
The problem of this society: excessive expectations of women and excessive expectations of men

author:The world of love

In this world, love and marriage have always been beautiful things that people yearn for. However, with the progress of society and the change of attitudes, some women seem to see marriage and love as a means to obtain material benefits, or even as a way to defraud. This phenomenon not only confuses and disappoints many men, but also confronts the whole society with a serious problem.

The problem of this society: excessive expectations of women and excessive expectations of men

First of all, we need to make it clear that marriage and love should be based on mutual respect, trust and understanding. However, now some women seem to see marriage and love as a means to obtain material benefits, and they defraud men of their money and energy through various means under the guise of love and marriage. This kind of behavior not only violates basic moral principles, but also seriously undermines the relationship of trust between people.

Secondly, this phenomenon also reflects the excessive demands and pressures that society places on men. In many cases, men need to take on more financial and family responsibilities. They need to have a stable income, good career prospects, and a certain social status to gain social recognition and respect. However, when these pressures are too heavy, men's hearts can become vulnerable.

In modern society, more and more people are beginning to seek an equal and reciprocal relationship model, requiring a clearer division of rights and obligations between each other. But the problem is that when people use these ideas to evaluate the behavior of others, it is easy to have double standards. In other words, what is beneficial to oneself is called equality between men and women; And when things are not good for themselves, some people stand up and shout "feminist supremacy". These voices of "feigned awakening" are increasingly present in public opinion, seriously disturbing the normal thinking of the public and hindering people's ability to recognize society and accept new ideas.

The problem of this society: excessive expectations of women and excessive expectations of men

To make matters worse, there are those who think they are the awakened party and throw their obligations on the male side and hold the power tightly in their hands. They believe that they are entitled to preferential treatment, that they are entitled to men's contributions, and when that right is challenged, they attack each other with vicious language. They seem to have forgotten that men are human beings and that they need love, care, and pampering.

Furthermore, what we cannot ignore is the psychological pressure of men. Men play an important role in the family, and they need to take on the responsibility of providing for the family. They have to earn money to support their families while maintaining the functioning of a family. They work hard outside every day, and when they get home, they have to face criticism and criticism from their wives. In such a situation, their hearts are filled with exhaustion and a sense of powerlessness. When their efforts are not understood and respected, they feel deeply hopeless and helpless.

In addition, men who get married find themselves surrounded by people who need to rely on themselves. They put in a lot of effort for the happiness of their families, but when their efforts are not understood or ignored, they can only swallow tears in their stomachs. They are taught to be strong, courageous, and not to shed tears, but who will listen to their hearts? They are men, but they are under pressure far beyond what women can handle.

What we need is a healthier, more harmonious model of human relationships. We should respect each other's differences, understand each other's situations, and deal with life's problems in an equal and reciprocal manner. We cannot see marriage and love as a means to obtain material gains, nor can we see men as machines for unconditional giving. What we need is a healthier, more egalitarian model of human relationships.

The problem of this society: excessive expectations of women and excessive expectations of men

The problem with this society is the over-expectation of women and the over-expectation of men. We need to re-examine our values and behaviour to build a more equal and harmonious society. We need to respect each other's differences, understand each other's situations, and deal with life's problems in an equal and reciprocal way. Only in this way can we truly achieve equality between men and women, and can everyone feel happy and satisfied.