
After Xu Shiyou passed away, he went out at three o'clock in the morning, the coffin was golden silk nanmu, and three things were buried in the tomb

author:Feng Lu lectured on the law
After Xu Shiyou passed away, he went out at three o'clock in the morning, the coffin was golden silk nanmu, and three things were buried in the tomb
After Xu Shiyou passed away, he went out at three o'clock in the morning, the coffin was golden silk nanmu, and three things were buried in the tomb

Text | Feng Lu lectured on the law

Edit | Feng Lu lectured on the law

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Xu Shiyou was a well-known high-ranking general of the Chinese People's Liberation Army and a native of Xinxian County, Henan Province; he worked at home in his early years to make ends meet, and later joined the army, and successively participated in the anti-"encirclement and suppression" and the Long March in the Hubei-Anhui and Sichuan-Shaanxi regions.

In the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression and the War of Liberation, Xu Shiyou made many miraculous achievements, especially in the Huaihai Campaign and the Battle of Crossing the River.

But it was such a veteran general with outstanding military achievements who was buried in a low-key manner after his death, and there were only three things in the tomb to accompany the burial, and even the funeral procession did not whistle for fear of affecting the rest of others.

At the beginning, there was no monument, but later generations were afraid that no one would remember to erect a monument on it, why was such a high-ranking old general so low-key after his death?

After Xu Shiyou passed away, he went out at three o'clock in the morning, the coffin was golden silk nanmu, and three things were buried in the tomb
After Xu Shiyou passed away, he went out at three o'clock in the morning, the coffin was golden silk nanmu, and three things were buried in the tomb

A brief biography of General Xu Shiyou

Xu Shiyou, formerly known as Xu Shiyou, was born on February 2, 1906 in a poor rural family in Xujiawa, Macheng County, Hubei Province.

He lost his father since he was a child, his family was poor, and he often did not have enough to eat, so he could only go to the mountains to hunt in winter to supplement the family, which was also a skill that his father taught him.

He has been suppressed by life and social injustice since he was a child, so he has a tenacity in his bones, which may be one of the reasons why he was able to become a general later.

Due to Xu Shiyou's poor family in his early years, he did not receive formal school education, but worked at home since he was a child, engaged in farm work to help the family make ends meet, so his physique is good.

After Xu Shiyou passed away, he went out at three o'clock in the morning, the coffin was golden silk nanmu, and three things were buried in the tomb

Coupled with the poverty of his family, he experienced social injustice at an early age, so he always gives people a sense of justice and awe-inspiring, maybe he has been drenched in the rain and wants to hold an umbrella for others.

He joined the peasant movement in 1926 and joined the Communist Party of China the following year.

People also recognized his strength and were willing to obey his commands, and he would not face the people he led with a condescending attitude, so the peasant movement he led was considered a success.

After Xu Shiyou passed away, he went out at three o'clock in the morning, the coffin was golden silk nanmu, and three things were buried in the tomb

In 1927, Xu Shiyou participated in the famous Jute Movement, one of the early armed uprisings led by the Chinese Communist Party. At the same time, this counterattack succeeded in encouraging more peasants and the working class to join the revolution.

In the years that followed, Xu Shiyou also actively participated in the struggle against Kuomintang rule and Japanese aggression, and gradually grew into an excellent military commander.

After Xu Shiyou passed away, he went out at three o'clock in the morning, the coffin was golden silk nanmu, and three things were buried in the tomb

Old General Xu Shiyou died of illness

One day in March 1985, General Xu Shiyou suddenly felt uncomfortable in the liver part of his body, and his wife attached great importance to it because he considered that General Xu Shiyou was 80 years old at the time.

He immediately sent General Xu Shiyou to Shanghai Huadong Hospital for examination, which is not checked, I was shocked, he was found to have advanced liver cancer, this news is like a bolt from the blue, and the appearance of the word "cancer" is already a death notice.

After Xu Shiyou passed away, he went out at three o'clock in the morning, the coffin was golden silk nanmu, and three things were buried in the tomb
Hearing the news, Xu Shiyou had already begun to arrange for his own funeral, he called his son to the bedside and said to them: "When I was young, I devoted myself to contributing to the motherland and was loyal but failed to fulfill my filial piety, so I hope that I can be buried with my parents after I die." “

But since April 27, 1956, the central government has issued a proposal, the full name of which is "advocating the practice of cremation", and has been approved by Chairman Mao, and the burial has been abolished since then

So General Xu Shiyou wrote a report and submitted it to the central government for a burial, and no one dared to sign the report at first, because even Chairman Mao did not hold a burial when he died, so after several twists and turns, this report was finally sent to Deng Gong.

After Xu Shiyou passed away, he went out at three o'clock in the morning, the coffin was golden silk nanmu, and three things were buried in the tomb
Deng Gong understood Xu Shiyou's loyalty and filial piety, and remembered his outstanding military achievements, and finally after careful consideration, said that it had been approved by Chairman Mao, so he agreed, and wrote a line of small words on the report at that time to say, "Handle it according to this, and don't take it as an example." ”

On 22 October 1985, a sad day, General Xu Shiyou passed away at the age of 80 at the General Hospital of the Nanjing Military Region. His body held a farewell ceremony in the auditorium of the Nanjing Military Region, and then he was buried at 3 a.m. and buried in his hometown of Xujiawa, Xinxian County, Henan Province.

Looking back on his life, as an outstanding member of the Communist Party of China and an outstanding leader of the Chinese People's Liberation Army, he made outstanding contributions to the cause of the liberation of the motherland and national defense construction.

After Xu Shiyou passed away, he went out at three o'clock in the morning, the coffin was golden silk nanmu, and three things were buried in the tomb
After Xu Shiyou passed away, he went out at three o'clock in the morning, the coffin was golden silk nanmu, and three things were buried in the tomb

The three burial objects in the tomb and the stories behind them

In order not to affect the rest of the citizens of Nanjing, the funeral procession of the old general Xu Shiyou did not honk the horn, nor did the car lights on, there were no firecrackers and gongs and drums in the whole funeral, and the funeral goods were only three simple things, what are these three things?

Is it something valuable? No, these three things are a bottle of Moutai, a shotgun, and ten pieces of 10 yuan.

Moutai liquor is because the old general Xu Shiyou loved wine the most in his life, and he once said in person, "I have been drinking since I was eight years old, and wine is my life and my friend."

He often drinks at the celebration banquet, and is very heroic, every time he does it without saying a word and does it first as a respect, he gives an example to the soldiers, and there is also such a bold general, so his subordinates love him very much.

After Xu Shiyou passed away, he went out at three o'clock in the morning, the coffin was golden silk nanmu, and three things were buried in the tomb

He also solved a lot of troubles because of this, such as the relationship with his old friend Wang Jian'an, the two had a period of unpleasantness during the anti-Japanese period, and when they cooperated again, Xu Shiyou took the initiative to set up a drink for Wang Jian'an.

At the wine table, Xu Shiyou said that after drinking this glass of wine, the unhappiness of the past was written off, and after speaking, he raised his neck and grunted.

Wang Jian'an saw Xu Shiyou's true temperament, and he also boldly said that it was over, and the two hit it off and reconciled. But it may be that excessive alcohol consumption causes the liver to be overloaded, which causes the formation of liver cancer.

Shotguns, shotguns were his childhood connection to his father. When Xu Shiyou was a child, his family was poor and often did not have a decent meal, so his father would take him up to the mountains to hunt in winter.

After Xu Shiyou passed away, he went out at three o'clock in the morning, the coffin was golden silk nanmu, and three things were buried in the tomb

First, I got some game to take home to supplement the nutrition of my family, and secondly, I also exercised Xu Shiyou's ability to survive in the wild. Maybe it's because I've been exposed to shotguns since I was a child, so I'm more brave when I go into battle to kill the enemy.

Ten pieces of 10 yuan yuan is a local funeral custom in Xinxian County, which means "perfect". Later, people commented on these three funeral items: "Money can buy roads, wine can strengthen courage, and guns can fight ghosts."

After Xu Shiyou passed away, he went out at three o'clock in the morning, the coffin was golden silk nanmu, and three things were buried in the tomb

brief summary

"Rong Ma's fame goes down in history, and filial piety and Yide write a chapter", this is the monologue of the old general Xu Shiyou's life. At the end of the story, General Xu Shiyou got his wish and slept forever among the cypress trees in his hometown, often by his mother's side.
After Xu Shiyou passed away, he went out at three o'clock in the morning, the coffin was golden silk nanmu, and three things were buried in the tomb

General Xu Shiyou's life was a life of fighting and dedication to the country and the people. He served the motherland during his lifetime and was filial to his parents after his death, so although his death took away his body, his spirit and story will always inspire future generations.

In his last journey, those simple funeral objects silently tell the story of a hero, the memory of an era, and the role of patriotism, loyalty and filial piety.


Information sources:

"Chronicles of Legendary Generals: Top Ten Commanders", Central Compilation and Publishing House.

"Xu Shiyou Drinking Anecdotes", Guangdong Party History.

After Xu Shiyou passed away, he went out at three o'clock in the morning, the coffin was golden silk nanmu, and three things were buried in the tomb

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