
Zhang Zhiheng and his wife had no money to pay rent and were driven out! To raise 4 sons and 1 domestic helper, the wife can't insist on saying goodbye bluntly

author:Yihan is studious

A piece of news swiped on the Internet, and the star Zhang Zhiheng and his wife were directly kicked out by the landlord because they had no money to pay the rent. The news that his wife keeps posting on the Internet makes people worry, there is no money to pay the rent, there is no money on him, and the baby has no money to see a doctor when he is sick with a fever.

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Zhang Zhiheng and his wife had no money to pay rent and were driven out! To raise 4 sons and 1 domestic helper, the wife can't insist on saying goodbye bluntly

Recently, Zhang Zhiheng's wife vented negative emotions on social media, and her pet passed away not long ago, and now she is facing a few months of not paying rent, and the landlord wants to kick them out. Zhang Zhiheng's wife became more and more emotional, constantly posting news on social media, and even left two words "goodbye".

Zhang Zhiheng and his wife had no money to pay rent and were driven out! To raise 4 sons and 1 domestic helper, the wife can't insist on saying goodbye bluntly

It is estimated that everyone is not familiar with his name, after all, he is a star in Hong Kong, "Death Does Not Change" made him appear in our sight, and he and Guan Zhibin are members of the same group. The two of them used to stand together, but now his situation is relatively poor, and he doesn't know what he has experienced, and he doesn't even have the money to pay the rent.

Zhang Zhiheng and his wife had no money to pay rent and were driven out! To raise 4 sons and 1 domestic helper, the wife can't insist on saying goodbye bluntly

If you walk into Zhang Zhiheng's family, you will find that there is a reason for today's sluggishness. He used to be a top star and had a high popularity, until 2019, everything changed. He was exposed to have intimate relationships with multiple female stars. When the general company encounters this situation, it chooses to hide in the snow, so he slowly disappears from everyone's sight.

Zhang Zhiheng and his wife had no money to pay rent and were driven out! To raise 4 sons and 1 domestic helper, the wife can't insist on saying goodbye bluntly

After the company did not package, in order to support his family, he had to leave his children and go to work in tea restaurants and hotels. Some netizens once photographed him handing out flyers, but I really can't imagine that the former top star finally fell into the current situation, which is really embarrassing.

Zhang Zhiheng and his wife had no money to pay rent and were driven out! To raise 4 sons and 1 domestic helper, the wife can't insist on saying goodbye bluntly

The changes in his life made him finally understand, so he focused all on the family, and gave birth to four sons with his wife. The average family has four sons, and the pressure must be particularly great, the wife can only take care of the children at home, and the family's income depends on Zhang Zhiheng. The burden on the family is particularly great.

Zhang Zhiheng and his wife had no money to pay rent and were driven out! To raise 4 sons and 1 domestic helper, the wife can't insist on saying goodbye bluntly

There are four sons in the family, and his wife can't take care of him alone, so Zhang Zhiheng hired a foreign domestic helper to take care of the family. It is not difficult to see from the video posted by Zhang Zhiheng's wife that Zhang Zhiheng and his wife are unwilling to move out of the mansion they rented before, which has caused controversy among many netizens.

Zhang Zhiheng and his wife had no money to pay rent and were driven out! To raise 4 sons and 1 domestic helper, the wife can't insist on saying goodbye bluntly

Is it really that simple for the company to hide Zhang Zhiheng? It is mainly related to Zhang Zhiheng himself.

Zhang Zhiheng and his wife had no money to pay rent and were driven out! To raise 4 sons and 1 domestic helper, the wife can't insist on saying goodbye bluntly

In 2014, he and his friends opened a game studio, and they have been in arrears of employees' wages, resulting in many employees only being able to post big-character posters to ask for salaries.

Zhang Zhiheng and his wife had no money to pay rent and were driven out! To raise 4 sons and 1 domestic helper, the wife can't insist on saying goodbye bluntly

At that time, Zhang Zhiheng's group was holding a concert, and as a result, many "girlfriends" all stood up, and he directly became the "scumbag" in everyone's mouth. After the real hammer, he was reluctant to find him with various resources, and in an instant he lost his financial resources, and he could only seek sponsorship from netizens on playing, is his life really bitter?

Zhang Zhiheng and his wife had no money to pay rent and were driven out! To raise 4 sons and 1 domestic helper, the wife can't insist on saying goodbye bluntly

Once his ex-girlfriend exposed that Zhang Zhiheng owed her 100,000 yuan, and Zhang Zhiheng said that he had no money to repay, and in the end, Guan Zhibin was helpless to help him pay off the 100,000 yuan in arrears. Later, I heard more feedback from more people that Zhang Zhiheng owed a lot of debts outside, bought a lot of things for his home, and often took his children to the mall to spend, but did not pay back to his friends.

Zhang Zhiheng and his wife had no money to pay rent and were driven out! To raise 4 sons and 1 domestic helper, the wife can't insist on saying goodbye bluntly
Zhang Zhiheng and his wife had no money to pay rent and were driven out! To raise 4 sons and 1 domestic helper, the wife can't insist on saying goodbye bluntly

Everyone kept questioning, Zhang Zhiheng basically ignored it, Zhang Zhiheng and his wife have had a divorce storm many times, but in the end they just said it simply, one will divorce, and one will get back together, as if they will treat netizens as fools. But the most distressing thing for everyone is Zhang Zhiheng's child, with such parents, I don't know how to complete the next road? After all, the family's life is so difficult now.

Zhang Zhiheng and his wife had no money to pay rent and were driven out! To raise 4 sons and 1 domestic helper, the wife can't insist on saying goodbye bluntly

Summary: It stands to reason that Zhang Zhiheng's future is particularly good, but because of his private life, there is no way to ruin his good future. Originally, his family of five was quite happy, but now it is in such a situation. I wonder what you think about this after seeing this?

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