
Linwu: The "agriculture and photovoltaic complementation" migrant village has a new look

author:Red Network Chenzhou Station

Red Net Moment News, June 27 (Linwu County Financial Media Center Reporter Huang Lingyan Hu Henghui) The development of the "sunshine" industry and the sharing of the "sunshine" economy is an important measure to help migrant villages expand their collective economic income. In recent years, the Linwu County Reservoir Area Immigration Affairs Center has built 17 small distributed rooftop photovoltaic power stations in the county, so that photovoltaic power panels can become "power banks" in rural construction, light up the "green economy", and empower the comprehensive revitalization of the countryside.

In Huangnidong Natural Village, Shangxiahuang Village, Wanshui Township, Linwu County, rows of photovoltaic solar panels are scattered, shining under the sun, and through the action of light, these photovoltaic solar panels will be converted into electricity and sent to the power grid to various places. Through the mobile phone applet, village cadres can grasp and understand the current power generation and income situation.

Huang Zhuwen, secretary of the party branch of Shanghuang Village, Wanshui Township, said that photovoltaic power generation now has an income of more than 100,000 yuan a year, which has brought great help to the collective economy of the village.

There are three migrant natural villages in Shangxiahuang Village, namely Huangnidong, Shiling and Opposite River, due to the single and non-scale migrant industry, the collective economic income is weak and the development is lagging behind. At the end of last year, the Linwu County Reservoir District Resettlement Affairs Center installed a small distributed rooftop photovoltaic power station with an installed capacity of 190 kilowatts in three natural villages, and one power station can generate 1,500 hours of electricity a year.

Linwu: The "agriculture and photovoltaic complementation" migrant village has a new look

Photovoltaic panels for immigrants in the reservoir area of Linwu County.

The photovoltaic power generation industry has the advantages of ecological and environmental protection, stable income and quick results, convenient management, and long income duration. In recent years, the Linwu County Reservoir Area Immigration Affairs Center has continued to invest 6.98 million yuan in support funds to build 17 small distributed rooftop photovoltaic power stations in Puxia, Huangnidong and other villages, with an installed capacity of about 1,580kW and an estimated annual income of 1.05 million yuan.

Huang Huabo, a villager of Huangnidong Natural Village, Shanghuang Village, Wanshui Township, has rented and developed more than 200 acres of wasteland in the local area for "tobacco rice rotation" since 2022.

Linwu: The "agriculture and photovoltaic complementation" migrant village has a new look

Flue-cured tobacco growers in migrant villages harvest tobacco leaves.

This year, Huang Huabo's flue-cured tobacco ushered in a bumper harvest, which is the prosperity of picking. In the past, through the rotation of tobacco rice, nearly 60,000 yuan of land transfer rent, more than 16,000 yuan of flue-cured tobacco subsidies, and nearly 80,000 yuan of odd worker wages were paid to the village every year.

Through industrial assistance, technical training, financial support and other measures, in recent years, many migrant villages have successively developed characteristic agriculture. In Yuantian Migrant Natural Village, Dijiang Village, Huatang Township, during this time, the local melon base ushered in a bumper harvest, and local immigrants can increase their income by thousands of yuan every year through land shares.

Linwu: The "agriculture and photovoltaic complementation" migrant village has a new look

Growers picking melons in the melon planting greenhouse.

There are a total of 6,017 medium-sized reservoir immigrants in Linwu County, mainly in the 60s when the Changhe and Wanshuidong reservoirs were built, the people who moved out of the reservoir area, the population distribution is uneven, relatively concentrated in Wanshui, Huatang, Shunfeng, Xiyao 4 townships, 100 people and above there are 17 migrant villages. After years of support, the water, electricity, roads, networks, farmland and water conservancy and other public facilities in the migrant villages of Linwu County have been gradually improved, the production and life of the migrants have become more and more stable, and the living environment has been greatly improved. In order to enable the majority of immigrants to master a skill, broaden employment channels, increase income and get rich, the Linwu County Reservoir District Immigration Affairs Center will carry out various types of employment skills training with different themes every year, last year, multiple measures were taken to carry out more than 120 practical skills and employment skills training for immigrants, 668,500 yuan of vocational education and training funds were issued, and more than 20 migrant workers were sent out.

"In the next stage, we will continue to improve the public infrastructure of the migrant villages and improve the living environment. At the same time, we should promote the cultivation of talents, drive immigrants to learn, master new knowledge and new skills, promote employment, encourage immigrants to seek work and start businesses independently, and overcome the idea of waiting, relying on and demanding. Vigorously support the development of diversified industries in migrant villages, strengthen the collective economy of villages, and ensure the sustainable development of migrant villages. Huang Zhuling, director of the Immigration Affairs Center of the reservoir area of Linwu County, said.

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