was full of challenges and dangers, he used his wisdom and strategy to successfully cope with these challenges and win a glimmer of life for himself. His story tells us that if we want to survive in this troubled world, we must have enough wisdom and courage to deal with various challenges and difficulties.

Xu Shu went to Cao Ying, is he really a lifelong plan? At least three schemes! almost killed Liu Bei

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