
Lakers True Core Exposed! It's not for sale, it's not Zhan Mei, and it's hard for Owen to change his position!

author:Xiao Wang Sports broke the news

Hey, fans and friends, this NBA draft has just ended, are you still talking about the success of those rookies? Let's not say anything, after all, the annual draft is a "gamble", and sometimes it really depends on luck. However, let's not talk about rookies today, let's talk about a mysterious figure on the Lakers team - Austin Reaves!

Lakers True Core Exposed! It's not for sale, it's not Zhan Mei, and it's hard for Owen to change his position!

Speaking of Reeves, some fans may not be familiar with it. This kid is white and clean, and he looks polite, but don't look at his weak appearance, he is a ruthless character on the field! has been a loyal fan of the Lakers since he was a child, Kobe's number one fan brother, which makes him like a fish in water in the basketball mecca of Los Angeles, coupled with the careful guidance of Lao Zhan and Brother Thick Eyebrows, this kid has really benefited a lot!

Let's talk about Reaves' status with the Lakers. Do you know? Last year, the Lakers made an offer for Russell and two first-round picks in order to get Irving. And guess what? The Nets want Reaves by name! But the Lakers didn't agree, why? Because Reaves is a baby bump in the eyes of the Lakers, not for sale! Even a star like Murray can't get him, which shows how high Reaves' status is on the Lakers!

Lakers True Core Exposed! It's not for sale, it's not Zhan Mei, and it's hard for Owen to change his position!

So, what exactly is the magic of Reeves? For the Lakers to value him so much? First of all, this guy hasn't been defeated in the playoffs! Remember last year's playoffs? He averaged 16.8 points, 3.8 rebounds, 3.6 assists, 1.4 steals and 0.6 blocks per game, which is not bad, right? What's more, he shot 47.6% from the field! This ability to make fouls, but it is the essence of Harden, and he can always cheat free throws. Moreover, his mid-range jumper is also a must, and his footwork is as flexible as the European step, which does have the style of Ginobili back then.

Let's talk about defense. Although Reeves is thin, not fast, and not very good at jumping, he has a strong willingness to defend, high motivation, good defensive awareness, and flexible feet. Take this year's playoffs as an example, when he defended Murray alone, he limited the opponent to only about 35% shooting! This defensive ability is not covered! Although he can't be a top defender, he definitely doesn't hold the team back.

Lakers True Core Exposed! It's not for sale, it's not Zhan Mei, and it's hard for Owen to change his position!

So, this Austin Reeves, what an all-around warrior! On the offensive end, he can score, assist, and steal; Defensively can also cause problems for opponents. Such a player is a baby bump in the Lakers! Do you think the Lakers can stop treating him as a non-sale?

But then again, Reeves is great, but it's not without its flaws. His physical condition is there, and no matter how hard he tries, he can't become a top player. But then again, how many players in the NBA can truly be all-round? So, we have to see the good in Reeves and support his development.

Lakers True Core Exposed! It's not for sale, it's not Zhan Mei, and it's hard for Owen to change his position!

So the question arises: If Reaves is so good, how should the Lakers use him? Personally, I think Reeves can be traded, but it depends on what kind of chips the other party gives. Superstars like Mitchell and Irving can certainly be considered, after all, they can spark with James and Bushy Eyebrows. But then again, Reaves may not be worth as much as three first-round picks right now! You said he was replaced by another star, right? and afraid that other stars are not as good as him; You said you wouldn't sell him, would you? He's not really the top player in the league.

So, I think the Lakers would be better off keeping Reaves! Then just figure out how to swap Russell for a more functional center. Let Lao Zhan fight the organization, and Brother Thick Mei will return to the fourth position; Trade for a defender like Smart; In this way, the Lakers will really be competitive for the championship!

Lakers True Core Exposed! It's not for sale, it's not Zhan Mei, and it's hard for Owen to change his position!

Oops, after all that I said about Reaves and the Lakers, I'm so excited! I hope the Lakers can play well and win the championship in the coming season! Ladies and gentlemen, what do you think of my analysis? How do you think the Lakers should use Reaves? Come and discuss with me in the comment area!

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