
Audi A4L fell below 200,000! The luxury façade of the past has also been affected by BYD's price war?

Audi A4L fell below 200,000! The luxury façade of the past has also been affected by BYD's price war?

Zhiyi Automobile

2024-06-29 19:01

Zhiyi Auto / Li Jingwen

In June this year, the price of the Audi A4L naked car fell below 200,000 yuan, which made many consumers and industry insiders sigh that "the sky has fallen". At the same time, it also makes people ask, is it the adjustment of the market, or in the face of the tide of new energy, the helpless move of luxury car brands?

The price war has started again, and Audi A4L has become a "price reduction pioneer"?

The Audi A4L is positioned as a B-class luxury first-line brand sedan at 300,000 yuan, with a guide price between 321,800 and 400,800 yuan. People who know cars know that the reason why this car is called a "poor car" is because its price is much lower than that of cars of the same level, and the natural value retention rate is lower than that of Mercedes-Benz C-class and BMW 3 Series of the same level. Therefore, in the past two years, the price of the car has dropped to about 200,000 yuan.

Audi A4L fell below 200,000! The luxury façade of the past has also been affected by BYD's price war?

Now, the price of the Audi A4L has dropped again, subverting the perception of many consumers and even industry insiders about the price of luxury models. This means that the original official guide price of the entry model of Audi A4L was 321,800 yuan, a decrease of 120,000 yuan, almost a 6.2% discount.

Forced to "exchange price for quantity"?

In terms of operating profit, it fell to 466 million euros from 1,816 million euros in the same period last year, and the figures for the quarter were indeed even worse, with Audi's revenue falling by 18.7 percent year-on-year in the first quarter of this year. In addition, the Chinese market generated revenue of 179 million euros for Audi, compared to 226 million euros in the prior-year quarter, and the total profit was not high.

Audi A4L fell below 200,000! The luxury façade of the past has also been affected by BYD's price war?

According to relevant data, the monthly sales of A 4L in April last year were 8,598 units, compared with 11,246 units in May and 15,589 units in June last year. In April 2024, the monthly sales of the A 4L were 8,497 units. According to the sales law of the automobile industry, if you want to achieve the sales target in the second half of the year, you must sell at a reduced price.

On the contrary, the BMW 3 Series sold 49,869 units from January to April, Mercedes-Benz C-Class sold 52,811 units, and the Audi A4L sold 35,582 units.

Audi A4L fell below 200,000! The luxury façade of the past has also been affected by BYD's price war?

On the other hand, China's auto market is undergoing a drastic change, and domestic new energy vehicles have brought great pressure to major car companies. Seeing that 2024 is about to pass the halfway point, major automakers are working hard for their annual sales. Not only Audi, Mercedes-Benz and BMW are also trying to control sales by cutting prices.

Audi A4L fell below 200,000! The luxury façade of the past has also been affected by BYD's price war?

How do consumers choose the reshuffle of the luxury car market?

The discount of the Audi A4L is that the automotive industry is undergoing a technological revolution, which is a normal phenomenon, and it is also the electrification of cars; After a technology is replaced, the new product will replace the old product, and the technological revolution is nothing more than breaking the old and creating the new. Therefore, not only the Audi A4L, but also traditional brands will be affected by this technological trend.

Audi A4L fell below 200,000! The luxury façade of the past has also been affected by BYD's price war?

And the big discount of the Audi A4L is only a small part of the reshuffle in the luxury industry. In the face of increasingly fierce market competition, consumer needs are also changing, which is a huge challenge for traditional luxury car brands. Moreover, in this reshuffle, consumers will have more choice and more say.

For consumers, choosing the right car is not only about brand and price, but also about many factors such as economic value, configuration, technology and service. Therefore, consumers should be more rational and rational when buying a car, and should not blindly pursue luxury brands.

Audi A4L fell below 200,000! The luxury façade of the past has also been affected by BYD's price war?

At the same time, the price reduction of the Audi A4L is just a microcosm of its brand transformation. In this time of change, brands must make more choices and do more. So, do you think luxury brands should stick to the traditional market, or take the initiative to attack new energy? Or will they continue to lower their prices to increase their sales?

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  • Audi A4L fell below 200,000! The luxury façade of the past has also been affected by BYD's price war?
  • Audi A4L fell below 200,000! The luxury façade of the past has also been affected by BYD's price war?
  • Audi A4L fell below 200,000! The luxury façade of the past has also been affected by BYD's price war?
  • Audi A4L fell below 200,000! The luxury façade of the past has also been affected by BYD's price war?
  • Audi A4L fell below 200,000! The luxury façade of the past has also been affected by BYD's price war?
  • Audi A4L fell below 200,000! The luxury façade of the past has also been affected by BYD's price war?

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