
The mystery of baby crawling is revealed: why some babies can't crawl? The second type of reason is amazingly revealed!

author:Festive breeze


Parents, have you noticed that some babies still enjoy the comfort of being held when their peers have already started to crawl on their legs? Why is this happening? Today, we will uncover the two main reasons why babies can't crawl, so that you can better understand the baby's development process!

The mystery of baby crawling is revealed: why some babies can't crawl? The second type of reason is amazingly revealed!

There are two main reasons why babies can't crawl: physiological and environmental. Among them, environmental causes have the greatest impact on the baby. Let's take a look at these two types of reasons!

Physiological causes

First of all, let's be clear that every baby's developmental process is unique. Some babies may be a little slower in motor skills, and this is perfectly normal. Here are a few physiological reasons why your baby may not be able to crawl:

The mystery of baby crawling is revealed: why some babies can't crawl? The second type of reason is amazingly revealed!

1. **Lack of strength and muscle control**: During crawling, your baby needs to use the strength of his thighs and arms, as well as precise control of his muscles. If your baby's strength and muscle control are not developed enough, they may feel confused and helpless and reluctant to try to crawl.

2. Body proportions: Some babies may have a difference in body proportions, such as relatively short arms or insufficient leg strength, which makes the crawling process more difficult. This doesn't mean there's anything wrong with your baby, it just needs more time to adapt and develop.

3. **Other physical problems**: Some babies may have physical problems such as abnormal muscle development, neurological problems, etc., which can cause them to experience more difficulty in crawling. If you feel that your baby's developmental progress is significantly lagging behind other babies of the same age, it is advisable to consult a doctor promptly.

Environmental reasons

The mystery of baby crawling is revealed: why some babies can't crawl? The second type of reason is amazingly revealed!

In addition to physiological reasons, another important reason why babies won't crawl is because of environmental factors. As parents, we can make your baby crawl by changing the environment:

1. **Lack of challenging environment**: If your baby is in an environment that is too comfortable and comfortable, lacking stimulation and challenge, they will not be motivated to try to crawl. Giving your baby some appropriate challenges, such as placing toys or erecting small obstacles, can stimulate your baby's interest and curiosity.

2. **Sustained high-intensity cuddling**: Babies naturally like to be cuddled, but if they continue to rely too much on being cuddled, it will reduce their desire to try to crawl. Reducing the amount of time spent cuddling and encouraging your baby to explore and move independently will help develop their independence and hands-on skills.

3. **Lack of time and companionship**: Crawling is an important learning stage for your baby, but if we are too busy with work or other things to spend enough time interacting with your baby, it will limit your baby's opportunities to crawl. Try to schedule time to play and interact with your baby so they feel supported and encouraged.

The mystery of baby crawling is revealed: why some babies can't crawl? The second type of reason is amazingly revealed!

Now, you should understand why some babies can't crawl! Remember, every baby has their own pace of growth, so don't be overly anxious. Give them enough time and support to trust that they will eventually take the first step of the wonderful crawl!

(The picture comes from the Internet, invaded and deleted)