
After Xu Shiyou died of illness in 1985, he came out of the funeral at 3 o'clock in the morning, and there were 3 things in the coffin of Jin Si Nanmu

After Xu Shiyou died of illness in 1985, he came out of the funeral at 3 o'clock in the morning, and there were 3 things in the coffin of Jin Si Nanmu

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Text丨Bohn's History of Words

Editor丨Bohn History


General Xu Shiyou is a revolutionary with a legendary life, whether it is the legendary story of him and Chairman Mao turning hostility into jade silk, or the legendary battles fought in his life, people are talking about it.

After Xu Shiyou died of illness in 1985, he came out of the funeral at 3 o'clock in the morning, and there were 3 things in the coffin of Jin Si Nanmu

Even his posthumous story is full of legends, he is not only the only senior general in the mainland who was specially approved by Chairman Mao and Deng Gong to be buried, but also has many magical stories during the burial process.

After Xu Shiyou died of illness in 1985, he came out of the funeral at 3 o'clock in the morning, and there were 3 things in the coffin of Jin Si Nanmu

At 3 o'clock in the morning, the coffin was escorted out of the funeral by officers and soldiers, the coffin was made of golden silk nanmu, and the three things that accompanied the funeral also have a special meaning, what is going on?

The general died of illness, and the way he was buried was difficult for everyone

On October 22, 1985, General Xu Shiyou, the former commander of the Guangzhou Military Region, died of liver cancer in Nanjing at the age of 79.

The departure of the old general made countless people sad, and after hearing the news, Deng Gong specially arranged for General Wang Zhen to be in charge of the funeral.

After Xu Shiyou died of illness in 1985, he came out of the funeral at 3 o'clock in the morning, and there were 3 things in the coffin of Jin Si Nanmu

When General Wang Zhen arrived in Nanjing, he encountered a very difficult problem, that is, General Xu left a will before his death, and wanted to be buried in his hometown in Xinxian County after his death, so as to fulfill his filial piety to his parents.

On October 22, 1979, General Xu Shiyou wrote a letter to his eldest son, Xu Guang, in which he talked about his posthumous affairs, saying at that time, "Bury me next to your grandparents, and honor my parents after death." ”[1]

After Xu Shiyou died of illness in 1985, he came out of the funeral at 3 o'clock in the morning, and there were 3 things in the coffin of Jin Si Nanmu

However, at that time, the state was advocating cremation, and almost every national leader and general signed a proposal for voluntary cremation, and many ordinary people would also choose cremation, but General Xu Shiyou, as the commander of the Guangzhou Military Region and a member of the Politburo Standing Committee, had to violate the regulations.

In order to properly solve this problem, General Wang Zhen informed Deng Gong, who was then chairman of the Military Commission, of the situation and mentioned another matter to Deng Gong.

As early as 1956, the Party Central Committee issued a "Cremation Proposal", when Chairman Mao, Premier Zhou and others took the lead in signing on it to express their consent, and soon the proposal was promoted throughout the country, and many leaders also signed to express their approval.

After Xu Shiyou died of illness in 1985, he came out of the funeral at 3 o'clock in the morning, and there were 3 things in the coffin of Jin Si Nanmu

But General Xu Shiyou did not sign for a long time, not only did he not sign, but also found Chairman Mao and said that he must be buried, and after his death, he would be filial piety in front of his parents' graves.

He said to the chairman sincerely: "I have been loyal to the country during my lifetime, and I want to be filial in front of my parents after I die, so I ask Chairman Mao to let him be buried." ”

After Xu Shiyou died of illness in 1985, he came out of the funeral at 3 o'clock in the morning, and there were 3 things in the coffin of Jin Si Nanmu

Xu Shiyou's words also touched Chairman Mao, and the chairman smiled and promised that "the loess mound hides the romance", and Chairman Mao really couldn't think of a reason to reject him for this loyal communist fighter. [2]

However, in 1985, Chairman Mao had passed away for 9 years, so Deng Gong also felt a little difficult when he heard about this matter, but after much consideration, he finally made a special approval and let General Wang Zhen bring it to Nanjing.

After Xu Shiyou died of illness in 1985, he came out of the funeral at 3 o'clock in the morning, and there were 3 things in the coffin of Jin Si Nanmu

On October 26, General Wang Zhen also conveyed the meaning of Deng Gong to the funeral committee and several old friends who mourned, and used seven special words in a row to describe the special nature of General Xu Shiyou's request.

In the end, General Wang Zhen humorously joked: "We old guys, we want to get such a special pass in the future." ”

After Xu Shiyou died of illness in 1985, he came out of the funeral at 3 o'clock in the morning, and there were 3 things in the coffin of Jin Si Nanmu

However, although the Party Central Committee specially approved the burial of General Xu Shiyou, the funeral had to be held in secret, and the burial could not be carried out openly when the whole people were advocating cremation.

However, in the process of General Xu Shiyou's secret burial, many legendary stories were also reported, which also surprised many people.

The general's burial even showed a vision, and the burial objects also had legends

On October 31, the funeral committee held a memorial service for General Xu Shiyou in Nanjing.

After Xu Shiyou died of illness in 1985, he came out of the funeral at 3 o'clock in the morning, and there were 3 things in the coffin of Jin Si Nanmu

Therefore, many people rumored that God did not want to see a member of the war pass away, so he was moved to tears.

There were even rumors that the start and end time of the heavy rain was the same as the time of the memorial service, but the statement was quickly denied by the veteran generals who attended the memorial service, and it rained for about ten minutes.

After the memorial service, the funeral committee began to arrange the burial of General Xu Shiyou, and in order to maintain secrecy, an engineer unit was sent to Xinxian County, Henan Province on November 1 to dig a grave, and then handed it over to the local militia.

As a result, one night, the militia guarding lit a cigarette because he was sleepy, but when he lit the cigarette, he found a ray of light rising from the dug grave, about 100 meters long and 5 meters wide, like a rainbow. [3]

After Xu Shiyou died of illness in 1985, he came out of the funeral at 3 o'clock in the morning, and there were 3 things in the coffin of Jin Si Nanmu

This phenomenon also stunned the militia guarding it, and people also spread the legend that Xu Shiyou's soul returned to his hometown, so there was a legend that the glow appeared.

But this is a methane burning phenomenon, not something supernatural.

The third legend occurred on the day of General Xu Shiyou's burial, according to the regulations, General Xu Shiyou was buried at three o'clock in the morning on November 9, but Xu Jiawa's chickens and dogs did not make any sound that day, which was also considered a supernatural event at that time.

After Xu Shiyou died of illness in 1985, he came out of the funeral at 3 o'clock in the morning, and there were 3 things in the coffin of Jin Si Nanmu

The reason why the chickens and dogs did not bark was that the engineering units of the Nanjing Military Region were digging graves at that time, and they pulled up wires around them, so the night was like daytime, disturbing the biological clock of the roosters, and the reason why the dogs did not bark was because the engineering units had been stationed for a few days and had become accustomed to this.

At 3 a.m. on November 9, the general's hearse officially arrived in Xujiawan, and the soldiers quickly put his golden silk nan wooden coffin into the tomb, which was given by the general's old subordinate General You Taizhong.

After Xu Shiyou died of illness in 1985, he came out of the funeral at 3 o'clock in the morning, and there were 3 things in the coffin of Jin Si Nanmu

At that time, he learned that General Xu Shiyou's whole body was swollen severely, and the coffin prepared before could not put down the body, in order not to delay the general's burial, he specially found someone to go to the primeval forest of Guangxi to harvest two hundred-year-old golden silk nanmu, and then processed into a coffin in Nanjing.

According to the customs of General Xu Shiyou's hometown, people need something to accompany them when they are buried, and in the end, the family chose three items to accompany General Xu.

After Xu Shiyou died of illness in 1985, he came out of the funeral at 3 o'clock in the morning, and there were 3 things in the coffin of Jin Si Nanmu

First of all, there are two bottles of Moutai, as we all know, General Xu Shiyou loves to drink and can drink all his life, especially loves Moutai, and even later generations often bring a bottle of Moutai when they go to the general ceremony, and over time, many Moutai bottles have been placed in front of the general's tomb.

After Xu Shiyou died of illness in 1985, he came out of the funeral at 3 o'clock in the morning, and there were 3 things in the coffin of Jin Si Nanmu

The second is two pistols, General Rong Ma has been very fond of guns all his life, and one of these two pistols was given by former French President Charles de Gaulle, and the other was once Zhang Lingfu's matching gun, which was personally given by Chairman Mao to General Xu Shiyou.

After Xu Shiyou died of illness in 1985, he came out of the funeral at 3 o'clock in the morning, and there were 3 things in the coffin of Jin Si Nanmu

The third is 10 pieces of 10 yuan, which means perfect in the new county.

And these three funeral goods have also been praised by later generations as "money can buy roads, wine can strengthen courage, and guns can fight ghosts." ”[4]


General Xu Shiyou was loyal to the revolution and the country all his life, and dedicated his life to the country, and he felt that he was most sorry for his mother, so every time he said goodbye to his mother, he would kneel down for a long time, and because of filial piety, he put forward a request for burial to Chairman Mao.

After Xu Shiyou died of illness in 1985, he came out of the funeral at 3 o'clock in the morning, and there were 3 things in the coffin of Jin Si Nanmu

Such a affectionate, righteous and filial general, it is no wonder that countless Chinese people admire him. And the Party Central Committee's mind to do special things for it is also supported. #长文创作激励计划#


The mystery behind Xu Shiyou is solved; ZHANG Yafeng. Popular Science & Technology, 2001.09

secretly buried Xu Shiyou; WEN Buteng. Leadership Literature, 1994.06

The mystery behind Xu Shiyou is solved; ZHANG Yafeng. Popular Science & Technology, 2001.09

Xu Shiyou's refusal to be cremated has been specially approved by the central government, and the issue of his wife's burial has attracted attention; Caijing.2017-07-05

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