
Gambling king Stanley Ho: 860,000 life-sustaining needles are injected once a day, and 8 million golden silk nanmu coffins are cast for the funeral of the century

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Gambling king Stanley Ho: 860,000 life-sustaining needles are injected once a day, and 8 million golden silk nanmu coffins are cast for the funeral of the century

On May 26, 2020, in the long 98-year journey of life, a generation of heroes Stanley Ho could not bear the vicissitudes of the years and finally passed away suddenly. Even in his old age, his later life is still full of dignity and luxury.

In order to prolong his life at the dawn of twilight, Stanley Ho was forced to inject a "life-sustaining injection" with a price of up to HK$860,000 every day. According to media reports, Stanley Ho has relied on this expensive drug since 2009, and this medical expenditure alone has accumulated to a staggering hundreds of millions of Hong Kong dollars in 11 years.

It can be seen that even Stanley Ho, who is known as the "king of casinos", seems so insignificant in the contest between money and life. No matter how powerful his wealth is, he can't resist the relentless erosion of time, and the 98-year-old man has not been able to overcome the torture of illness after all.

After the death of the gambling king, the world saw him off in the same luxurious way. Many well-known tycoons such as Fok Zhenting and Li Ka-shing came to mourn, and Stanley Ho's coffin was made of a piece of golden silk nanmu worth up to 8 million Hong Kong dollars.

Gambling king Stanley Ho: 860,000 life-sustaining needles are injected once a day, and 8 million golden silk nanmu coffins are cast for the funeral of the century

With the slow closure of this extraordinary coffin, the brilliant life of gambling king Stanley Ho came to an end.

Although he later became a "gambling king" with hundreds of billions of assets, Stanley Ho's childhood was once in trouble in the middle of his family. He was born in Hong Kong's famous Ho family, and was supposed to live a carefree life.

However, fate made people, the He family went bankrupt due to investment mistakes, and the former Wanguan family wealth instantly came to naught, and the He family, which was once in power, fell to the bottom.

The impoverished life brought a heavy blow to the young Stanley Ho. What's even more tragic is that once he went to a clinic opened by a relative for a toothache, and was sneered at by his relatives: "You are poor, what qualifications do you have to come here to see a doctor?" It's painful to die! This bitter sentence was like a heavy punch, which deeply pierced Stanley Ho's heart.

Gambling king Stanley Ho: 860,000 life-sustaining needles are injected once a day, and 8 million golden silk nanmu coffins are cast for the funeral of the century

In an instant, he realized that the decay of his family had made him the object of ridicule. The glory and wealth of the past disappeared with the family road, and their He family became the laughing stock of others after dinner.

Being the only seedling of the He family, this is a shame that Stanley Ho has never experienced.

With endless shame and anger in his heart, he firmly made a wish to change his fate and emerge through his own hands. Since then, Stanley Ho's young soul has planted the seeds of continuous efforts and upward movement, and he began to study without sleep and food, working diligently and unremittingly, hoping that one day he can shock everyone's attention again with his own strength.

Macau, the only region in China where gambling is legally opened, has undoubtedly become a fertile ground for wealth accumulation. However, at that time, this fertile land was firmly controlled by the former "gambling king" Bo Lao Rong, who never got a piece of the pie despite the fact that Stanley Ho founded many entertainment venues in Macau.

Gambling king Stanley Ho: 860,000 life-sustaining needles are injected once a day, and 8 million golden silk nanmu coffins are cast for the funeral of the century

It was not until 1961 that the "gambling king" unfortunately passed away, and the dominance of Macau's gaming industry became vacant, and Stanley Ho was immediately keenly aware of the opportunity for a breakthrough. As a shrewd and capable businessman, he knew that he could not cover the sky on his own, and that he had to seek help from the outside world.

As a result, Stanley Ho secretly lobbied important figures in Macau's business circles at the time, such as the well-known tycoons Yip Hon, Yip Lide and Fok Ying Tung, to join forces with them to fight for control of Macau's gambling scene.

To achieve this goal, Stanley Ho has done his best. He invested a great deal of energy and money, and finally succeeded in convincing these powerful businessmen with various generous conditions.

In this way, in 1961, Stanley Ho finally sat on the throne of the gambling king, opening a glorious chapter in his single-handed coverage of the Macau gambling world.

Gambling king Stanley Ho: 860,000 life-sustaining needles are injected once a day, and 8 million golden silk nanmu coffins are cast for the funeral of the century

The emotional journey of gambling king Stanley Ho can be described as magnificent and complex. He has four wives and concubines in his life, and the origin of each relationship is full of unique coincidences.

At first, Stanley Ho was deeply attracted by the wisdom and beauty of his original wife, Lai Wanhua. Lai Yuen Wah is not only from a prominent family, but also talented, proficient in piano, chess, calligraphy and painting, and has a deep insight into the business world.

When the two first met, Lai Wanhua was like a dazzling light that illuminated Stanley Ho's whole world, so the young Stanley Ho pursued her without hesitation and finally won the heart of the beautiful woman.

After marriage, Lai's father gave Stanley Ho great support, making his career flourish. However, good times are always short-lived, and shortly after the marriage, Stanley Ho was impressed by Lan Qiongying's demeanor at a drinking party.

Gambling king Stanley Ho: 860,000 life-sustaining needles are injected once a day, and 8 million golden silk nanmu coffins are cast for the funeral of the century

Lan Qiongying was born in a military family, and her extraordinary temperament and outstanding talent made her deeply attracted Stanley Ho's attention in the poetry, wine and music by the beach, and made the gambling king fall in love with it! In just a few days, Lan Qiongying became Stanley Ho's first aunt and wife and lived in the same room with him.

Since then, Stanley Ho has shown his feelings for his original personal caregiver Chen Wanzhen. From their acquaintance to the secret song, the process can be described as smooth. Chan was quickly promoted to Stanley Ho's second aunt.

Since then, Chen Wanzhen has accompanied Stanley Ho every moment like a shadow, and the two are inseparable. Wherever Stanley Ho goes, Chan will follow.

Just when Stanley Ho had two beautiful aunts, a graceful ballet dancer Angel Leung quietly came into his life and became his ultimate queen's wife.

Gambling king Stanley Ho: 860,000 life-sustaining needles are injected once a day, and 8 million golden silk nanmu coffins are cast for the funeral of the century

Liang Anqi is beautiful and comes from an ordinary family in Guangdong.

Her encounter with Stanley Ho originated from a grand ball. Liang Anqi's amazing dancing skills instantly captured Stanley Ho's attention, making him fall in love with her at first sight, and immediately made Liang Anqi the third aunt's wife.

In addition, there was another time when Stanley Ho almost had to include the then-hot movie star Li Zhi into his harem. At a luxurious ball, the young and beautiful Li Zhi suddenly appeared, which made the gambling king's heart move.

Stanley Ho immediately came up with the idea of taking her as his new aunt's wife. However, the idea was fiercely opposed by several other ladies. After all, they have entered middle age, and they are afraid that the young and beautiful Li Zhi will take away the favor of the gambling king, and they will be forgotten in the corner.

Gambling king Stanley Ho: 860,000 life-sustaining needles are injected once a day, and 8 million golden silk nanmu coffins are cast for the funeral of the century

Therefore, Stanley Ho had no choice but to dispel this idea, and since then he has passed by Li Zhi and missed a beautiful marriage.

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