
TVB artist couple immigrated to the UK, vowed to open a farm, and now the halo of second-hand clothes celebrities is gone

author:Fish fun entertainment

That TVB star couple turned to sell second-hand clothes, what a magical change?

Hey, ladies and gentlemen, what I brought to you today is definitely a wonderful drama! think

No, it's those originally glamorous TVB artists, but now they have changed their careers to sell second-hand clothes!

This news is simply more thrilling than the popcorn I ate yesterday!

TVB artist couple immigrated to the UK, vowed to open a farm, and now the halo of second-hand clothes celebrities is gone

Twists and turns: From Vanity Fair to the second-hand clothing market

Once upon a time, Lin Shijie and Ouyang Qiaoying were bright stars on the TVB screen, and they were loved by the audience as hosts and actors.

TVB artist couple immigrated to the UK, vowed to open a farm, and now the halo of second-hand clothes celebrities is gone

Time flies, but now the couple has chosen to start a very different chapter of their lives in the UK, opening a second-hand clothing market.

Their transformation is both surprising and impressive.

As former hosts, they are glamorous, standing in the center of the stage, and attracting all attention.

And now, they put down their star halo and go into ordinary life, running small stalls and selling second-hand clothes.

TVB artist couple immigrated to the UK, vowed to open a farm, and now the halo of second-hand clothes celebrities is gone

This change not only shows their courage and love for life, but also reflects their concern and support for environmental protection.

A unique choice: Leave your hometown to chase your dreams

It is said that in 2013, Ouyang Qiaoying won the "Miss Friendship" crown for a beauty contest, which is not only a symbol of her beauty and wisdom, but also opens a door to her acting career.

TVB artist couple immigrated to the UK, vowed to open a farm, and now the halo of second-hand clothes celebrities is gone

Naturally, she signed a contract with TVB and quickly became a high-profile artist.

And Lin Shijie, as the second generation of stars, has attracted much attention since his debut, and quickly gained a firm foothold in the entertainment industry with his outstanding talent and the aura of his father.

Although the scenery on the screen is infinite, behind the glamorous, TVB's work life is not satisfactory.

TVB artist couple immigrated to the UK, vowed to open a farm, and now the halo of second-hand clothes celebrities is gone

High levels of stress, busy schedules, and monotonous lifestyles make them feel physically and mentally exhausted.

Faced with the boring life of day after day, the couple began to think about the direction and possibilities of the future.

In 2021, they made a bold decision to migrate to the UK and start a new journey in life.

TVB artist couple immigrated to the UK, vowed to open a farm, and now the halo of second-hand clothes celebrities is gone

In the UK, they chose to open a second-hand clothing marketplace and embarked on a very different career path.

Despite being a far cry from the celebrity lives of the past, the experience allowed them to find a new joie de vivre and meaning.

They hand-pick and arrange each garment, meet customers face-to-face, and experience an unprecedented sense of satisfaction and fulfillment.

TVB artist couple immigrated to the UK, vowed to open a farm, and now the halo of second-hand clothes celebrities is gone

This market is not only a means for them to make a living, but also a platform for them to showcase their creativity and convey their environmental ideas.

The challenge is coming: from the farm to second-hand clothes

Oh, life, it's so unpredictable!

Lin Shijie and Ouyang Qiaoying originally planned to open a farm and run a homestay in the United Kingdom, imagining an idyllic picture of life.

TVB artist couple immigrated to the UK, vowed to open a farm, and now the halo of second-hand clothes celebrities is gone

However, the sudden outbreak of the epidemic disrupted all the good plans.

Travel restrictions and social distancing measures put their dreams up in the bustle.

In the face of the sudden predicament, they were not discouraged, but quickly adjusted their mentality and replanned for the future.

After some thought, they decided to open a second-hand clothing market in the UK instead.

TVB artist couple immigrated to the UK, vowed to open a farm, and now the halo of second-hand clothes celebrities is gone

This choice not only allowed them to continue pursuing their careers, but also provided them with a new stage to showcase their creativity and environmental philosophy.

Redefining life: from bitter to sweet

Hey, don't underestimate selling second-hand clothes, it's also an attitude to life!

Although at the beginning, Lin Shijie and Ouyang Qiaoying faced various difficulties, such as language barriers, culture shock, etc., they did not back down.

TVB artist couple immigrated to the UK, vowed to open a farm, and now the halo of second-hand clothes celebrities is gone

Instead, they bravely faced the challenges and adapted to their new environment, gradually finding their footing in the UK.

The language barrier made them difficult to communicate at first, but they gradually improved their English through learning and practice.

The impact of cultural differences has also broadened their horizons and taught them to appreciate and integrate into the local way of life.

TVB artist couple immigrated to the UK, vowed to open a farm, and now the halo of second-hand clothes celebrities is gone

Through hard work day by day, they not only adapt to this unfamiliar environment, but also continue to grow and improve in the process.

Today, their second-hand clothing market is thriving.

Every day, they are busy in front of the stall, carefully sorting every piece of clothing, and patiently receiving every customer.

TVB artist couple immigrated to the UK, vowed to open a farm, and now the halo of second-hand clothes celebrities is gone

They find satisfaction, a sense of accomplishment, and more importantly, they find their own happiness.

In their busy time, they are always smiling and enjoying a simple and fulfilling life.

Conclusion: A miracle on the road to chasing dreams

Life is like a drama, there are always surprises and twists.

The story of Lin Shijie and Ouyang Qiaoying tells us that no matter what difficulties we encounter, as long as we dare to pursue our dreams, we will definitely find our own way out.

In this world, there is no absolute failure, only people who refuse to give up.

TVB artist couple immigrated to the UK, vowed to open a farm, and now the halo of second-hand clothes celebrities is gone

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