
Gambling king Stanley Ho: 860,000 yuan of life-sustaining injections every day, and the golden silk nanmu coffin was unveiled for a shocking funeral

author:Mei Mei Wen Agency
Gambling king Stanley Ho: 860,000 yuan of life-sustaining injections every day, and the golden silk nanmu coffin was unveiled for a shocking funeral
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Gambling king Stanley Ho: 860,000 yuan of life-sustaining injections every day, and the golden silk nanmu coffin was unveiled for a shocking funeral

In 2022, Macau gambling king Stanley Ho passed away quietly on a hospital bed at the age of 98. The life of this legendary man came to an end, but a surprising secret was revealed.

In the last 11 years of his life, Stanley Ho invested as much as 1.4 billion yuan in sky-high medical expenses. A brain injection of 860,000 yuan a day, the 24-hour guard of 7 top nursing teams, and 8 well-known doctors take care of various organs, all of which explain the gambling king's extreme cherishment of life.

However, death is an invincible opponent after all.

Stanley Ho's life is like a legendary novel with ups and downs. Born into Hong Kong's illustrious Ho family, the young Stanley Ho was supposed to live a pampered life.

Gambling king Stanley Ho: 860,000 yuan of life-sustaining injections every day, and the golden silk nanmu coffin was unveiled for a shocking funeral

However, the wheel of fate took a sudden turn when he was 12 years old.

In 1933, due to the investment mistakes of his father and uncle, the He family fell overnight. Stanley Ho, the once rich child, was suddenly reduced to a poor boy with nothing.

Forced to study at Queen's College, the most prestigious school in Hong Kong, Stanley Ho was ridiculed and bullied by his classmates.

However, this humiliation did not break the young Stanley Ho, but inspired his inner fighting spirit. He secretly vowed to change his fate by his own efforts. So, Stanley Ho began to work hard and study without sleep or food.

Gambling king Stanley Ho: 860,000 yuan of life-sustaining injections every day, and the golden silk nanmu coffin was unveiled for a shocking funeral

From the bottom of his grade to the top of his grades, Stanley Ho has proven his potential with practical actions. With his outstanding grades, he not only won the respect of his teachers and classmates, but also won a full scholarship to successfully enter the University of Hong Kong.

However, fate always seems to like to joke with Stanley Ho. Soon after entering school, the clouds of war loomed over Hong Kong, and Stanley Ho was forced to drop out of school to earn a living. Faced with a turbulent social environment, he had to sell his physical strength to make ends meet.

This precarious life made Stanley Ho feel hopeless, but it also strengthened his determination to change the status quo.

In 1941, at the age of 20, Stanley Ho made a decision that changed his fate. He carried the 10 yuan he had saved hard in his arms over the past few months and resolutely boarded the boat to Macao.

Gambling king Stanley Ho: 860,000 yuan of life-sustaining injections every day, and the golden silk nanmu coffin was unveiled for a shocking funeral

When he first arrived in Macau, Stanley Ho was struck by the bustling scene, and he was determined to make a career in this land.

In order to gain a foothold in Macau as soon as possible, Stanley Ho sought help from his cousin, Ho Tung. However, what is surprising is that Stanley Ho did not directly ask for financial assistance, but hoped to pave the way for himself with the help of He Dong's network resources.

This self-esteem and foresight made He Dong look at this young man with admiration, and gladly agreed to help him match.

In this way, Stanley Ho successfully joined CIMB Trading Company in Macau and began his legendary career. Since then, a self-made, inspirational counterattack legend has begun.

Gambling king Stanley Ho: 860,000 yuan of life-sustaining injections every day, and the golden silk nanmu coffin was unveiled for a shocking funeral

Stanley Ho used his own experience to explain what it means to "fate will give you a slap in the face, but it will also give you a chance to get back up".

Stanley Ho's rise to power at CIMB Trading is legendary. With his proficiency in English and an amazing memory, he quickly became an indispensable talent for the company. From grassroots staff to senior management of the company, Stanley Ho has won the appreciation of his superiors with his ability and hard work, and has also accumulated the first pot of gold in his life.

However, for the ambitious Stanley Ho, this is just the beginning.

In the 60s of the 20th century, the huge profits of Macau's gaming industry attracted the attention of Stanley Ho. At that time, Macau's gaming industry was dominated by the first generation of gambling king Fu Laorong, and even Ye Han, who was known as the "gambling saint", could not get a piece of the pie.

Gambling king Stanley Ho: 860,000 yuan of life-sustaining injections every day, and the golden silk nanmu coffin was unveiled for a shocking funeral

Stanley Ho knows that to make a difference in this field, he needs to wait for the right time.

The opportunity finally came in 1961. Fu Laorong passed away, and the franchise license of Macau's gaming industry expired and needed to be re-tendered. Stanley Ho is acutely aware that this is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

He quickly teamed up with Yip Hon, Yip Tak Lee and Fok Ying Tung, and the four of them co-founded Macau Tourism and Entertainment Limited, which participated in the bidding.

The bidding process was thrilling. Stanley Ho et al. only 1. A slight advantage of 20,000 yuan won and successfully obtained the franchise rights of "White Pigeon Ticket" and "Shop Ticket" in Macau.

Gambling king Stanley Ho: 860,000 yuan of life-sustaining injections every day, and the golden silk nanmu coffin was unveiled for a shocking funeral

However, the joy of victory has not yet fully blossomed, and the threat is already in place. The Fu family is deeply entrenched in Macau, and Stanley Ho has received death threats on several occasions.

In the face of threats, Stanley Ho has shown astonishing courage and courage. He publicly declared that anyone who could solve the assassination case against him within 48 hours would win a million-dollar prize.

This move not only demonstrated his courage, but also deterred potential threats.

With a wealth of contacts and a keen sense of business, Stanley Ho's casino quickly made a name for itself in Macau. He was bold and innovative, introducing a variety of new casino games that attracted a large number of high-end customers.

Gambling king Stanley Ho: 860,000 yuan of life-sustaining injections every day, and the golden silk nanmu coffin was unveiled for a shocking funeral

At the same time, he also pays attention to the welfare of employees and has won the loyalty of employees. Under his leadership, Macau Tourism & Entertainment Company Limited quickly became a leading player in Macau's gaming industry.

Stanley Ho's success is not only reflected in business, but also in his contribution to Macau society. His casinos create a large number of jobs in Macau, directly or indirectly feeding nearly one-third of the city's population.

At the same time, he is also actively involved in philanthropic undertakings and has made great contributions to the fields of education and medical care in Macau.

From an obscure businessman to Macau's new generation of gambling kings, Stanley Ho's success is no accident. He has the courage to seize opportunities, has the courage to face challenges, is good at managing contacts, and is proficient in business operations.

Gambling king Stanley Ho: 860,000 yuan of life-sustaining injections every day, and the golden silk nanmu coffin was unveiled for a shocking funeral

These qualities have made him stand out in the competitive gambling industry and become a legend of his time.

The success story of Stanley Ho is not only a personal legend, but also a microcosm of the development of Macau's gaming industry. His rise marked a new era for Macau's gaming industry and laid the foundation for Macau's prosperity and development.

Stanley Ho used his own experience to explain what it means to "opportunities only favor those who are prepared", and his legendary life has also become a role model for countless entrepreneurs.

In the eyes of the world, Stanley Ho is a powerful gambling king, but behind this glamorous identity, there is a little-known character - a sincere patriotic businessman.

Gambling king Stanley Ho: 860,000 yuan of life-sustaining injections every day, and the golden silk nanmu coffin was unveiled for a shocking funeral

As early as the Anti-Japanese War, the young Stanley Ho had already shown deep feelings for the motherland. In that turbulent era, he risked his life to secretly send smuggled materials to the front line to support the soldiers and civilians fighting on the front line of resistance against Japan.

This adventurous spirit and patriotic feelings are still burning in peacetime.

With the success of his career, Stanley Ho began to set his sights on the field of cultural preservation. In many international auctions, he often spares no expense to buy back national treasures that have been lost overseas.

Boxwood carved Dharma statues, bronze statues of horse heads, bronze sculptures and other precious cultural relics have returned to the embrace of the motherland with his efforts. These actions not only demonstrate his love for Chinese culture, but also his sense of social responsibility as a successful businessman.

Gambling king Stanley Ho: 860,000 yuan of life-sustaining injections every day, and the golden silk nanmu coffin was unveiled for a shocking funeral

In addition to the protection of cultural relics, Stanley Ho also set his sights on China's scientific and technological development. He devoted himself to building the Space Foundation to provide strong financial support for the country to cultivate professional aerospace science and technology talents.

This move not only promotes the development of China's aerospace industry, but also demonstrates Stanley Ho's foresight.

Due to his outstanding contributions in all aspects, Stanley Ho was elected as a member of the Standing Committee of the 9th and 11th National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, which is the best praise for his patriotic feelings.

During the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games, he was honored to be the torchbearer and carry the Olympic flame, which is undoubtedly the best interpretation of his patriotic feelings.

Gambling king Stanley Ho: 860,000 yuan of life-sustaining injections every day, and the golden silk nanmu coffin was unveiled for a shocking funeral

Stanley Ho's patriotic act is not only a simple monetary donation, but also the inheritance and promotion of Chinese culture. He explained what true patriotism is with practical actions, and also set an example for other successful businessmen.

Under the aura of the gambling king, Stanley Ho's image of a patriotic businessman also shines brightly and has become an indispensable part of his legendary life.

In 2009, a sudden accident completely changed the trajectory of Stanley Ho's life. At the residence of the fourth aunt, the gambling king, who was nearly ninety years old, accidentally fell and suffered a heavy head injury.

After being rushed to the hospital, Stanley Ho underwent a difficult brain surgery and then fell into a prolonged coma.

Gambling king Stanley Ho: 860,000 yuan of life-sustaining injections every day, and the golden silk nanmu coffin was unveiled for a shocking funeral

This incident immediately aroused widespread concern and speculation from all walks of life. There was even rumor that Stanley Ho had passed away, but these rumors were eventually proven to be false.

After a period of treatment, Stanley Ho miraculously reappeared in the public eye, showing his tenacious vitality.

Legend has it that Stanley Ho was able to weather the storm with a mysterious ritual called "Seed Seeding". This custom, which originates from Hakka culture, is said to be able to eliminate disasters and prolong life for the living.

Although the Ho family has never publicly responded to this rumor, someone in the local area did witness a stone tablet engraved with the words "Stanley Ho Ph.D. Student Foundation Blessed Land", adding a bit of mystery to the legend.

Gambling king Stanley Ho: 860,000 yuan of life-sustaining injections every day, and the golden silk nanmu coffin was unveiled for a shocking funeral

In the 11 years from 2009 to 2020, Stanley Ho's investment in healthcare has been staggering. According to conservative estimates, his total medical expenditure in the past 11 years is as high as 1.4 billion yuan.

The senior ward where he lives is equipped with 7 top-notch nursing teams, and the daily cost is 10,000 yuan. In addition, the Ho family has also hired 8 well-known doctors to take care of his various organs.

The most striking thing is the brain injection worth 860,000 yuan, and Stanley Ho has to inject one injection every day. This kind of sky-high medical expenses is simply astronomical for ordinary people, but for the wealthy gambling king Stanley Ho, it is just a string of numbers.

In his opinion, nothing is more precious than life.

Gambling king Stanley Ho: 860,000 yuan of life-sustaining injections every day, and the golden silk nanmu coffin was unveiled for a shocking funeral

In the past 11 years, Stanley Ho seems to be making a final gamble with death. He is racing against time with money and tenacious willpower, fighting for every minute and every second of his life.

Even as his health deteriorated, he still maintained his love for life and his expectations for the future.

In 2022, gambling king Stanley Ho finally left this world. However, his saga did not end there. A month and a half after his death, a grand ceremony known as the "funeral of the century" was held in Macau, drawing a final end to the legend.

The scale of this funeral is breathtaking. A sea of imported flowers with a total value of more than 2 million yuan was laid on the site, setting off a solemn and gorgeous atmosphere.

Gambling king Stanley Ho: 860,000 yuan of life-sustaining injections every day, and the golden silk nanmu coffin was unveiled for a shocking funeral

Stanley Ho's resting place, a coffin made of top-quality golden silk nanmu, is worth 8 million yuan, demonstrating his noble status. The total cost of the entire funeral is conservatively estimated to be a staggering 50 million yuan, which is the highest in the century.

The funeral was attended by an equally strong line-up of guests, bringing together many well-known figures from the political and business worlds, as well as many superstars from the entertainment industry to mourn. This not only reflects the influence of Stanley Ho during his lifetime, but also the highest tribute to his life's achievements.

With the departure of Stanley Ho, the golden age of Macau's gambling industry seems to have come to an end. However, his legendary story, business acumen and patriotic feelings will forever be etched in people's memories.

This funeral of the century is not only a tribute to Stanley Ho's life, but also the end of an era, marking a new chapter in Macau and even the entire Chinese community.

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