
In love, the misconception of self-motivation and the way of true love

author:The world of love

Self-motivation has always been a topic of great concern. Many girls often say that they want to find a self-motivated person as a love partner, as this is seen as a guarantee of stability and future. However, the concept is not as simple as it seems.

In love, the misconception of self-motivation and the way of true love

In my opinion, self-motivation is not only the pursuit of material things, but also a person's character and attitude. It represents a person's positive attitude towards life, planning and efforts for the future, and the pursuit of self-improvement. However, some women seem to see men as resources and expect to access these resources by giving material and emotional value, ignoring the uniqueness and individuality of each person.

On this issue, I would like to say that true love is more important than self-motivation. When we talk about true love, we are talking about mutual care, understanding, respect, and care. When we give care and understanding to others, we get the same in return. Love is an emotional and heartfelt exchange that is based on shared values and respect for each other. When we pursue true love, we are not objects to be treated as tools or resources, but as people who are respected and understood.

Many women use the word "self-motivated" as a means to manipulate men in order to get the material and emotional satisfaction they want. This practice ignores the feelings and needs of men, and also ignores the need for true love to be based on mutual respect and understanding. When we seek true care and understanding in love, we will find that true happiness comes from inner fulfillment and self-fulfillment.

In love, the misconception of self-motivation and the way of true love

The so-called "self-motivation" and "emotional value" are superficial labels and tools used to manipulate others. We should let go of these superficial labels and really get to know a person. When we look for true love in love, what we need is not to pursue these superficial labels and standards, but to pay attention to the feelings and needs of others.

Many women are not content in themselves, and they may want to meet each other's needs by sacrificing their dignity and happiness, but this is not true love. True love requires us to understand, respect, and care for each other with our hearts. True happiness and fulfillment can only be found when we truly focus on the feelings and needs of others. Therefore, for the requirement that many women ask men to be self-motivated, we should make it clear that true happiness does not lie in the material conditions and standards of the other party, but in the mutual care and understanding between each other.

The so-called women's so-called "having a house, a car, and money" and "not providing emotional value" and other words are all a PUA method. These so-called standards only make people feel stressed and unhappy, while true love should be light-hearted and enjoyable. The true emotional value should be mutual care and understanding, not unbounded suspicion, coaxing, or unprincipled tolerance. It should not be the punching bag or free ATM of the other party. In this environment, the image of women is not only not tall, but also leads to the deterioration or even breakdown of relationships.

When we talk about what is called "self-motivated", we need to think about what this concept really means. Is it just a materialistic pursuit? Or does it involve a person's attitude towards life, values, and the pursuit of self-improvement? In my opinion, "self-motivated" is a personality trait that involves how a person sees themselves and the world around them, how they treat others and self-growth. A truly motivated person will not only focus on their own development, but also on the needs and feelings of others. Such people tend to be more likely to be respected and loved by others.

In love, the misconception of self-motivation and the way of true love

True love requires us to understand, respect, and care for each other with our hearts. We should let go of superficial labels and standards and really get to know a person. When we give care and understanding to others, we get the same in return. True happiness and fulfillment can only be found when we truly focus on the feelings and needs of others.