
In 74, a long lady visited Xu Shiyou, and covered her nose when she entered the hospital, Xu Shiyou: Look at you like that

author:Tok Joo Education

Xu Lao seemed to be really angry, judging from his tone and attitude, the other party probably thought that he could be much better than others, right? In the rare scene in his home, the atmosphere that day was really tense, and Xu Shiyou could be heard angry.

Unexpectedly, the actions of a chief's wife who visited Xu Shiyou made him angry.

What made this chief's wife angry with Xu Shiyou? Why Xu Shiyou showed such indifference to this lady makes people want to ask the reason.

In 74, a long lady visited Xu Shiyou, and covered her nose when she entered the hospital, Xu Shiyou: Look at you like that

[Still leading troops in the twilight of life]

During the Vietnam War, Xu Shiyou served as the commander of the Guangzhou Military Region. Although he still served as the commander, Xu Shiyou was already old at this time.

Judging from the current situation, Xu Shiyou's age is indeed time to retire. However, he loved his country so much that he decided to continue the struggle and resolutely drive out the enemies who invaded our country.

In 74, a long lady visited Xu Shiyou, and covered her nose when she entered the hospital, Xu Shiyou: Look at you like that

When he learned that Vietnam had the intention of invading the mainland, General Xu Shiyou was deeply outraged. And when Vietnam was in trouble, the mainland did not hesitate to lend a hand. At a time when Vietnam needed help the most, we chose to provide assistance. General Xu Shiyou was deeply pleased and proud of this.

Although Vietnam successfully resisted all the aggressors, they suddenly attacked our country. Their unfaithful behavior has angered the people of our country. Their actions are irrational and grossly contrary to the rules of friendship. As a result, our reaction was fierce and intense. We are very angry about such a move. We call on the Government of Viet Nam to face up to this aggression and to rectify it. We cannot tolerate such perfidy.

In 74, a long lady visited Xu Shiyou, and covered her nose when she entered the hospital, Xu Shiyou: Look at you like that

During that period, Vietnam promoted itself as the world's third-largest military power, taking advantage of the tensions between China and the Soviet Union to try to gain benefits in China's vast territory. At that time, Vietnam considered itself to be one of the world's most important military powers. At the same time, they saw tensions between China and the Soviet Union and saw this as an opportunity to seize Chinese territory. Therefore, they are trying to extract a part of the benefits from Chinese soil. In short, Vietnam had confidently asserted its military might in an attempt to gain a foothold in large swaths of China's territory.

At present, China is facing challenges since the founding of the People's Republic of China. Some of the former founding generals have passed away, and some have gradually faded out of the historical stage due to injuries. Most of the existing generals bear the scars of history. These are difficult times, but we still need to face them bravely.

In 74, a long lady visited Xu Shiyou, and covered her nose when she entered the hospital, Xu Shiyou: Look at you like that

As Vietnam does not accept the mainland's advice and insists on provoking the mainland, we naturally cannot let it act recklessly. At this time, the central government considered two generals who were suitable for the commander-in-chief, namely General Su Yu and General Xu Shiyou. The decisions and actions of these two generals are all aimed at safeguarding the dignity and interests of the country.

Although Su Yu and Xu Shiyou are both over 70 years old, their military experience and strength are still not trivial, and they are not inferior to young people. However, Xu Shiyou's physical health seems to be superior to Su Yu's.

In 74, a long lady visited Xu Shiyou, and covered her nose when she entered the hospital, Xu Shiyou: Look at you like that

Driven by Xu Shiyou's extremely strong desire to fight, after consideration, the central authorities decided to let him command the self-defense counterattack against Vietnam. As the commander of the Guangzhou Military Region, Xu Shiyou had an in-depth understanding of the terrain and situation in Guangxi, so he played an important role in this battle.

The real purpose of the conflict between the mainland and Vietnam was to demonstrate the military strength of the mainland and to make the Soviet Union understand our strength through exemplary actions, that is, to make an example of the Soviet Union. It is necessary for the Soviet Union to feel our deterrent power, and only in this way can the borders of the continent be truly tranquil. To put it simply, the battle with Vietnam was, in fact, for the USSR to show our military strength.

In 74, a long lady visited Xu Shiyou, and covered her nose when she entered the hospital, Xu Shiyou: Look at you like that

Su Yu's command to fight a small Vietnam seems unnecessary. But in fact, Su Yu's duty was not just that he did not have a task, he stood at the junction of China and the Soviet Union, and did his best to protect us from the Soviet threat. He has an important mission to keep on his toes about possible challenges.

Under the careful planning and deployment of the mainland government, our fighters made a decisive attack and dealt a heavy blow to those arrogant and impudent Vietnamese. The reason behind this action was that Vietnam had a strong military at that time, and this was inseparable from the fact that the mainland had provided it with assistance twice. We have demonstrated our determination and strength to Vietnam through strong actions.

In 74, a long lady visited Xu Shiyou, and covered her nose when she entered the hospital, Xu Shiyou: Look at you like that

They have grown with our support, but they are not grateful to our country. On the contrary, they turned their backs on their original kindness and launched aggression against our country. This kind of ungrateful behavior must be severely punished so that they can realize their mistakes. We should teach them a profound lesson that perfidy will eventually bear its own fruit.

After the war, Vietnam no longer claimed to be the world's third military power and was jealous of its status. At the same time, Xu Shiyou ended his military career perfectly with this battle.

In 74, a long lady visited Xu Shiyou, and covered her nose when she entered the hospital, Xu Shiyou: Look at you like that

After the end of Vietnam's self-defense counterattack, General Xu Shiyou felt the traces of time in his heart, and he really felt that he was old. At that time, Xu Shiyou had already begun to think about retirement.

He has fought all his life for his country, and he should enjoy some leisure time in his old age. As for the affairs of the country, let a new generation of young people take over. There are things that young people need to go through in order to keep growing. They are the generation with the most potential, and we should give them a stage to show themselves.

In 74, a long lady visited Xu Shiyou, and covered her nose when she entered the hospital, Xu Shiyou: Look at you like that

【Return to Nanjing to live an idyllic life】

In 1980, Xu Shiyou's position was changed from the commander of the Guangzhou Military Region to the Military Commission. When he came to Beijing, he found that he was not adapted to the climate of Beijing. He experienced all kinds of discomfort with his new environment, and he was a little unaccustomed to it.

Xu Shiyou has been in the south for a long time and is not used to the weather in the north. Especially in the winter in the north, because the weather in Beijing is very cold, the climate is very different from the south. As for the summer in Beijing, it will be hotter, while the spring and autumn seasons are not particularly obvious. In this way, there is a real difference between the climate of the north and the south.

In 74, a long lady visited Xu Shiyou, and covered her nose when she entered the hospital, Xu Shiyou: Look at you like that

During the winter months, Xu Shiyou often suffers from joint pain. He stayed in Peking for a year, but couldn't stand the cold there and eventually chose to leave. After leaving, he often felt that the winter in Beijing was unbearable for him.

He submitted an application for retirement to the central government, planning to return to his hometown of Nanjing to spend his old age. However, his family did not support his plan to return to Nanjing.

In 74, a long lady visited Xu Shiyou, and covered her nose when she entered the hospital, Xu Shiyou: Look at you like that

At that time, Xu Shiyou's children were busy working and living in Beijing. If Xu Shiyou decides to return to Nanjing, his children will not be able to follow him back to Nanjing due to work and life reasons. To explain, Xu Shiyou's children have adapted to life and work in Beijing, and if they return to Nanjing, their life trajectory will change greatly, so it is unlikely that they will go back with him.

However, if Xu Shiyou is only allowed to go back by himself, his children will definitely not be at ease. Even though Xu Shiyou performed well on the battlefield in the past, now he is old after all and needs to be taken care of. Therefore, the whole family wanted someone to accompany him back home.

In 74, a long lady visited Xu Shiyou, and covered her nose when she entered the hospital, Xu Shiyou: Look at you like that

Xu's decision to return to Nanjing was met with opposition from many sources, including his children and his wife, Tian Pu. Tian Pu disagrees with this decision, she feels that people should live with their children in their old age. Moreover, Xu Shiyou's decision was also disapproved of by his wife.

In her later years, she and Xu Shiyou could enjoy the joy of family life and the laughter of their grandchildren in Beijing, but if they moved to Nanjing, they would probably have to live alone. In addition, Tian Pu feels that Beijing's medical resources are superior. In order to facilitate the life of the elderly in their later years and better enjoy family happiness, it is particularly important to choose the right place. If they were in Beijing, the two elderly people would be able to share the joy of family life with their families and feel the laughter and warmth of their children and grandchildren. In Nanjing, there may be only a lonely life left. In addition, Tian Pu also believes that Beijing's medical conditions are more superior, providing a better guarantee for the health of the elderly.

In 74, a long lady visited Xu Shiyou, and covered her nose when she entered the hospital, Xu Shiyou: Look at you like that

If Xu Shiyou lives in Beijing, then he can seek medical treatment at any time to facilitate the treatment of various diseases. However, he eventually decided to return to Nanjing, and a fierce quarrel broke out with his wife Tian Pu. This shows that Xu Shiyou is very determined to return to Nanjing.

Xu Shiyou has his own views on returning to live in Nanjing. He felt that living with his children might not be suitable for him, and he was worried that it would affect his children's work or cause some other troubles. It's about the rhythm of life between him and his children, and it also reflects his attitude and attitude towards family issues. Xu Shiyou felt that it was still necessary to have a clear position on this issue, so as not to cause unnecessary contradictions and interference. His philosophy is to try to avoid affecting the career of his children as much as possible while they are developing individually. Therefore, he has his own way of life and ideas, and has his own considerations for returning to Nanjing to live.

In 74, a long lady visited Xu Shiyou, and covered her nose when she entered the hospital, Xu Shiyou: Look at you like that

Therefore, he made up his mind to return to Nanjing and live his own comfortable life. After Xu Shiyou's retirement application was approved, Tian Pu insisted on staying in Beijing, so he had to return to Nanjing alone. The reason why he chose to return to Nanjing so resolutely was because he wanted to enjoy his own little life.

In order to reward Xu Shiyou's contributions, the central government decided to assign him a house at No. 8 Sun Yat-sen Mausoleum. The house, which used to be where Sun Yat-sen's son Sun Ke lived, is now a small villa with beautiful scenery.

In 74, a long lady visited Xu Shiyou, and covered her nose when she entered the hospital, Xu Shiyou: Look at you like that

The design of this villa is exquisite, and the buildings, gardens and trees inside are in harmony with each other to create a beautiful picture. Sun Ke admired the ancient literati so much that he designed his residence in their style, hoping to create an antique feel. Such a design is not only beautiful, but also reflects Sun Ke's love and respect for ancient culture.

In this design, it is as if the ancient people lived in seclusion. Sun Ke's design concept is different from Xu Shiyou's cognition, he does not pursue those complicated decorations and elegant ideas.

In 74, a long lady visited Xu Shiyou, and covered her nose when she entered the hospital, Xu Shiyou: Look at you like that

Xu Shiyou believes that it is pointless to spend a huge amount of money every year to maintain a gorgeous design. He was more inclined to practical actions than just decorating the house so beautifully. He felt that instead of focusing so much on appearance, it was better to put resources into more practical uses.

So after the government handed over the house to Xu Shiyou, he immediately began to sort out the land. Eventually, he tidied up a neat vegetable patch in his residence.

In 74, a long lady visited Xu Shiyou, and covered her nose when she entered the hospital, Xu Shiyou: Look at you like that

On the way back to Nanjing from Beijing, Tian Pu returned to his yard and found that the vegetable plots there were neatly planted in blocks. Looking at these vegetable patches, he really didn't know how to speak to Xu Shiyou. After all, Xu Shiyou has a tough personality, and sometimes it is difficult to shake him even when he speaks.

In 74, a long lady visited Xu Shiyou, and covered her nose when she entered the hospital, Xu Shiyou: Look at you like that

Since Xu Shiyou is willing to grow vegetables in the courtyard, let him go. Now he has nothing to do, and he doesn't have to work. Xu Shiyou has some small hobbies, whether it is to pass the time by himself, and growing vegetables is also one of them.

Xu Shiyou takes great care of his vegetable garden, and every time he harvests vegetables, he invites his old friends to his home and personally entertains them with the vegetables he grows. He attaches great importance to his vegetable plots, and every harvest is extraordinarily precious.

In 74, a long lady visited Xu Shiyou, and covered her nose when she entered the hospital, Xu Shiyou: Look at you like that

[Anger at subordinates' families]

Although General Xu Shiyou had an impatient personality in the army, in private, he was a friendly elder. After his retirement, he settled in Nanjing, where many of his former subordinates came to visit him. Reinterpreting it, although Xu Shiyou is sometimes more emotional in the army, in his private life, he behaves quite cordially and is deeply respected. When Mr. Xu spent his old age in Nanjing, many old colleagues always came to visit.

Xu Shiyou treats his subordinates very equally and without discrimination. When they came to visit out of friendship, he would give them a warm welcome and would often give them vegetables that he had grown himself. Such an attitude makes others feel friendly and comfortable.

In 74, a long lady visited Xu Shiyou, and covered her nose when she entered the hospital, Xu Shiyou: Look at you like that

If you try to ask Xu Shiyou to do something for you, and he is not interested or able to help, he will ask you to leave very directly. If this person continues to pester, Xu Shiyou will decisively refuse him to visit again. To put it simply, Xu Shiyou does not like to be forced, he will directly express his attitude and stick to his position.

Since Xu Shiyou served as the commander of the Nanjing Military Region, many people from the Nanjing Military Region would visit him. And he was stricter with his former subordinates, and he seemed even more severe.

In 74, a long lady visited Xu Shiyou, and covered her nose when she entered the hospital, Xu Shiyou: Look at you like that

He often reminded them to be cautious and avoid making mistakes, but he was no longer involved in military decision-making. After his retirement, Xu Shiyou's life consisted mainly of communicating with family and friends, and working in his own vegetable garden. His instructions were often about avoiding mistakes, and he was letting go of the specific affairs of the military districts. After Xu Lao's retirement, his life was very relaxed, he often met guests and made friends, and was busy in the vegetable garden. He always admonished them to be careful and not to make mistakes. However, in the affairs of the army, he no longer interfered. After Xu Shiyou retired, his main activities were to receive guests, visit friends, and take care of his small vegetable garden. He no longer directly manages military affairs, but he still reminds them to be cautious. Xu Shiyou's retirement life was simple and fulfilling, and he spent his old age by visiting guests and taking care of the vegetable garden.

Xu Shiyou attaches great importance to the pure naturalness of growing vegetables, and he believes that only through fertilization can vegetables grow better. Therefore, he did not choose the chemical fertilizers that are commonly found in the market. After some searching, he finally found a supplier that provided all-natural manure, which could better meet his requirements for all-natural. Uncle Xu Shiyou attaches great importance to not using chemicals when growing vegetables. He knew that fertilizing vegetables would grow better, so he didn't choose the chemical fertilizer on the market. After some searching, he finally found a shop that sold natural animal manure fertilizer, which was more in line with his planting philosophy.

In 74, a long lady visited Xu Shiyou, and covered her nose when she entered the hospital, Xu Shiyou: Look at you like that

Natural fertilizers without chemical additives are good, but they have a large odor. Traditional farm manure is mostly used to meet household needs and is often not sold commercially. Although all-natural fertilizers have many benefits, they are not easy to use because of their special taste. Common home-made organic fertilizers are mostly for home use, and merchants generally do not sell them as commodities.

Xu Shiyou didn't force the family to sell him something, so he chose a compromise method, which was to learn how to make manure. The family saw that Xu Shiyou was interested in the method, so they generously told him how to make it. Eventually, he took the easier approach.

In 74, a long lady visited Xu Shiyou, and covered her nose when she entered the hospital, Xu Shiyou: Look at you like that

To make manure, a key step is to ferment it. However, due to the smell of feces, most people are reluctant to ferment at home. Therefore, finding the right place and way to dispose of manure is an important issue to consider in the process of making manure.

Although Xu Shiyou's background is not simple, he is a person who can persevere in the most difficult period of the Anti-Japanese War, and he is naturally not afraid to deal with such trivial things as manure. Taking the advice of others, he began collecting animal manure and piling it up in a corner of the yard. It's not hard for him to do that.

In 74, a long lady visited Xu Shiyou, and covered her nose when she entered the hospital, Xu Shiyou: Look at you like that

Xu Youjun was given all-natural organic fertilizer, much to the dissatisfaction of residents in the nearby neighborhood. They used to live on pleasant streets, but now they always get a bad smell, which makes them very unhappy.

Because everyone has no choice but to endure Xu Shiyou. No one could restrain him, so everyone had to remain silent and endure.

On this day, a high-ranking official of a certain military region visited Xu Shiyou's residence and came to visit him with his wife. After the straightforward language expression: On this day, a high-ranking military official brought his wife to see Xu Shiyou. He came with his wife when he came.

In 74, a long lady visited Xu Shiyou, and covered her nose when she entered the hospital, Xu Shiyou: Look at you like that

As the lady entered the alley, she felt something different in the air. After walking into Xu Shiyou's courtyard, the unusual smell became more obvious. Eventually, she couldn't bear it anymore and had to cover her mouth and nose with a handkerchief.

Now, Xu Shiyou's vegetable field where he was fertilizing was disturbed, which made him feel very angry. He glared at the lady with displeasure in his eyes, ready to see what she would do next.

In 74, a long lady visited Xu Shiyou, and covered her nose when she entered the hospital, Xu Shiyou: Look at you like that

The lady covered her nose with her handkerchief, but the unbearable smell still lingered. She looked around, but couldn't find the source of the stench. So, she covered her mouth and nose again, her face showing a dissatisfied expression, and her brow furrowed. The smell really made her feel very uncomfortable.

General Xu was very angry, and when he saw the situation, he took out the natural fertilizer he had prepared in the field, pointed at the lady and reprimanded him bluntly: "Look at you, you dare to dislike my natural fertilizer!" He was extremely unhappy with this.

In 74, a long lady visited Xu Shiyou, and covered her nose when she entered the hospital, Xu Shiyou: Look at you like that

The lady found out that the smell came from Xu Shiyou's fertilizer, and her expression suddenly became panicked. She didn't expect her unintentional action to make Xu Shiyou so angry. She was very surprised by this.

After reprimanding the lady, Xu Shiyou told the chief who led her that he had always regarded him as a son from a peasant background, and that he also planned to return to the life of a peasant after retirement.

In 74, a long lady visited Xu Shiyou, and covered her nose when she entered the hospital, Xu Shiyou: Look at you like that

If you lose patience because of such small things, how can you take on the role of leader and how can you help the people? General Xu Shiyou said this, and then his superiors also realized their mistakes and kept apologizing to Xu Shiyou. He understands that as a leader, you must have a stronger psychological quality and a broader mind.

Although General Xu Lao has a prominent position and generous treatment, he still maintains his simple nature in his heart and regards himself as an ordinary peasant. This spirit of sticking to the original intention is worth emulating every one of us. Although his living conditions improved, General Xu did not forget his roots, and he stuck to his original identity and beliefs. His unpretentious spirit is an example for us to follow. Although General Xu Shiyou was in a high position, he always maintained the simplicity and sincerity of a peasant. This spirit is a valuable inspiration and learning object for each of us.